SANAA, Sep. 7 (Saba) - The Cancer Patients Association on Monday organized a stand protest in front of the United Nations headquarters in the capital Sanaa.
The step came upon the World Health Organization (WHO)'s disregard for the suffering of cancer patients and turning a blind eye to their tragic conditions.
Patients in the stand protest considered the WHO's negligence in cancer patients' conditions in collusion with the aggression coalition which continues to commit its crimes and its unjust blockade on the Yemeni people deprived cancer patients of their right to travel abroad for treatment.
A statement issued by the patients elucidated that the WHO has given up its responsibility and its humanitarian and legal role as well as ignored the lives of many cancer patients that contributed to increasing their suffering by not fulfilling its previous promises and obligations in providing medicines and the linear accelerator device for radiation therapy, which is considered one of the most important needs in light of the increasing number of patients, especially cancer patients; as there is only one old device that is not working due to the blockade; as well as providing an MRI machine, medicines, and other equipment and devices that the WHO did not provide.
The statement called on the UN and WHO to take responsibility for the life-threatening suffering of more than 40,000 cancer patients.
The statement called for fulfilling their promises and obligations to provide the therapeutic supplies of diagnostic and radiological medical devices and equipment and medicines so as to prop up the health services provided to patients and save their lives.
It also called upon the WHO to put pressure on the aggression coalition countries to quickly open Sanaa International Airport before patients in order to travel and receive treatment abroad.

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