SANA'A February 23. 2023 (Saba) - The Yemeni anti-aggression parties alliance has condemned the storming of Nablus city by the Zionist enemy forces Nablus.
The Zionist storming committed a brutal massacre, resulting in the death and injury of dozens of Palestinians.
The alliance strongly condemned the crime committed by the Zionist regime's air force by bombing residential neighborhoods in the Syrian capital, Damascus, which resulted in civilian casualties.
It pointed out that the Israeli enemy would not have persisted in its attacks on Syria and persisted in committing its crimes against the Palestinian people had it not been for the continuous and direct American sponsorship and the complicity of the normalized and treacherous of the Arab regimes.
The alliance called on the free peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation and its people to support all the forces of resistance and anti-Zionism and its followers.
It urged the support of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance factions in all possible tracks that give them more strength and determination on the path to continue the holy jihad, expelling the occupation and restoring the usurped right.
resource : Saba

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