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  Revolution Leader
Revolution leader in his speech to millions crowds on Prophet’s birthday anniversary   announces first stage of radical change
Revolution leader in his speech to millions crowds on Prophet’s birthday anniversary announces first stage of radical change
Revolution leader in his speech to millions crowds on Prophet’s birthday anniversary announces first stage of radical change
[Wed, 27 Sep 2023 21:01:03 +0300]

SANA'A September 27.2023 (Saba)-The revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, announced that the first stage of radical change is the formation of a government of competencies that embodies national partnership, in which the bloated structure is modernized, sterile and obstructive mechanisms and procedures are changed, policies and work methods are corrected in a way that achieves the goal of serving the people and achieves official and popular integration in advancing the country and addressing economic problems .

In his speech today on Prophet’s birthday anniversary , the Revolution Leader affirmed that the path of radical change to reform state institutions depends on the sincere affiliation and faith identity of the Yemeni people and is enlightened by the light of God, his Noble Book, and following his Noble Messenger.

He advised the aggression coalition to end their aggression and siege on the Yemeni people and stop depriving them of their oil and gas wealth, which they desperately need for salaries, health, education, humanitarian, service and development needs, as well as ending the occupation and addressing the war files, by completing the prisoner exchange and reconstruction.

He stressed that the consequences will be dire for the Yemeni people. If the coalition insists on continuing the occupation, siege, and aggression against Yemen.

He pointed out that the Yemeni people possess elements of strength, the first of which is their reliance on God, their values of faith, and their adherence to their just cause, which qualifies them for victory and persecution of enemies. Accordingly, the real interest of the coalition countries is to respond to the peace efforts undertaken by the Authority of Oman.

The Revolution Leader expressed congratulations and blessings to the Yemeni people and the Islamic nation on the greatest occasion celebrated by human society, the anniversary of the blessed birth of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace.

He addressed the millions celebrating the Prophet’s birthday, “I sacrifice my soul for you, O people of loyalty, O people of faith and wisdom.” Pointing out that God Almighty sent his Messenger as a mercy to the worlds to bring people out of darkness into light, save them from ignorance, liberate them from slavery to the tyrant, and guide them to God’s straight path.

He explained that the birth of the Messenger represented the birth of light , the arrival of goodness and salvation, at a time when the entire world was in a dark reality, ignorant ignorance, and clear misguidance.

The revolution leader touched on the indications and introductions to the blessed birth, represented by the incident of the elephant companions, the upbringing of the Messenger of God, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, and the divine care he received.

He Pointed out that the Messenger sought to achieve the sacred goal of liberating human society, and freedom cannot be achieved except by following him, faith in its message , imitation of the light of God, the Holy Qur’an, and anything other than that is darkness.

He stated that the Messenger, may God’s prayers, peace be upon him and his family, was moved by the light of the Qur’an to change concepts and the dark reality, and to restore human dignity through the verses of God Almighty, which clarify the place , role of man , the prohibitions related to himself, his honor, and his wealth.

Sayyed, Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi pointed out that the extent of the darkness and the obscurantist, satanic attack led by the Jewish-Zionist lobby and its followers has reached a dangerous level of disgrace to human dignity and corruption on earth.

He explained that the promotion of homosexuality adopted by the United Nations, America, Israel, and European regimes is an attempt to dismantle Human society and emptying man of his human dignity with the aim of controlling him.

He pointed out that the Holy Qur’an came with the correct concept of responsibility and regulating the relationship and treatment with members of human society on correct foundations.
He pointed out also that the value of Islamic affiliation and the legacy of the divine message requires Muslims to have a distinct role in moving in the light of God, following the example of the Messenger of God, and confronting the forces of evil by all legitimate means, tyranny and arrogance.

He stressed that is the role to protect Muslims first and strengthens their global role to save the rest of the peoples and nations. He said, “As far as the evil octopus represented by the Jewish lobby, America, Israel, and those who are loyal to them has reached the level of evil and corruption, the responsibility necessitates educating our peoples to do their part in conveying God’s light to the rest of the peoples' world.”

The revolution leader pointed out that negligence in fulfilling responsibility, turning away from Qur’an, and estrangement from the Book of God and his Messengers have disastrous consequences and dire consequences that cause God’s wrath.

He said, "Our dear people of faith, in their great and unprecedented commemoration of the birth anniversary of the Seal of the Prophets and the Master of Messengers, declare to the entire world their adherence to the divine message and their firm belief in Holy Qur’an as a method, constitution and in the Messenger of God as a role model and leader."

He explained that the Yemeni people have suffered for decades from injustice, deprivation, wrong policies, and the lack of a civilizational project as a result of the conspiracies of their enemies from abroad and their agents from within. They are people worthy of goodness, with their ancient civilizational history and their pioneering role in the eternal march of Islam since the dawn of Islam and throughout history.

He stated that the aggression launched by the coalition was among its goals to prevent any correction that would build the country on the foundations of its faith identity, achieve independence and freedom for it, and move towards a civilizational renaissance, after they worked to ensure that Yemen was governed by external guardianship, subject to Clause Seven, and in compliance with the Gulf initiative, which he replaced at the time in place of the Yemeni constitution. Its provisions and decisions were above the constitution, and under the title of reconciliation, anything from the constitution that did not agree with it was suspended.

The revolution leader stated that the correct structure must have a correct and comprehensive foundation that all Yemenis believe in and that strengthens partnership among them, and is not limited to the benefit of a party or faction and does not fall into the realm of regionalism, racism, or sectarianism.

He said, "In light of the circumstances that Yemen is experiencing and is suffering from the occupation of large parts of it, and the enemies are seeking to tear apart the social fabric of the people under racist, sectarian, regional, and political labels, and they are seeking to cut off parts of the country, what the Yemeni people believe in is in all parts of the country, north, south, east and west, and in “All its meanings are Holy Qur’an, and it is considered above all decisions and it is the basis on which we rely in the path of radical change.”

The Revolution Leaderp stressed, "Adherence to national partnership, the Islamic concept of Shura, the unity of the Yemeni people, and the universal concept of responsibility in which roles are integrated. We will not accept tyranny, nor individual, partisan, or sectarian tyranny."

He reaffirmed the steadfastness and adherence of the Yemeni people to the major issues of their nation, their condemnation of all forms of normalization with the Zionist enemy, their principled, religious and moral standing with the Palestinian people, their heroic mujahideen and their valiant resistance with the free people of the nation, the axis of resistance to liberate Palestine and the holy sites, especially the blessed Al-Aqsa and Holy Al-Quds.

He stated that the basis of success after the help and success of God Almighty is in the cooperation, understanding, awareness of the people , and their caution against the efforts of enemies to hinder every construction project, and caution against all slanderous haters.

He said, "Among the first phase with the restructuring of the government is the competencies of working to correct the situation of the judiciary, address its imbalances, provide it with qualified cadres of Islamic Sharia scholars , qualified academics, and open an effective path to complete the outstanding and stalled issues."

Sayyed, Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi added at the conclusion of his speech, “We will, God willing, continue to keep pace with practical follow-up and words until the first stage of radical change is accomplished. We have been keen to present the most important things that will bring the nation together and improve the situation through understanding, interaction, acceptance, with sincere advice and a sure keenness to Our people, whom we love and seek to serve, bring us closer to God Almighty.”


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Tue, 01 Apr 2025 00:29:15 +0300