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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Southern leaders: Movements of Saudi Arabia & UAE in occupied governorates aim to undermine unity
Southern leaders: Movements of Saudi Arabia & UAE in occupied governorates aim to undermine unity
Southern leaders: Movements of Saudi Arabia & UAE in occupied governorates aim to undermine unity

SANA'A June 02. 2024 (Saba) - Leaders from the southern governorates revealed dangerous agendas being implemented by the aggression and occupation states, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, in the occupied governorates to target the unity and sovereignty of Yemen.

A number of leaders and governors of the southern governorates, through their participation and the working papers they presented in the symposium organized by the local authorities in the southern governorates entitled “Yemeni unity and its national and strategic importance,” pointed to the influence struggle that Saudi Arabia is waging with the UAE in the occupied governorates through the establishment of more armed militias in the occupied governorates, a framework for exploiting the southern issue.

In this context, the southern leader Maher Al-Qadri pointed out that Abu Dhabi and Riyadh emptied the southern movement of its peacefulness and created southern militias working to implement their agenda that aims to restore history in the south not only to before May 22, 1990 AD, as the mercenaries loyal to the UAE imagine, but to what is much further than that, and before November 30, 1967, and October 14, 1963 AD.

He stressed that the indicators on the ground indicate that the conspiracy being hatched by Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the occupied southern governorates is bigger than the southern issue.

He stated that after the September 21 liberal revolution that rejected any guardianship, subordination, or external interference in Yemeni affairs, Saudi Arabia felt, especially after the fall of its agents, that The arms that enable it to intervene in Yemen have been cut off, so it announced its brutal aggression against Yemen, which it considered an opportunity that will not be repeated to undermine Yemeni unity and weaken Yemeni society and the Yemeni state in general.

He said, "Riyadh, along with the UAE state and those who allied with them and supported them logistically, led by America, Israel, and Western countries, sought to control the ports and airports."

Al-Qadri pointed out that Saudi Arabia and the UAE worked over the years of aggression to change the conditions in Yemen, which led to the emergence of a type of fragmentation and divisions that now threaten Yemeni unity.

The most prominent of these interventions was the transfer of the Central Bank to Aden, and the formation of militias supported by the UAE affiliated with what is known as the Transitional Council.
In addition to the latter tightening its direct and indirect control over vital and strategic locations, most of which are coastal, such as the Socotra Archipelago, Maimun Island, and the main ports in the country such as the ports of Aden, Balhaf, and Qishn in Al-Mahra.

He added, "Saudi forces entered the governorates of Al-Mahra and Hadhramaut, coinciding with Riyadh's seizing of large areas of Yemeni territory estimated at 45,000 square kilometers in the Hadhramaut desert, and its removal of border marks with the aim of getting closer to the Arabian Sea, seeking to separate Hadhramaut and Al-Mahra from Yemen."

Leader Maher Al-Qadri confirmed that the UAE, like Saudi Arabia, supports secession for the same reason, which is to ensure that there is no strong Yemen, believing that it poses a threat to its interests. That is why it worked in 2017 to form the so-called “Transitional Council,” which Abu Dhabi sponsors financially and militarily. Politically, as an entity, its primary goal is to demand secession.

He added, "The UAE has more than one reason to divide Yemen, and one of those reasons its ambition to expand its regional influence across waterways."

Over the past years, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have worked by all means to tear apart Yemeni unity, three decades after achieving it, regardless of the feelings of the Yemeni people who cling to the achievement of unity for which they fought long struggles, during which they made great sacrifices.

Nine years after the aggression coalition failed to achieve any of its military goals, and with the growing awareness of the Yemeni street and its awareness of the malicious goals of the aggression, the aggression countries moved to the square of legitimizing militias by forming a presidential council consisting of seven members, most of whom are militia leaders loyal to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

According to the governor of Hadhramaut, Luqman Paras, and the southern leader, Al-Qadiri, since the beginning of the aggression against Yemen, Riyadh has been keen to keep Hadhramaut, the valley and the desert, away from the conflict, because it is aware that the forces present there are loyal to it.

They pointed out that, as a result of the movements of the Transitional Council, supported by the UAE, and its pledge to control the valley and the desert during the past two years, Riyadh worked to keep Hadramaut under its guardianship, in addition to reviving several old regional projects.

Paras and Al-Qadri explained that the Kingdom is trying, through its movements in Hadramaut, to return to achieving agendas that date back to the early sixties of the last century. Saudi Arabia had previously annexed the Thamud oil region to its lands, after the Pan American company proved in 1961 the presence of large quantities of oil in the Thamud Desert, this sparked Riyadh's desire to annex the directorate to it.

Over the past decades, Saudi Arabia has stood, through its various hands, in preventing the extraction of oil wealth in Thamud, and it had previously stopped oil exploration work in the border strip between Sharurah and Hadramaut over the past decades.

Paras and Al-Qadri believe that Saudi Arabia may enable the mercenary government and the so-called “transitional” government to exercise a formal role in managing the governorates of Aden, Abyan, Al-Dhalea and Lahj.

They considered Saudi Arabia's announcement last year, specifically on the eve of the 56th anniversary of Independence Day, November 30, 1967 AD, of the completion of the establishment of a supreme body for the state of Hadramaut, as a clear message that Riyadh seeks to implement the project of dividing Yemen into mini-states.

They pointed out that the danger of this move is that it comes within the framework of political movements aimed at the independence of Hadrami decision-making after completing the formation of political bodies with clear Saudi and American support.

Saudi Arabia so-called “Hadhramaut National Council” two years ago after consultations that lasted for months in the capital, Riyadh, under the pretext of confronting the demands of the UAE's Southern Transitional Council in Aden, under this rhythm, it sought to create new entities through which it would try to wrest Hadhramaut from Yemen, taking advantage of the division and aggression that the country is exposed to it.

Under more than one justification, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are working to strike Yemeni unity and fragment the country, so that Riyadh can annex parts of the most important, richest, and largest Yemeni governorates, while Abu Dhabi takes over the Yemeni islands and ports .

In this regard, the Governor of Aden, Tariq Salam explained that the movements of the aggression and occupation states in the southern governorates are an extension of what prevailed during the past decades, when the previous regimes of Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and America facilitated controlling the course of events in Yemen.

He pointed out that achieving unity came as an inevitable necessity and in accordance with popular will in order to restore national sovereignty and the independence of Yemeni decision-making away from external tensions and ambitions. However, foreign powers resumed their interventions in Yemen through puppet regimes that made Yemen a state affiliated with Saudi Arabia and the forces of arrogance and unable to defend it.

Salam touched on the financial and military support that the UAE provides to its armed militias in the occupied governorates and the western coast with the aim of implementing its dangerous agendas to destabilize Yemen.

He said, "In addition to this, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are launching systematic media campaigns to distort Yemeni unity and provoke regional conflicts, which have had serious repercussions on the people of the northern governorates as a result of the criminal practices carried out by the armed militias supported by the UAE."

Governor Salam confirmed that the councils, entities and regional blocs being formed in more than one southern governorate and supported by Saudi Arabia and the UAE aim to carry out sabotage acts targeting Yemeni unity.

In turn, a member of the Supreme Council of the Southern Revolutionary Movement, Dr. Muhammad al-Numani pointed out that Saudi Arabia and the UAE had attracted, since the beginning of the aggression, puppet forces that sought unity and later worked to exploit them for their personal interests until they brought the country to a difficult stage.

He stated that one of the most dangerous moves by Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the governorates the establishment of more than 150 Salafist centers in Aden and many others in Al-Mahra and Hadramaut, through which they seek to create sectarian conflicts that did not exist in Yemen.

He pointed to the importance of strengthening the revolutionary awareness that began to form in the occupied governorates after everyone there became aware of the impossibility of achieving any development or stability in light of the continued occupation.

He said, "What was not achieved in 1967 and 1990 at the level of liberation and confrontation of hegemonic forces has become achieved today thanks to the corrective September 21 revolution, which came with free national leadership."

Dr. Al-Numani confirmed that Yemen, which had not used its strategic location throughout the years of aggression against it, finally used this location to confront the Zionist enemy and the forces of arrogance, America and Britain.

The governors and leaders of the southern governorates unanimously agreed that the talk about secession now comes within the context of a regional project whose agenda is adopted by Abu Dhabi, the strategic ally of Saudi Arabia.

They stressed that the solution to Yemeni problems, including the southern issue, lies in a Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue that ends all remnants of the past and strengthens national unity.

They also stressed that the colonial projects that were exposed during the past years require all free Yemenis who love their homeland to stand united against all projects of divisions and to rally around the revolutionary leadership represented by the leader of the revolution, al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, who stressed in many of his speeches adherence to the option of Yemeni unity and resolving the issue, the South is a fair solution.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Thu, 27 Jun 2024 23:11:43 +0300