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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Hajj season's victims exceed thousand... & Saudi regime is not worthy serving Hajj
Hajj season's victims exceed thousand... & Saudi regime is not worthy serving Hajj
Hajj season's victims exceed thousand... & Saudi regime is not worthy serving Hajj

SANA'A June 26. 2024 (Saba) - The death toll among pilgrims this year exceeded a thousand pilgrims, according to a tally collected by Agence France-Presse from the authorities of Arab , Asian countries and diplomats, one of whom indicated that most of the victims of the Hajj season are from Egypt and Indonesia.

In this context, the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik bin Badr al-Din al-Houthi, in his speech today, Thursday, offered his condolences and sympathy to the Egyptian and Indonesian peoples, and to all the peoples who suffered victims of this year’s Hajj season as a result of the negligence of the Saudi regime.

Sayyed Leader said: The Saudi regime blackmails the pilgrims to the House of God with huge sums of money under the pretext of providing services, and then with deliberate negligence leads to hundreds of victims... adding: The Saudi regime has turned its interest in promiscuity and debauchery parties, in exchange for a decline in its interest in the pilgrims to the Holy House of God.

He stressed that the Saudi regime is not worthy of serving Hajj and achieving its great Qur’anic and Islamic goals.

He pointed out that there is a great role for Hajj , Umrah and a fundamental role for the Holy House of God, which the Saudi regime does not have the competence to supervise and activate in the reality of Muslims. The political ceiling of the Saudi regime is subject to the American will, courting the Zionist enemy and allying with the enemies of Muslims.

According to the toll issued by about ten countries through official statements or diplomats involved in the search for victims, the number of deaths during the Hajj season this year reached 1,081, and the number includes 658 Egyptians, 183 Indonesians, 68 Indians, 60 Jordanians, 35 Tunisians, 13 from Iraqi Kurdistan, 11 Iranians, and three Senegalese. 35 Pakistanis, 14 Malaysians, and one Sudanese.

Today, Thursday, relatives of pilgrims of different nationalities continue to search for their loved ones who went missing while performing the fifth duty in Islam, in Saudi hospitals, and are publishing appeals on social media sites seeking to obtain any information about their loved ones, while they are gripped by intense fear of the worst with the increasing number of deaths.

Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said: There is a work cell to follow up and manage the crisis of deaths of Egyptian pilgrims, based on the assignments of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

Today, the Egyptian government decided a number of decisions regarding the crisis of the deceased Egyptian pilgrims in the Holy Land, most notably: forming a work cell to follow up and manage the crisis of deaths of Egyptian pilgrims, providing support and assistance to the families of the deceased, studying the reasons for what happened and working to prevent it from recurring, while an investigation was opened with the companies. Which arranged the travel of deceased pilgrims away from regular frameworks

While activists on social media circulated reports about deaths among the ranks of pilgrims of the Egyptian Hajj delegation this year, which sparked interaction, and social media platforms were filled with pictures and video clips of deaths and injuries among Egyptian pilgrims during the performance of Hajj rituals.

A member of the Egyptian House of Representatives called for the rapid formation of a fact-finding committee from the concerned authorities to find out the truth about the phenomenon of high deaths among Egyptian pilgrims this year, as well as the high numbers of missing people during the Hajj season.

In the same context, the Minister of Immigration and Affairs of Egyptians Abroad, Soha Gendy, revealed that the Ministry had received many people’s calls for help, and that there had been a significant increase in the number of deaths and missing persons, especially among the elderly, and also an increase in the number of missing persons while performing Hajj rituals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the loss of contact with their families in Egypt.

Videos spread of shocking scenes containing the bodies of pilgrims dumped on the side of the road, sparking anger on social media , questions about the reasons and health services for pilgrims, whose number approached two million people this year.

Sadness prevailed on social media sites in Egypt , the Arab world, and the large number of deaths sparked widespread reactions among Egyptian society, with many expressing their dissatisfaction and questions about the reasons for more than half of the deaths occurring among Egyptian pilgrims alone.

This sudden increase in the number of deaths came amid media reports that Saudi security forces arrested more than 300,000 people who were not registered to perform Hajj, and more than half of them came on tourist visas instead of official Hajj visas.

While reports indicate that there are other reasons related to poor organization and management, according to what activists and pilgrims monitored on social networking sites, and this raised questions about the effectiveness of organization and management on the part of the Saudi authorities concerned with providing guidance and services to pilgrims.

The Islamic Republic of Iran News Network announced on Tuesday that 11 Iranians were killed and 24 pilgrims were taken to hospital, without mentioning the cause of death.

While the Senegalese Press Agency said on Monday: Three Senegalese citizens died during the Hajj season.

It is worth noting that stampedes, tent fires, and other incidents have caused hundreds of deaths during Hajj over the past 30 years.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:05:22 +0300