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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Shura delegation visits martyr Commander Hussein Badr al-Din shrine
Shura delegation visits martyr Commander Hussein Badr al-Din shrine
Shura delegation visits martyr Commander Hussein Badr al-Din shrine

SANA'A June 26. 2024 (Saba) - A delegation from the Shura Council, headed by the representative of the Parliament and Shura Sector, Fadl Abu Talib, on Wednesday visited the shrine of the martyr Commander Hussein Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi in Saada Governorate.

Abu Talib, along with the Secretary-General of the Council, got to know Abd Al-Mughni and council members Saleh Baynoun, Abd Al-Khaliq Al-Mutawakkil, Muhammad Al-Nusayri, Ahmad Al-Zubayri, Muhammad Balghaith, Muslih Abu Sha`ar, Jamil Al-Jabri, Mansour Al-Mayasi, Muhammad Uwaidin Al-Ghouli, Saleh Al-Awairi, Hadi Al-Hamzi, Hamid Ayed, and Hadi Al-Razami and Salman Aufan, during the visit to the most prominent stations in the life of the martyr leader and the heroic epics that he and his companions fought in the Marran Mountains.

The visitors also learned about the extent of the oppression to which the martyr leader and his companions were subjected in the first war, and the targeting and destruction to which his home, his shrine, and the Maran area were subjected in the first war and the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression.

During its four-day visit to Sa'ada Governorate, the Shura Council delegation participated in the mass celebrations of Eid Al-Ghadir Al-Aghar, which were held in the Great Prophet Square, amid a large official and public presence.

The delegation also visited the shrine of the divine scholar Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi in Al-Saifi cemetery, and the cemetery of the martyr Zaid Ali Musleh, and Al-Fatiha was read over their souls and the souls of the martyrs.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 29 Jun 2024 22:48:35 +0300