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  US-Saudi Aggression
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In shuffle of cards.. Netanyahu overthrows Biden's deal & tries to drag America into his war
In shuffle of cards.. Netanyahu overthrows Biden's deal & tries to drag America into his war
In shuffle of cards.. Netanyahu overthrows Biden's deal & tries to drag America into his war

SANA'A June 26. 2024 (Saba) - The head of the government of the Zionist enemy entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, is once again trying to shuffle the cards and manipulate the issue of stopping the aggression on the Gaza Strip by dragging the United States of America into a wider conflict in the Middle East region due to the failure of his criminal gang and his war machine to achieve any achievement in the Strip in the face of the successive strikes of the Palestinian resistance.

US President Joe Biden had revealed in a report by the American "NBC News" network, during the past period, his fears that Netanyahu is trying to drag the United States further into a wider conflict, according to three sources familiar with Biden's statements.

The network quoted at the time two senior officials, one in the Biden administration and the other in the Ministry of War, that these fears are partly due to the lessons learned by the Biden administration from the way the usurping entity carried out its war on Gaza, as well as the bombing it carried out on Damascus.

Experts believe that Netanyahu's recent speech and statements about delaying the supply of weapons to the Zionist entity are specifically targeting US President Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate who is seeking a second term in the presidential elections next November, and thus in support of the Republicans and a hint to the "Zionist lobby" to support former Republican President Donald Trump, while Netanyahu remains in office until Trump reaches the White House.

However, the Biden administration has continued to provide unlimited support to the Zionist entity politically, economically, militarily and medially, and is holding accelerated meetings with senior Zionist officials, the latest of which was an invitation to Netanyahu to deliver a speech before Congress and a visit by the Zionist Minister of War to discuss the growing escalation in the region.

In the same context, Palestinian resistance factions are carrying out several ambushes on the Zionist enemy forces, destroying its tanks and military vehicles, and finishing off its soldiers from zero distance.

The Al-Qassam Brigades and the Al-Quds Brigades have recently carried out several well-planned ambushes on the Zionist enemy forces, and finished them off, after precise monitoring operations that last for several days or hours, destroying the enemy's positions and destroying its military vehicles and soldiers.

Al-Qassam recently announced that its fighters had killed Zionist soldiers at point-blank range, after chasing them inside the alleys of Al-Shabura camp in Rafah.

Speaking of a partial deal, Netanyahu said - in his first interview with a Zionist channel since the start of the aggression on October 7 - that he was ready to reach a deal in which he would recover the detainees held by Hamas and the rest of the factions, and then return to the war.

These statements deny the American confirmation that the Zionist entity had agreed to the agreement proposal presented by Biden at the end of last May, which stipulates a complete end to the war.

Later, Netanyahu returned and retracted his statements in which he refused to stop the war in Gaza in his speech before the Zionist "Knesset", stressing his commitment to the proposal presented by Biden, but in a trend that reveals his evasion and manipulation, Netanyahu added: Ending the war in Gaza is linked to eliminating Hamas and returning the settlers of the south and north to their homes, according to his description.

In other words, there is nothing in Netanyahu's statements and speeches that indicates a real intention or will to stop the aggression on the Gaza Strip, and to conclude a deal with Hamas to stop the criminal war, withdraw his forces, lift the siege, exchange prisoners, and rebuild and reconstruct, according to many experts.

Netanyahu's retraction of his contradictory statements comes after angry reactions, at a time when his Minister of War, Yoav Galant, is holding talks with officials in Washington.

Netanyahu said in a speech before the Knesset: "We are committed to the Zionist proposal that President Biden welcomed, and his position has not changed, but he added: Ending the war in Gaza is linked to eliminating Hamas and returning the settlers of the south and north to their homes.

The Zionist enemy media, quoting informed sources, confirm that Netanyahu's statements could sabotage the chances of reaching an agreement.

France and the United States have worked in the past few months to try to defuse the tension in the region, and Paris has submitted written proposals to both sides in the Lebanese resistance and the Zionist entity aimed at stopping the exchange of fire on the border.

French President Emmanuel Macron said on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy: "We agreed with the United States on the principle of a tripartite (contact group) that includes "Israel", the United States and France to move forward with the roadmap that we proposed, and we will do the same with the Lebanese authorities."

A senior French official said: There is an urgent need for the United States and France to intensify their efforts due to the dangerous escalation.

The American website Axios revealed on Wednesday intensive American efforts to prevent the ongoing escalation on the Lebanese front from turning into a comprehensive war. This is what the US administration is very concerned about.

US officials told the same website that the United States is concerned about Israel rushing into a war with Hezbollah without developing a clear strategy or considering the full repercussions if the conflict expands.

The White House believes that achieving a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip is the only thing that would significantly prevent the expansion of the clashes on the Lebanese front into a full-scale war.

In the midst of the very sensitive efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, Washington believes, according to Axios, that a full-scale Zionist war with Hezbollah would greatly exacerbate the regional crisis and drag the United States deeper into the conflict.

The Biden administration has warned the Zionist entity, in recent weeks, against the expansion of the war in Lebanon.. also warning that this means that Iran may intervene and support Lebanon with all its might.

The Lebanese resistance has increased its escalation on the southern borders of occupied Palestine in response to the assassination of four of its members, including Hezbollah leader Sami Talib Abdullah (Hajj Abu Talib) in a bombing that targeted the Jwayya area, south of Lebanon, launching dozens of missiles.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:09:38 +0300