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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Hamas calls for confronting destruction of homes by Zionist enemy in West Bank
Hamas calls for confronting destruction of homes by Zionist enemy in West Bank
Hamas calls for confronting destruction of homes by Zionist enemy in West Bank

OCCUPIED AL-QUDS June 26. 2024 (Saba) - The Islamic Resistance Movement called on Hamas to confront the Zionist enemy's policy of destroying Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank.

The movement said in a statement on Wednesday: The escalation of the Zionist enemy authorities to demolish homes in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem, and their implementation of 17 demolitions during the day, including 11 houses and facilities in the village of um al-Khair in Masafer Yatta in Hebron governorate, in addition to the demolition of dozens of homes and facilities during the past few days; is a Zionist crime.

The statement added that this crime is an extension of the criminal war waged by the extremist settler government against the Palestinian people and their presence on their land, while continuing its settlement expansion, and its support for settler attacks and attacks on Palestinian villages and towns in the occupied West Bank.

It called on the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Jerusalem to continue confronting the enemy's criminal policies, including demolitions, incursions, killings, arrests, attacks by herds of terrorist settlers, and escalating the state of engagement with this fascist enemy, until its demise from the land of Palestine and its holy sites.

It also called on the international community and the United Nations to shoulder their responsibilities and to take immediate action with all means to compel the criminal enemy government to stop its violations and terrorism against the Palestinian people.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 29 Jun 2024 19:52:51 +0300