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  US-Saudi Aggression
Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Mashaal: Putting Palestinian House in Order after Al-Aqsa Flood is Necessity that Cannot Be Postponed
Mashaal: Putting Palestinian House in Order after Al-Aqsa Flood is Necessity that Cannot Be Postponed
Mashaal: Putting Palestinian House in Order after Al-Aqsa Flood is Necessity that Cannot Be Postponed

BEIRUT June 26. 2024 (Saba) - The head of the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" abroad, Khaled Mashaal, said on Wednesday, that the "Al-Aqsa Flood" constitutes a real and influential shift towards the stage of liberation.

During a scientific symposium organized by the Al-Zaytouna Center for Studies and Consultations, on Wednesday evening, Mashaal stressed that "the entitlement to put the Palestinian house in order has become a necessary and inevitable matter after the Al-Aqsa Flood, and there is no room for postponing it."

Mashaal considered during his speech at the symposium, in which a group of heads of Palestinian studies and think tanks, experts and those interested in Palestinian affairs participated, that "putting the Palestinian house in order is not something we wait for until after the battle ends, but rather we must be busy with it and interact with it, while we are in the midst of the battle."

He added: "Those who were outside the battle and were waiting for the resistance to be defeated, what will be their weight after the end of the "Al-Aqsa Flood" and the victory of the resistance in Gaza. He pointed out that "the Palestinian resistance pays prices and sacrifices, but it achieves, while the settlement pays prices, losses and concessions without achieving, while the Zionist enemy continues to Judaize the land, holy sites and settlements."

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:09:38 +0300