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Abdul Salam meets with special envoy of Russian President
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Tomorrow evening, Wednesday. Arab, international tweets campaign launched to expose crimes of Zionism in Gaza
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Event in Al-Makhader in Ibb on anniversary of Wlaya Day
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Meeting in Hodeida for general mobilization in support of Palestinian people
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Teams qualified for semi-finals in Hajjah completed
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Palestinian Resistance continues to confront Zionist enemy forces in fighting axes in Gaza
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​For 270th day... Al-Qassam continues to confront enemy soldiers
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Iraqi forces destroy terrorist nest
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Israeli officer, soldier killed in resistance operation in Netzarim, south Gaza City
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Iranian authorities say 25 Iranian pilgrims died in Mecca, Mina, Medina
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Qualitative operations .. Palestinian resistance inflicted new losses on enemy
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Ben Gvir's provocative statements confirm that Zionist terrorism against prisoners was & still is official policy
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Satanic Zionist expansionism in WB blows up Oslo treaty and kills 'Two-State' solution
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3 Zionist ministers' resignations herald disintegration of Netanyahu's government
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After Pezeshkian's lead in first round.. Decisive round in Iranian presidential elections
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  US-Saudi Aggression
Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
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Health Ministry condemns aggression mercenaries' crime in Taiz
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Three women & two girls killed in drone strike belonging to aggression’s mercenaries in Taiz
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American-British aggression launch three raids on Hajjah
[15 March 2024]
Cultural evenings & events in Khadir & Haifan districts in Taiz on Guardianship anniversary
Cultural evenings & events in Khadir & Haifan districts in Taiz on Guardianship anniversary
Cultural evenings & events in Khadir & Haifan districts in Taiz on Guardianship anniversary

TAIZ June 30. 2024 (Saba) - In Taiz Province, a cultural evening was organized today ,Sunday, in Bedouin and Al-Salami subdistricts in Al-Rahida in Khadir District, and an event was organized in Al-Amour and Al-Zubayrah square in Al-Aruq subdistrict in Haifan District, on the anniversary of the day of Guardianship of Imam Ali, peace be upon him.

The speeches of the evening and the event emphasized the importance of loyalty, imitation, and following Imam Ali, peace be upon him, and his family, as it is the true extension, the right approach, and the straight path to protect the nation from the rule of the tyrant represented today by America, Israel, and the hypocrites.

They pointed out that the principle of guardianship is not a sectarian affiliation, but rather a practical behavior through imitating the life of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, and emulating his Qur’anic qualities and great morals, which he absorbed from the Messenger, may God’s prayers , peace be upon him , his family, from his childhood, was raised, grew, and nurtured under his care.

The words pointed out that Imam Ali was the key to the doors of guidance through Qur’an and the lessons of freedom, sacrifice, and fortifying the nation.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Tue, 02 Jul 2024 22:26:27 +0300