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  US-Saudi Aggression
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  About President
SPC reviews latest developments, highlighting security achievement in exposing largest American-Israeli spy network
SPC reviews latest developments, highlighting security achievement in exposing largest American-Israeli spy network
SPC reviews latest developments, highlighting security achievement in exposing largest American-Israeli spy network
[Mon, 01 Jul 2024 18:09:01 +0300]

SANA'A, July 01. 2024 (Saba) - The Supreme Political Council held a meeting on Monday chaired by His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi al-Mashat, President of the Council, to review a report presented by Major General Abdulhakim al-Khiwani, Head of the Security and Intelligence Service, about the American-Israeli spy network that was recently uncovered. The media has published some of their confessions.

The report, supported by documents and evidence, revealed that Yemen has long been targeted by American and Israeli intelligence services, and this targeting persisted even after the September 21, 2014, revolution and the Yemeni leadership's serious efforts to build a strong, free, and independent Yemen. The intelligence services intensified their sabotage activities against Yemen and its capabilities.

Despite the end of American diplomatic presence and the closure of the embassy in Sana'a, American intelligence agencies continued their operations through the spy network and its various arms, using different methods and means through agents, spies, mercenaries, and organizations.

The report provided a detailed explanation of the plans and strategies employed by the enemy through various tracks and projects that were funded and directed to target the Yemeni people under different covers in the military, economic, health, political, educational, and cultural fields, among others.

The council praised the significant achievement made by the security agencies with God's guidance and assistance, expressing its gratitude and appreciation, and confirming its support for all upcoming steps. It noted that this achievement is a victory for all free people worldwide and exposes the aggressive American policies and spy diplomacy towards the peoples in different countries.

The council emphasized the importance of purging state institutions of any systematic infiltrations and sabotage activities and focusing on building a strong Yemeni state in the region, creating a safe homeland for all, and cutting off anyone who attempts to harm Yemen and its stability.

Given the simplicity of betrayal and treason in the past by client regimes, President al-Mashat directed the Security and Intelligence Service to grant a 30-day grace period from the date of this directive for anyone who voluntarily cooperates with the security service, who had any connection or cooperation with the American-Israeli spy network, to have all legal consequences dropped. They are to contact the security service via the number (100) to coordinate and pledge not to engage in any activity harmful to national security, providing guarantees for this.

Al-Mashat confirmed that after the specified period, anyone involved in treason will bear all consequences, and the maximum penalties will be imposed on them according to what the constitution dictates for anyone who betrays their country and nation.

The meeting also reviewed updates on the economic war led by the United States of America, executed by its clients in the government of mercenaries against the Yemeni people, aiming to deter them from their historic stance in supporting Palestine against the American-Zionist aggression that committed the most heinous massacres against the Palestinian people in Gaza, the West Bank, and all of Palestine.

The Supreme Political Council affirmed that all conspiracies will fail in the face of the resilience, determination, and bravery of the Yemeni people and their valiant armed forces, and that over nine years of facing the coalition of aggression and siege have strengthened the factors of power and steadfastness.

The council stressed that the Saudi regime must take responsibility for transporting the remaining Yemeni pilgrims departing through Sana'a Airport and returning them to it, not to any other airport, especially since Yemenia Airlines has covered what is related to insurance.

The meeting touched on the insistence of aggression tools in Yemenia Airlines under the government of mercenaries in Aden to create many problems, harm the company and its resources, discriminate between Yemeni passengers and ticket prices in Sana'a and Aden, prevent ticket sales in Sana'a, and other acts of sabotage that aim to destroy the company and all that entails.

The meeting praised the significant development revealed by the missile forces and the naval forces in the Yemeni armed forces, commending the heroic role of the armed forces in supporting the Palestinian people and confronting Zionist, American, and British arrogance in the seas and oceans, calling for the continuation of this support backed by the great Yemeni people until the aggression and siege on the Palestinian people cease.

The council condemned the Security Council decision biased towards the oppressor against the victim, praised the stances that rejected the decision and stood in solidarity with the Palestinian and Yemeni people, most notably the Algerian stance.

The council expressed its appreciation for the Russian and Chinese positions, hoping that the stances of the two friendly countries would develop to match the American and British aggression against the Yemeni people.

The council urged all Yemeni people to cooperate with security agencies and report any suspicious activity serving the enemy, and to be cautious of any propaganda and lies aiming to dismantle the social fabric.

The council congratulated the Yemeni people and the Arab and Islamic nations on the advent of the new Hijri year 1446, hoping it would be a year of victory and empowerment for the nation.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Wed, 03 Jul 2024 23:43:24 +0300