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Governor Al-Sufi reviews services provided at health center in Al-Jumaimah
[03 July 2024]
Joint Meeting Parties express their deepest condolences on death of Major General Baras
[03 July 2024]
Southern Movement Mourns Fighter, Major General Khaled Baras
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Event in Security Department of Al-Dhihar District in Ibb on anniversary of Wilayt Day
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Conclusion of training course in field of documentary cycle for court workers in Ibb
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Abu Hamza: We will treat enemy's prisoners in same way as our prisoners inside its prisons
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Zionist settler injured in run-over attack, young man shot south of Hebron
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Zionist Minister calls for reoccupation of Sinai Peninsula in Egypt
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11 Zionists killed, 153 injured in West Nile fever
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Zionist enemy destroys Ibn Othman Mosque in Shujaiya, second largest historical mosque in Gaza
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Biden administration persists in not recognizing ongoing Zionist aggression on Gaza
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On anniversary of his death. Yemen reaps fruits of movements of its divine scientist Sayyid Badreddine Al-Houthi
[03 July 2024]
Qualitative operations .. Palestinian resistance inflicted new losses on enemy
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Ben Gvir's provocative statements confirm that Zionist terrorism against prisoners was & still is official policy
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Satanic Zionist expansionism in WB blows up Oslo treaty and kills 'Two-State' solution
[01 July 2024]
  US-Saudi Aggression
Air defenses down American plane in Marib
[17 May 2024]
Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
[28 April 2024]
Health Ministry condemns aggression mercenaries' crime in Taiz
[27 April 2024]
Three women & two girls killed in drone strike belonging to aggression’s mercenaries in Taiz
[27 April 2024]
American-British aggression launch three raids on Hajjah
[15 March 2024]
Executive Office in Marib discusses service performance level and preparations for new academic year
Executive Office in Marib discusses service performance level and preparations for new academic year
Executive Office in Marib discusses service performance level and preparations for new academic year
[Mon, 01 Jul 2024 21:32:21 +0300]

MARIB July 01. 2024 (Saba) - In its meeting , headed by Governor Ali Taaiman, the Executive Office in Marib Province discussed today, Monday, the level of development and service performance and preparations for launching of new academic year.

The meeting reviewed the performance reports of a number of offices, the tasks carried out, the plans that would enhance performance level , as well as the difficulties and solutions necessary for them.

It touched on the mobilization efforts for the second phase of “Al-Aqsa Flood” campaign and the continued organization of events and marches in supporting the Palestinians and their valiant resistance.

Taaiman pointed out the importance of everyone sensing the requirements of this stage and redoubling efforts in mobilization, organizing marches, donation campaigns , support for the Palestinian resistance, and being prepared for any choices taken by the leadership in support of the oppressed Palestinian people.

The meeting approved a number of procedures and decisions related to strengthening mobilization efforts, good preparation for the new academic year, and addressing the conditions of the educational sector, as well as activating cooperative societies in the directorates and encouraging community initiatives.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Wed, 03 Jul 2024 23:52:32 +0300