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Conclusion of training course in field of documentary cycle for court workers in Ibb
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Hamas representative visits plastic art exhibition “Point” to support Palestine in Sana’a
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Discussing preparations for new academic year in Sana’a
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Justice Minister praises joint coordination committee efforts between Ministry & Bar Association
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Meeting in capital secretariat discusses preparations for new academic year
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Abu Hamza: We will treat enemy's prisoners in same way as our prisoners inside its prisons
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11 Zionists killed, 153 injured in West Nile fever
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Ben Gvir's provocative statements confirm that Zionist terrorism against prisoners was & still is official policy
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  US-Saudi Aggression
Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
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Health Ministry condemns aggression mercenaries' crime in Taiz
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Three women & two girls killed in drone strike belonging to aggression’s mercenaries in Taiz
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American-British aggression launch three raids on Hajjah
[15 March 2024]
Completion of model construction report in districts of Sana'a city discussed
Completion of model construction report in districts of Sana'a city discussed
Completion of model construction report in districts of Sana'a city discussed
[Mon, 01 Jul 2024 22:14:10 +0300]

SANA'A July 01.2024 (SABA) - A meeting in the administrative units sector in the Sana'a city, headed by Sector Undersecretary Ali Al-Qafari, discussed on Monday the report of the completion of model construction work in the various directorates of the Municipality for the year 1445 AH.

The meeting, which included the Assistant Undersecretary for the Units Sector Sami Sharaf El-Din, the directors of the concerned executive offices and a number of directors of directorates, reviewed the level of implementation of construction work at the level of mosques, model schools and neighborhoods, and indicators of achievement during the previous period.

Sharaf El-Din touched on the general guidelines and mechanisms of work and intensifying efforts to implement the social construction plan for the year 1446 AH and its educational, educational, sports, social and awareness programs and activities, Quran circles and building model schools in the directorates of the Secretariat.

He stressed the importance of completing the remaining work within the framework of the social construction plan, strengthening and stabilizing what has been built in the current year, and ensuring that performance and achievement are evaluated at the level of each directorate, addressing difficulties and achieving the required success.

The directors of the Office of Education, Guidance, Culture and Sports in the Capital Municipality reviewed the efforts made and the work accomplished in various fields and the results achieved in implementing the social construction plan.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Wed, 03 Jul 2024 23:38:53 +0300