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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Ben Gvir's provocative statements confirm that Zionist terrorism against prisoners was & still is official policy
Ben Gvir's provocative statements confirm that Zionist terrorism against prisoners was & still is official policy
Ben Gvir's provocative statements confirm that Zionist terrorism against prisoners was & still is official policy
[Mon, 01 Jul 2024 23:25:21 +0300]

CAPITALS July 1. 2024 (Saba) - The provocative statements of the so-called extremist Zionist Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir, calling for the execution of Palestinian prisoners in Zionist prisons by shooting them in the head, instead of giving them more food, confirm that the file of Zionist bloody terrorism against prisoners was and still is an official policy followed, and was not an individual behavior.

Ben Gvir, who is responsible for the Zionist Prison Service, called yesterday, in a video message addressed to the legal advisor of the Zionist enemy government, for the execution of Palestinian prisoners by shooting them in the head, instead of giving them more food.

He said: "It is my bad luck that I had to deal in recent days with the issue of the fruit basket for Palestinian prisoners. The prisoners must be killed with a bullet to the head and the "Otzma Yehudit" law to execute prisoners must be passed in the third reading in the Knesset, and until then we will give them a little food to live on."

The Zionist Knesset approved in a preliminary reading a bill imposing the death penalty on Palestinian prisoners, at the beginning of March 2023. Last April, Ben Gvir called for imposing the death penalty on Palestinian prisoners to solve the problem of prison overcrowding. The bill, which requires two more Knesset approvals to become effective, requires the court to impose the death penalty on anyone who “commits the crime of murder with racist motives and with the aim of harming the Zionist entity,” according to the text of the bill.

These statements sparked angry Palestinian reactions, as the Palestinian Prisoners Club confirmed that the statements of the fascist and extremist minister Ben Gvir are no longer surprising for a minister who represents a structure of a system that practices genocide against the Palestinian people, and speaks only in the language of killing and fighting any Palestinian presence in any form.

In turn, the club’s president, Abdullah Al-Zaghari, said in a statement: “These statements have gone beyond the stage of threats, as Ben Gvir has actually carried out his threats to kill and execute Palestinian prisoners and detainees since the beginning of the ongoing war of extermination on the Gaza Strip.”

He added: “Ben Gvir himself represents an entire occupation system that seeks to fight the Palestinian presence, including killing more prisoners and detainees in addition to the unprecedented crimes that have been carried out against them, most notably the crimes of torture, starvation, medical crimes, and enforced disappearance, in addition to the circumstances of Tragic and cruel detention, mass isolation, and endless torture operations.

Al-Zaghari stressed that "all the crimes we are witnessing today against prisoners and detainees are nothing but another aspect of the ongoing and continuous genocide before the eyes of the world and with the support of clear international powers.. noting that all the current transformations in the reality of the conditions of prisoners in the occupation's prisons are nothing but an extension of transformations that began years ago and reached their peak today."

Al-Zaghari stressed that "the testimonies and accounts that we follow daily through legal teams and through released prisoners reflect an unprecedented stage in reality, and this is not an exaggeration, because although the occupation has committed its crimes against prisoners for decades, what is happening today exceeds any level in its intensity."

Commenting on this, the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine condemned, in the strongest terms, Ben Gvir's statements.. describing him as a "Nazi criminal" who calls for shooting prisoners in the heads in Zionist prisons.

The movement said in a statement: "These statements reflect a criminal mentality based on bloodshed, and that Ben Gvir's policies towards our prisoners, depriving them of food, drink and medicine, and practicing the most heinous forms of systematic torture against them, in addition to his public arming of settlers and blatant incitement to kill innocents, confiscate lands and violate sanctities, are a stigma of shame."

In the same context, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine held the Zionist enemy fully responsible for the lives of Palestinian prisoners, noting that "Ben Gvir's criminal incitement calls express the true criminal face of the Zionist genocidal regime, and reveal once again the extent of hatred and malice towards the Palestinian people, and the serious violations against prisoners in particular."

It continued: "The continued incitement of the fascist criminal Ben Gvir against Palestinian prisoners, the continuation of his repressive measures, and the escalation of retaliatory policies against them received a response from the Zionist decision-making circles, which led to the Zionist prison guards committing war crimes against prisoners, and recording dozens of cases of execution and torture against prisoners after October 7, while thousands of prisoners continue to be detained in extermination camps where all crimes and atrocities are committed against them."

At the end of its statement, the Popular Front called for documenting these calls issued by Ben Gvir and referring them to the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, considering them "clear evidence of guilt against this criminal and his incitement to kill prisoners."

For its part, the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement confirmed that the statements of the extremist Itamar Ben Gvir about executing Palestinian prisoners express "the brutal and Nazi mentality of the occupation government."

The movement said in a statement: "The statements of the criminal Ben Gvir, in which he called for the killing of prisoners by bullets, once again express the brutal mentality that controls the Nazi entity's government and express the extent of the danger and threat to which our valiant prisoners are exposed."

The statement added: "These statements confirm that the ongoing crimes of killing and executing prisoners are carried out by decision and political cover from the terrorist entity's government, and show the extent of the tragic conditions and dire circumstances to which our prisoners are exposed, and the crimes of killing, torture, starvation, and preventing food, drink, and medicine in the complete absence of institutions specializing in human rights."

In light of all these circumstances, Al Jazeera published photos proving that the Zionist enemy soldiers are using Palestinian prisoners as human shields in Gaza.

Al Jazeera's photos showed a prisoner being forced to enter a tunnel after being tied with a rope and a camera attached to his body, in addition to forcing the prisoners to wear military clothing while being used as human shields.

It also shows the use of a wounded prisoner as a human shield, and forcing him to enter destroyed homes in Gaza, where the bodies of martyrs are seen lying on the ground at the entrance to the house.

Such images have previously appeared, and the enemy forces used a prisoner as a human shield in one of the streets of the Shuja'iyya neighborhood east of Gaza City.

In the occupied West Bank, video clips showed a wounded prisoner being tied to the front of a Zionist military vehicle during the storming of the city of Jenin, for fear of the bullets of the resistance fighters.

Hamas considered the use of Palestinian prisoners as human shields by the Zionist enemy army during its military operations in the Gaza Strip a "full-fledged war crime", calling for his trial.

Izzat al-Rishq, a member of the movement's political bureau, said: "This is a blatant violation of all laws of war and the rights of prisoners, and a disregard for all international covenants, laws and treaties."

He added: "The crime of human shields is added to the record of crimes and violations that Palestinian detainees are subjected to in Nazi concentration camps, which included all forms of brutal revenge, including starvation, humiliation and abuse."

He pointed out that these violations also include "deliberate medical neglect, deprivation of food and medicine, breaking limbs, slow killing, and field executions."

Al-Rishq called on the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court to "add human shield crimes to the file of war crimes for which the leaders of the occupation are being tried."

What is certain is that these statements and scenes, which have taken a very dangerous and unprecedented turn, are important because they include documentation of criminal practices and forms of systematic and organized harm adopted by the Zionist enemy authorities that affect the dignity, humanity and rights of prisoners.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Wed, 03 Jul 2024 23:52:32 +0300