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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Thousands of Moroccans demonstrate in solidarity with Palestine after Friday prayers
Thousands of Moroccans demonstrate in solidarity with Palestine after Friday prayers
Thousands of Moroccans demonstrate in solidarity with Palestine after Friday prayers
[Sat, 20 Jul 2024 08:45:10 +0300]

RABAT July 20. 2024 (Saba) - Thousands of Moroccans demonstrated in several cities after Friday prayers, expressing solidarity with Palestine and the Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to a devastating Zionist war for ten months, resulting in tens of thousands of martyrs.

The demonstrations were held under the slogan “The Palestinian Keffiyeh is a Symbol of the Cause.”

According to local media reports, participants in the vigils, organized by the Moroccan Authority to Support the Nation’s Issues for the 41st week in a row, expressed their rejection of the Zionist enemy’s continued targeting of civilians in Gaza.

The cities that witnessed the protests included Kenitra (west), Nador, Beni Guerir, Tangier, Meknes (north), Agadir and Taroudant (centre), and Ahfir (east).

Participants in the vigils raised Palestinian flags and banners supporting the “resistance” of Palestine and the steadfastness of the Palestinian people. They also denounced the Zionist enemy's plans to displace the population of the Gaza Strip and various manifestations of siege, starvation, and killing.

The Authority has been organizing demonstrations since the beginning of the Zionist war on the Gaza Strip on October 7. Today’s slogan, “The Palestinian Keffiyeh is a Symbol of the Cause,” coincides with the ongoing debate surrounding the case of Moroccan student Khadija Ahtour, who received widespread popular solidarity.

Last Tuesday, the Minister of Higher Education, Abdellatif Al-Mirawi, stated in the Moroccan Parliament that the refusal of the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences in Benmsik in Casablanca to honor an outstanding student because she wore the Palestinian keffiyeh was a “personal position.”

On Sunday evening, the Moroccan Union for Higher Education and Scientific Research at the Higher School of Technology (governmental) said: “The dean of the Faculty of Sciences in Benmsik in Casablanca refused to give a student her award at a ceremony to honor outstanding students organized on Saturday, because she was wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh.”

The union expressed its “denunciation of the suppression of freedom of expression” by a university official who “is entrusted with the formation of future generations on the values of freedom, justice, advocacy for the oppressed, and pride in identity and civilizational belonging,” according to the same statement.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Fri, 20 Sep 2024 17:46:38 +0300