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  US-Saudi Aggression
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 “Jaffa” march... Surprise to world & shock to Zionist enemy
“Jaffa” march... Surprise to world & shock to Zionist enemy
“Jaffa” march... Surprise to world & shock to Zionist enemy
[Tue, 23 Jul 2024 08:49:17 +0300]

SANA'A July 23. 2024 (Saba) -The greatness of the operation lies in its penetration of the geographical and military borders with the Zionist entity, its air defense systems, the Iron Dome, all security precautions, and the intelligence forces, which are considered the strongest in the world.

This blessed operation is considered a pivotal operation that will change the rules of the game, especially after the Yemeni aircraft entered the bold front line with an enemy that only recognizes the language of force, to constitute a state of tremendous resurgence in the course of the conflict with the Zionist entity after all the Arab armies were unable and refused to confront it after the United States of America and Western Europe succeeded in domesticating the Arab regimes and luring them to humiliating normalization, which made the conflict with the enemy lose its balance and scored strengths in favor of the occupying entity.

Targeting the fascist Zionist depth with this military operation came to confirm that Tel Aviv has become unsafe. The Yemeni armed forces will put an end to the Zionist orgy in the region, as a natural response to the continuation of the war of extermination against the Palestinian people and the war crimes that the enemy continues to commit on a daily basis.

The military operation was carried out with a modern and advanced aircraft called “Jaffa” that was able to bypass the enemy’s interception systems. The radars were unable to detect it, which created the desired success of the operation in two paths: the first destroyed the specified target and the second was a moral and military destruction of the Zionist mentality and its various military formations.

The operation left a wide resonance throughout the world, which was astonished by the accuracy of the operation and its overcoming all Zionist military obstacles until it reached its desired goal with extreme accuracy, which caused the enemy to lose his balance and change his military, intelligence, and even political calculations.

Now we can say that this blessed military operation has opened the way to Tel Aviv, and all Zionist military institutions there will become legitimate targets for the Yemeni Air Force, which launched its first operations to Tel Aviv with unparalleled success.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Fri, 06 Sep 2024 23:23:57 +0300