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  US-Saudi Aggression
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 Palestinian resistance wins for AL-Quds and Al-Aqsa
Palestinian resistance wins for AL-Quds and Al-Aqsa
Palestinian resistance wins for AL-Quds and Al-Aqsa
[Tue, 23 Jul 2024 10:51:54 +0300]

SANA'A July 23. 2024 (Saba) -The brutal Zionist war of aggression on the Gaza Strip has entered its 285th day, leaving thousands of Palestinian martyrs and wounded, most of them unarmed civilians and most of them women and children, with the continued incursions into Palestinian cities, towns and villages in the occupied West Bank, arrests, torture, and repeated incursions by Zionist settlers into the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem.

Today, the brutal, American-backed Zionist enemy war on the Palestinians is exposed to the entire world in light of the daily massacres in the Gaza Strip, the continuation of raids and arrests in the occupied West Bank, the abuse of prisoners in Zionist prisons, and the attempts to Judaize Jerusalem, the goal of which is extermination, forced displacement, and the final liquidation of the Palestinian cause amid... Shameful and weak Arab and Islamic positions.

According to Palestinian medical sources, since October 7, 2023, the Zionist-American aggression against the Gaza Strip has resulted in the martyrdom of more than 38,713 Palestinian citizens, the majority of whom are women and children, and the injury of more than 89,166 others, an infinite toll, as thousands of victims are still under the rubble.

The continuation of brutal massacres and genocide against Palestinian civilians, their displacement, deprivation of water, electricity, and fuel, and the denial of international aid to them, Gaza is still steadfast and the Palestinian resistance is crushing the Zionist enemy’s army and its military machinery.

But the Palestinian resistance, with the support of the fronts of the resistance axis from Yemen to Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Iran, confronts the Zionist project.. According to what was revealed by the spokesman for the “Al-Quds Brigades,” the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, “Abu Hamza,” on last Tuesday evening, the Zionist vehicles have turned into scraps on the side of the road in the Gaza Strip, Gaza thanks to explosive devices.

Abu Hamza said in a video speech : “We still stand by our promise that we are the people of the war, no matter how long it lasts,” stressing that the Zionist enemy is targeting civilians to cover up its field defeats in the Gaza Strip.

He explained in his speech that the abuse of Palestinian prisoners reflects the state of barbarism and systematic injustice carried out by “Tel Aviv”, stressing that the prisoners are a priority for the resistance and that their liberation is inevitable, despite the arrogance of the usurping Zionist entity.

Abu Hamza also stressed the continuation of the mobilization and fighting by all available methods and means until the forces of the Zionist enemy are defeated.

He continued, saying: In the Shuja'iya neighborhood, a Zionist force was eliminated from zero distance... noting that the soldiers' wailing was heard and they were killed or wounded, stressing that the same scenario was repeated in Tal Al-Hawa and Tulkarm.

Abu Hamza also indicated that the resistance’s presence on the ground is effective in various areas of the Gaza Strip.

This heroic steadfastness of the Palestinian resistance factions demonstrated by the resistance in the Gaza Strip is unique, but it is not the result of the recent aggression.

Rather, it is a continuation of a rich history of struggle written by the people of the Strip with their blood, since the forties of the last century, which has produced the maturity that the resistance is witnessing today, and its tactical capabilities. And the high military level that was evident in the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack on the seventh of last October.

A broad international public opinion was formed in the free world and even in the West against the Zionist entity in this latest aggression, which revealed the ugly true image of the Zionist entity and its ideology of deliberately killing civilians and exterminating the Gaza Strip, which the usurping entity could not obscure with the tremendous development of modern media.

On the other hand, the Islamic and Arab positions are disappointing with the expansion of the normalization process that accompanied the establishment of four Arab countries in 2020 with the Zionist entity - and the development of the network of political, economic, tourism, security, military and media relations and interests, and the conclusion of dozens of cooperation agreements - the Palestinian issue has turned into a marginal issue, and has been overlooked. They are turning a blind eye to many Zionist practices against the Palestinian people and against the land and sanctities.

For the Arab normalizers, the Palestinian issue turned into a burden and a problem after it was a duty, an honor, and a responsibility. Armed resistance against the usurping entity became a goal that must be fought against due to allegations of antagonizing the normalized regimes.

However, it is clear in all circumstances that the Palestinian people and their resistance are stronger than conspiracies and that the Palestinian resistance is committed and steadfast on the ground.

The resistance knows very well that the Zionist entity and its gang only understand the language of force and that the negotiating table will not be generous with offers to the Palestinian people unless the usurping entity sees the resistance, what he does not like destroying his army bases and crushing his military vehicles right is taken and not given, and this is the most prominent strategic title of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation.

The Zionist enemy forces have continued their aggression against the Gaza Strip, by land, sea and air, since October 7, 2023, resulting in the martyrdom of more than 38,713 Palestinian citizens, the majority of whom are women and children, and the injury of more than 89,166 others, in an infinite toll, as thousands of victims remain under the rubble, according to what the Palestinian media reported from medical sources.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Fri, 06 Sep 2024 23:23:57 +0300