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Annual analytical conference to evaluate results of training, its impact on efficiency of fighters for training year 1445 AH
Annual analytical conference to evaluate results of training, its impact on efficiency of fighters for training year 1445 AH
Annual analytical conference to evaluate results of training, its impact on efficiency of fighters for training year 1445 AH
[Sun, 28 Jul 2024 20:32:45 +0300]

SANA'A July 28. 2024 (Saba) - The Training and Rehabilitation Authority at the Ministry of Defense organized on Sunday the annual analytical conference to evaluate the results of training and its impact on the efficiency of fighters for the training year 1445 AH, under the slogan "Enhancing discipline and raising combat efficiency".

The participants in the conference reviewed the annual statistics completed in the last training year from various courses, between general, leadership and specialized training, as well as modular training.

At the conference, the President of the Conference, Brigadier General Abdul Majeed Al-Rammam, expressed condolences to the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, and the Arabic and Islamic nation on the martyrdom of Imam Zaid, peace be upon him, whose martyrdom represented a stage of the conflict between right and wrong, good and evil.

He stressed that the aim of targeting Imam Zaid was to silence the voice of truth, but in doing so they contributed to reviving the word of truth. He pointed out that the positions of Imam Zaid are inspired by all lessons and lessons in these days when the tyrants of the earth "America, Israel and Britain" are fighting against the Yemeni people.

Brigadier General Al-Rammam said, "We will not hesitate or let down, but we trust in God and depend on Allah, and we will abuse the enemies severely." He pointed out that the purpose of the conference is to unify concepts, discuss technical aspects and imbalances, and seek to develop the training process.

He also stressed the keenness to hold analytical conferences at the level of regions and military forces with the participation of priority commanders and military formations, pointing out that starting from this year, the inauguration will take place at the level of regions to strengthen outputs and listen to commanders in the field, leading to the unification of the training system at the level of regions in the directorates, including infantry training, specialties, or general or leadership training.

The Chairman of the Annual Analytical Conference stated the need for training and qualification at the level of the center and what is related to the authority and the specialized bodies to benefit from the directives and instructions contained in the speeches of the Leader of the Revolution on the importance of data.

"This year, we seek to document and archive all work and tasks to highlight the role of unknown leaders and men in the training process, and to complete the data of the activities carried out, at the level of presentations, seminars and qualifications on the frontlines and the training they require," he said.

Brigadier General Al-Rammam stressed the need to hold training conferences at the level of regions and regions, and to call trainees to benefit from the models available in this aspect, adding, "What we aspire to during the current year is to hold analytical conferences for trainers and relevant authorities to discuss projects, programs and courses concerned."

"We must be at the level of the stage that the Yemen is going through and be of help to the leader of the revolution, especially as we see the enemy mobilizing his weapons and equipment in the face of the right, which requires redoubling efforts," he said.

He pointed out that some did not realize the importance of the stage that Yemen and the nation in general are going through, which forces everyone not to go unnoticed on events. "Since the flood of Al-Aqsa, we have been aware of the level of divine measures that surrounded the Quranic project, especially since we have moved to the direct stage with the axis of evil America, Britain and the Zionist entity and those who allied with them and supported them and stood by them," he said.

He expressed hope that "dealing positively with this shift and the development of military capabilities and striving with every effort to raise the level of performance in various fields to be highly prepared and fully prepared for the next confrontation, which through the data of the stage and the course of events is around the corner."

"The challenges we face are multi-field, as the enemy today is the most dangerous with its experiences, capabilities, expertise and plans that no one else has, as it has been able to control all aspects of life economically, culturally, militarily and behaviorally in all directions," the president of the analytical conference added.

"We are facing a challenge and a dangerous enemy that has been working to develop its capabilities and capabilities for decades, and it has many weapons and military expertise and a variety of things, and you can imagine the types of wars that we are going to face against," he said.

Brigadier General Al-Rammam reiterated the concerted efforts and keenness on the integration of performance and full understanding of the work, practical paths and activities required to achieve the set goals, which contributes to raising the general readiness to face the existing changes and challenges.

He urged to understand the shift and realize the seriousness of the stage and translate it practically into serious attention, implementation and development of performance in a way that contributes to the implementation of tasks with the required capacity and efficiency and achieves the choices and aspirations of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi.

The President of the Conference stressed the need for full knowledge and knowledge of the level of challenges we face, whether at the internal level of the authority or at the general level with regard to the enemy, and thus work as a team to overcome all challenges.

He pointed to the importance of keeping pace with changes and developing and preparing various scientific, practical and material aspects to confront the possible ways and methods of the enemy during wars and the upcoming confrontation, stressing the importance of preparing the fighter in the armed forces and making him enjoy the Quranic culture in word and deed, conscious discipline, physical fitness and skills in the use of weapons and preparing him to work within the framework of the group.

He also stressed the preparation of units for teamwork in the battle through what has been achieved in the past training year and what will be achieved in the current year.

Brigadier General Al-Rammam reviewed some of the works that have been accomplished: reviewing the organizational structure of the Authority and its affiliated units, assessing gaps in the formation, and reorganizing and completing the manpower databases for the employees of the Training and Rehabilitation Authority and housing them according to clear and specific levels.

He explained that one of the works that has been accomplished is to continue building the employees of the Training and Rehabilitation Authority through the qualification paths approved and specified by the Personnel Affairs, and to participate in developing a plan for the annual training need for all units of the Ministry of Defense and preparing the training system to implement training according to the needs in the plan.

The achievements include building a central control and determining the mechanism of its work, preparing to start activating command and staff courses, forming the authority and its departments as military brigades, as well as preparing to start training the staff of military formations and tracks.

The conference included a visual presentation explaining part of the training activities such as weapons skills, physical fitness, sniping and others.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 08 Sep 2024 13:31:32 +0300