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Evenings in Capital Secretariat commemorate Prophet Muhammad's birthday
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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Criminal Division holds trial sessions for armed gangs , upholds death & imprisonment sentences
Criminal Division holds trial sessions for armed gangs , upholds death & imprisonment sentences
Criminal Division holds trial sessions for armed gangs , upholds death & imprisonment sentences
[Sun, 28 Jul 2024 21:24:10 +0300]

TAIZ July 28. 2024 (Saba) - The Specialized Criminal Division in the Capital Secretariat held a session on Sunday to consider the case of the convict Issa Abdul Hamid Abdul Aleem, 12 others convicted of participating in an armed gang to rob and attack a group of people.

In the session, which was held under the chairmanship of the Division Head, Judge Abdullah Al-Najjar, and with the presence of a number of convicts in the dock, and the presence of the lawyers of the blood relatives, the response of the appellants' lawyer was heard and his request to be given the opportunity to submit appeal petitions for the next session.

The court of first instance had ruled to convict Issa Abdul Hamid and five others on charges of participating in an armed gang, which resulted in victim killing Ali Abdullah Muqbil, and the attempted killing of others, in addition to resisting security forces, and sentenced them to death, and the remaining convicts to imprisonment for periods ranging from six to three years.

In another case of an armed gang; the first convict in it is Ismail Muhammad Abu Al-Ghaith and others, the division cancelled the acquittal ruling against the accused Ziad Ali Saghir Al-Hindi, and ruled to convict him and sentence him to ten years in prison.

The division also ruled to uphold the ruling of the first ruling in the second clause against the first, second and third appellants regarding acquittal in the charge of aiding the enemy, and to uphold the ruling of conviction and punishment against the convicts, with the addition of the death penalty as retribution against the first convict Ismail Muhammad Abu Al-Ghaith.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 08 Sep 2024 13:31:32 +0300