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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Zionist Enemy's pretext of bringing aid into Gaza serves malicious purposes, Saba Correspondent says
Zionist Enemy's pretext of bringing aid into Gaza serves malicious purposes, Saba Correspondent says
Zionist Enemy's pretext of bringing aid into Gaza serves malicious purposes, Saba Correspondent says
[Mon, 29 Jul 2024 16:47:35 +0300]

GAZA July 29. 2024 (Saba) - The Zionist enemy is using the pretext of bringing aid into the Gaza Strip for malicious and inhumane purposes, rather than genuine humanitarian reasons, according to Nidal Abu Mustafa, the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) correspondent in Gaza reported.

The correspondent detailed three main objectives behind the Zionist entity's actions:

- Monitoring Movements:** The first goal of allowing some aid into Gaza is to monitor the movements of popular committees managing civil affairs and to target and bomb merchants with some financial resources.

This tactic has led to the enemy's drones repeatedly bombing merchants, wealthy individuals, and members of popular committees who protect the limited aid trucks entering Gaza.

Media Manipulation - The second goal is to manipulate global perception. The Zionist army and government aim to improve their image by claiming to deliver substantial aid to Gaza.

However, the reality is that only a few scarce trucks enter the region, and these are often targeted shortly after crossing the border.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's claims of numerous aid trucks and the absence of famine in Gaza are false.

Inciting Internal Conflict- The third and most dangerous goal is to incite internal conflict among Palestinian citizens. The enemy allows in minimal aid, insufficient for the population, leading to internal strife and competition for the limited resources.

Most of this aid consists of canned food rather than essential items like vegetables, fruits, meat, and frozen foods, particularly in northern Gaza.

The scarcity of aid exacerbates the humanitarian crisis and fuels internal tensions.

The correspondent emphasized that the Zionist enemy deliberately brings in inadequate aid to perpetuate internal discord, worsening the already dire humanitarian situation in Gaza.

He concluded that the enemy's claims of humanitarian aid are deceptive, serving malicious purposes rather than genuine relief efforts.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 28 Sep 2024 00:09:51 +0300