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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Majdal Shams massacre is purely Zionist, aiming to expand conflict & prolong Gaza war
Majdal Shams massacre is purely Zionist, aiming to expand conflict & prolong Gaza war
Majdal Shams massacre is purely Zionist, aiming to expand conflict & prolong Gaza war
[Tue, 30 Jul 2024 16:43:54 +0300]

SANA'A July 30. 2024 (Saba) - In order to prolong the war in Gaza , expand the conflict in the region, and to serve the Zionist interests in many files, the Zionist enemy carried out its brutal attack on the Majdal Shams area in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights last Saturday, which claimed the lives of at least 12 people, holding the Lebanese Hezbollah responsible for its heinous crime and horrific massacre.

In this context, the Syrian Foreign Ministry held the Zionist enemy responsible for that attack in a statement issued last night, saying: "As part of its attempts to escalate the situation in our region and expand the scope of its aggression against it, the Zionist enemy entity committed a heinous crime on Saturday in Majdal Shams city in the Syrian Golan Heights, which has been occupied since 1967, and then held the Lebanese national resistance responsible for its crime," referring to Hezbollah.

It added: "The Syrian Arab Republic condemns the continued perpetration of massacres by the Zionist enemy entity, one after the other, and denounces its blatant attempts to fabricate pretexts to expand the scope of its aggression, and holds it fully responsible for this dangerous escalation of the situation in the region."

Syrian Foreign Ministry continued: "The Syrian Arab Republic affirms that our people in the occupied Syrian Golan, who have refused for decades of Zionist occupation to give up their Syrian Arab identity, will not be fooled by the lies of the occupation entity and its false accusations against the Lebanese national resistance that it is the one that bombed Majdal Shams, especially since our people in the Syrian Golan were, are and will remain an integral part of the resistance to the occupier and its aggressive policies that violate land and identity."

Political writers and analysts also confirmed that Hezbollah has no interest in "Majdal Shams" massacre in the occupied Syrian Golan, and that the fingers of accusation clearly point to the involvement of the Zionist enemy in this crime, with the aim of prolonging the war and serving Zionist interests in many files.

At the same time, they pointed out the enemy's inability to go far in an open war on Lebanon that might develop into a large regional war that the enemy does not have the ability to wage in light of the clear attrition of its soldiers and equipment, in addition to its clear failure on the Gaza front, the West Bank front, the Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq fronts, which shows the Zionist enemy with its hands tied and unable to carry out a major response.

The writer and political analyst Ibrahim Al-Madhoun warned in a post on his platform X that the Zionist enemy committed the Majdal Shams massacre deliberately and intentionally, and not by mistake in the interceptor missiles.. stressing that this massacre serves the interests of the Zionist enemy, especially Netanyahu and his extremist government, who seeks to prolong the war and expand it on the northern front.

Al-Madhoun pointed out that the enemy aims to pressure the people of Majdal Shams to recruit them into the Zionist army, in light of the increasing refusal to recruit and a crisis in the number of soldiers.. stressing the need to prepare for any scenario because the enemy will enter a major spiral.

Al-Madhoun also stressed on the Palestinians and Lebanese to mobilize Arab and international efforts to hold the Zionist enemy responsible and prosecute it for these massacres, including the massacres it is committing in the Gaza Strip, which target families, children, women , civilians, and strike refugee tents without any accountability.

In turn, the writer and political analyst Hazem Ayyad confirmed in an article that what worries the Zionist enemy is the response of Hezbollah and the Lebanese resistance to any Zionist attack on Lebanon, under the title of revenge for the alleged Majdal Shams incident, a concern that confirmed Hezbollah's retention of the initiative despite the enemy's repeated announcements that it will respond forcefully, as the Zionist concerns , concerns weakened , restricted the Zionist response , reduced its value , military and political importance.

Ayyad said that the enemy appeared handcuffed in front of Hezbollah and embarrassed in front of the residents of Majdal Shams, which was subjected to a missile strike resulting from a clear failure of the Iron Dome, which the enemy claimed did not respond to the attack, while there were confirmed testimonies and video images that it was responsible for the injury in the Syrian town occupied since the June 1967 war. He noted that the enemy army’s fears of Hezbollah’s response are based on a latent weakness in its depleted army in Gaza Strip, as it is unable to move except from within armored vehicles and heavily fortified positions, in addition to the aircraft whose pilots suffer from long flying hours, and the aircraft suffer from the need for maintenance after a confrontation that lasted more than nine months of fighting.

Ayyad concluded his article by saying: Shams al-Majdal revealed that the question of the day after the war has gradually turned into the question of the day after the failure of the prisoner swap deal and the ceasefire. Where will it lead the enemy? To more impotence for the occupation and attrition in the Gaza Strip and escalation in the West Bank and the fronts of Lebanon and Yemen? Or to a regional war in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen? Or to the fall of the Netanyahu government, or to more mistrust, fragmentation, division and weakness in the settler community in the occupied territories to turn into the eighth front that cannot be treated by bombing civilians.

While the professor of political ethics, Dr. Muhammad al-Mukhtar al-Shanqiti, saw in a post on the X platform that the Zionist enemy army aims through this operation to achieve a number of goals.. including: pretending to the world that the Zionists are not the only killers of children.. stressing the enemy seeks through this operation to drag the Druze further into the Zionist embrace.. As for the other goal: to pave the way for a military aggression or a major qualitative operation in Lebanon.

It is noteworthy that the people of "Majdal Shams" expelled ministers in the government of the usurping entity and members of the Knesset from the town who attended the funeral of the victims of the rocket attack on the village on Sunday evening.

Palestinian media reported that a number of the people of Majdal Shams attacked the so-called extremist Zionist Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, and shouted at him "Leave here, you criminal, we don't want you in the Golan."

Following the incident, the spokesman for the enemy army, Avichay Adraee, claimed that "field indicators indicate that Hezbollah launched a "Falak 1" missile towards the Majdal Shams area", saying: "There is no other terrorist organization in Lebanon that possesses this type of missile.. Hezbollah is responsible for the massacre in Majdal Shams and the killing of children and young men in the football stadium", according to him.

In contrast, the Lebanese Hezbollah denied responsibility for the strike, and said in a statement: "It categorically denies the allegations made by some enemy media outlets and various media platforms about targeting Majdal Shams", stressing that it has absolutely nothing to do with the incident.

Over the past weeks, the Zionist enemy has intensified exchanges of fire along the Lebanese-Zionist border, with its aircraft launching airstrikes, which are met with missile attacks and others by drones carried out by Hezbollah on areas deeper and further from the border.

It is noteworthy that the "Majdal Shams" incident in the occupied Syrian Golan has attracted wide attention in international media circles, in light of the volume of Zionist statements, false information, and raising the ceiling of threatening war on Lebanon.

Hezbollah's statement came to clarify the scene, deny targeting "Majdal Shams", and reveal the enemy's intentions, its cover-up of its foolishness, and its exploitation of the situation to evade the disaster that led to a number of civilian deaths and injuries among the residents of this region.

The Lebanese government announced, in a statement, its condemnation of "all acts of violence and attacks against all civilians" and its call for "an immediate cessation of hostilities on all fronts."

The government's statement stressed that "targeting civilians is a flagrant violation of international law and contradicts the principles of humanity."

Based on the presented data, it seems that the Zionist enemy, as usual, is trying to cover up its mistakes and exploit them in order to justify any future escalation step against Lebanon and Hezbollah, to exploit the incident and publish the photos to gain international sympathy, which confirms the enemy's efforts and insistence on holding Hezbollah responsible.

This is what observers considered as preparation by the entity for escalation operations against Lebanon, which it is trying to pave the way for and obtain international legitimacy after taking it from the US administration, by exploiting the victims of "Majdal Shams".

In the same context, the head of the "Loyalty to the Resistance" bloc in the Lebanese parliament, Muhammad Raad, confirmed that the end of the Zionist entity "will be in its going to the option of launching a large-scale war against Lebanon", adding: "The enemy's goals fell in Gaza as a result of the steadfastness of the people of Gaza, the heroism of its resistance fighters, and the support and assistance provided by the resistance axis."

It is worth mentioning that the town of Majdal Shams is located in the Syrian Golan Heights, which has been occupied by the Zionist enemy since 1967. The Druze community constitutes most of the population of the town of Majdal Shams, and the enemy offered them Zionist citizenship, but the majority of them refused to obtain it.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 28 Sep 2024 00:09:51 +0300