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Zionist enemy assassinates head of Hamas movement, Ismail Haniyeh, amid widespread condemnation
Zionist enemy assassinates head of Hamas movement, Ismail Haniyeh, amid widespread condemnation
Zionist enemy assassinates head of Hamas movement, Ismail Haniyeh, amid widespread condemnation
[Wed, 31 Jul 2024 11:48:47 +0300]

SANA'A July 31. 2024 (Saba) - In a treacherous Zionist raid, the Zionist enemy assassinated the head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in the Iranian capital, Tehran, at dawn on Wednesday.

The Hamas movement announced in a statement the assassination of the head of its political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, in the Iranian capital, Tehran, saying that the head of the movement "died as a result of a treacherous Zionist raid on his residence in Tehran", stressing that the assassination will not go unanswered.

The assassination of Commander Haniyeh came during a visit he made to Tehran to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the new Iranian President, Masoud Pezeshkian, and after a meeting with the Leader of the Revolution and the Islamic Republic, Sayyed Ali Khamenei, and hours after an attack on the southern suburb of Beirut that led to the martyrdom and injury of civilians, and the enemy announced that it was an attempt to assassinate one of the leaders of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon.

This cowardly assassination crime has received widespread Palestinian, Arab and international condemnation, while the movement confirms that it is waging an open war and that assassinating Haniyeh will not achieve its goals.. while Zionist parties welcomed this operation.

A member of the political bureau of the Yemeni "Ansar Allah" movement, Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, mourned Haniyeh through his account on the X platform.. saying.. that "targeting him is a heinous terrorist crime and a blatant violation of laws and ideal values."

In the first official reaction, Iran announced today that "the blood of the head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, Ismail Haniyeh, will not be in vain."

Iranian official media quoted Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani as saying: "Haniyeh's martyrdom in Tehran will strengthen and deepen the close ties between Tehran, Palestine and the resistance."

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards said in a statement: "We are studying the dimensions of the incident of Haniyeh's assassination in Tehran and will announce the results of the investigation later."

The Tasnim International News Agency also reported that "the investigation into the assassination of the head of the political bureau of Hamas is underway, and the results will be announced soon."

Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri said: "We are waging an open war to liberate Jerusalem and are ready to pay the price." He stressed that the assassination of Haniyeh is "a dangerous escalation that will not achieve its goals."

For his part, Hamas political bureau member Musa Abu Marzouq described the assassination of Haniyeh as "a cowardly act that will not pass in vain."

The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine mourned the "great national leader," stressing that the assassination will not deter the Palestinian people from continuing their resistance.

For his part, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Muhammad al-Hindi, confirmed during a televised interview this morning that the head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, Ismail Haniyeh, was a martyr since his early childhood, and that great figures were bid farewell by the Palestinian resistance and the resistance in Lebanon without being broken by their martyrdom. He stressed that "Israel" is facing such resistance for the first time in its history.

He pointed out that "Israel" is on the verge of collapse and its reactions reflect confusion and inability to achieve any of its goals.. stressing that this assassination is not only directed at the Palestinian resistance and Hamas specifically, but it is also directed at Iran.

He explained that Hamas, with its great capabilities, will quickly fill any vacuum resulting from this assassination.. adding: Haniyeh was ready for martyrdom since his childhood.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the assassination of Haniyeh.. considering it "a cowardly act and a dangerous development".. while Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization Hussein al-Sheikh described the assassination as "a cowardly act that calls on us to further steadfastness and perseverance in the face of the occupation".

For their part, the Palestinian national and Islamic factions called for a general strike and mass demonstrations in condemnation of the assassination of the head of the Hamas political bureau.

The Palestinian National Initiative Movement also mourned the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of Hamas, and condemned the enemy army for committing this heinous crime.

The National Initiative offered its condolences to Hamas and its fighters, stressing that this heinous crime will only increase the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance's determination to continue the struggle and fight for freedom, dignity and the right to self-determination.

In turn, Deputy Chairman of the Fatah Movement, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, said on Wednesday: The assassination of the head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Ismail Haniyeh, is a "major crime" that must accelerate the achievement of unity.

He added in press statements: War crimes are one of the characteristics of the Zionist occupation.. stressing that Haniyeh is an "important national leader" for Fatah, and his loss is a loss for the entire Palestinian people, and we stand in solidarity with his family and relatives and with the sons of the Palestinian people in standing together in the face of the loss of this Palestinian leader.

Al-Aloul pointed out that the assassination of Haniyeh "constitutes an additional incentive and motivation to unite the ranks of the Palestinian factions", drawing attention to the Beijing Declaration that was signed a few days ago for Palestinian reconciliation.

Al-Aloul continued: "Such an event, the Israeli aggression and the major Israeli crime, must accelerate the procedures regarding Palestinian national unity, and this is a very necessary issue and everyone must know our position that Palestinian blood is one blood and that we are always together in solidarity and our priority is to confront this occupation."

The mosques of the occupied West Bank mourned the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, through loudspeakers and called for a general strike, mourning his "assassination" in Tehran.

Internationally, the Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned the assassination of Haniyeh and described what happened in Tehran as a "despicable assassination" aimed at "extending the war from Gaza to the regional level", and showing that "the Netanyahu government has no intention of achieving peace".

The Russian Foreign Ministry also considered in a statement the assassination of the head of Hamas's political bureau "an absolutely unacceptable political crime". Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said: "This is an absolutely unacceptable political murder, and it will lead to further escalation of tensions."

The head of the Zionist enemy government commented this morning on the assassination of the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in a Zionist bombing in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

According to the Zionist Kan channel, the head of the usurping entity's government, "Benjamin Netanyahu", instructed his government ministers not to make a statement or address the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh.

The newspaper "Israel Today" said: While the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directed the ministers not to comment on the assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran, the Minister of Heritage Amihai Eliyahu came out with the first Zionist statement about the operation.. considering that "Haniyeh's death makes the world a little better."

Eliyahu said in a post on the "X" platform: "This is the right way to clean the world.. No more imaginary peace and surrender agreements, and no more mercy for these people." According to him.

He added: "The iron fist that will strike them is what will bring peace and a little comfort and enhance our ability to live in peace with those who desire peace."

There has been no official US position so far, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin merely said: “I have learned of this news and I have nothing more to say about it.” CNN quoted a White House official as saying: “We have seen the news about the killing of Ismail Haniyeh in Iran,” without providing further details.

Who is the leader Ismail Haniyeh:

Ismail Haniyeh (62 years old) was elected head of the political bureau of Hamas in 2017, succeeding Khaled Meshaal. Still, his name and nickname (Abu al-Abd) have been known to the world since 2006 when he assumed the government's presidency in the Palestinian Authority, after Hamas's surprise victory in the parliamentary elections.

Haniyeh was born in 1962 in the Shati refugee camp west of Gaza City, after his parents fled their home near what is now the Israeli town of Ashkelon during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

Ismail Haniyeh is the third person to assume leadership of Hamas (head of the political bureau) after Musa Abu Marzouk and Khaled Meshaal.

He studied primary and preparatory school at the schools of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), and obtained his high school diploma from Al-Azhar Institute, then joined the Islamic University in Gaza in 1987 and graduated with a BA in Arabic literature.

During his university studies, Haniyeh emerged as an active member of the Student Union Council, in addition to his interest in sports activities. He also held several positions at the Islamic University of Gaza before becoming its dean in 1992.

In 1997, he assumed the presidency of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin's office after Israel released him. The occupation authorities arrested Haniyeh for the first time in 1987, shortly after the outbreak of the Palestinian Intifada. He remained in prison for 18 days, then he was arrested for the second time in 1988 for six months.

Haniyeh entered the Zionist prison again in 1989 on charges of belonging to the Hamas movement, where he spent three years in detention, after which he was exiled to the Marj al-Zuhur area in southern Lebanon, but he returned to the Gaza Strip after spending a year in exile following the signing of the Oslo Accords, and became the head of the Islamic Bloc at the Islamic University in Gaza.

Haniyeh headed the Change and Reform List, which won the majority of the seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council in the legislative elections held in early January 2006, and became head of the Palestinian government formed by Hamas in February 2006.

He was subjected to assassination attempts and harassment, as his hand was injured on September 6, 2003, following a Zionist raid that targeted some Hamas leaders, including Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, and he was prevented from entering Gaza after returning from an international tour on October 14, 2006.

His convoy was also shot at in Gaza on October 20, 2006, during an armed clash between the Fatah and Hamas movements, and "Israel" targeted his home in Gaza with shelling in its wars on Gaza in an attempt to assassinate him

He was dismissed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on June 14, 2007 after the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, took control of security forces in the Gaza Strip to put an end to months of security chaos in the Strip.

Haniyeh rejected this decision and continued to head what became known as the "dismissed government" based in Gaza. Haniyeh was keen to open the door to national reconciliation with the Palestinian Authority, and announced his acceptance of relinquishing the presidency of the dismissed government within the framework of a comprehensive reconciliation, the most prominent fruit of which would be a national unity government.

As a result, a new government was announced on June 2, 2014, headed by academic Rami Hamdallah. Ismail Haniyeh congratulated the Palestinian people on the formation of the new government, saying, "I voluntarily hand over the government today, out of concern for the success of national unity and resistance in all its forms in the coming period."

The Hamas Shura Council elected him as head of its political bureau on May 6, 2017, after simultaneous elections held in the Qatari capital, Doha, and Gaza via video conference.

On January 31, 2018, the US State Department included Haniyeh's name on the "terrorism lists." This decision came during a period of tension between Washington and the Palestinians due to the decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a decision issued by then-US President Donald Trump.

Hamas described the decision as "ridiculous," saying, "It's as if we, as Palestinians, are looking for a certificate of good conduct from America."

On October 7, 2023, the Chief of Staff of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Muhammad al-Deif, announced Operation Flood of al-Aqsa, which included a land, sea and air attack and the infiltration of resistance fighters into several settlements in the Gaza envelope. The Zionist enemy army responded to this operation by launching a military operation against the Gaza Strip called Operation "Iron Swords", which began with an intensive air strike on the Strip and the evacuation of all settlers from the envelope.

On November 10, 2023, enemy aircraft bombed Haniyeh's granddaughter while she was in a school housing displaced persons. About ten days later, Haniyeh's eldest grandson was martyred after a Zionist air strike was carried out on his house.

On April 1, 2024, the enemy police arrested one of Haniyeh's sisters near the city of Beersheba in the Negev on charges including communicating with members of the movement.

The enemy also assassinated three of Ismail Haniyeh's sons on April 10, 2024, who were in a car with five of their sons to perform family visits and congratulate the residents on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.

At dawn on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, Hamas announced the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in the Iranian capital, Tehran.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Mon, 09 Sep 2024 16:14:55 +0300