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  US-Saudi Aggression
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America's strategy of prolonging conflict in Yemen: Confessions reveal U.S. agenda
America's strategy of prolonging conflict in Yemen: Confessions reveal U.S. agenda
America's strategy of prolonging conflict in Yemen: Confessions reveal U.S. agenda
[Mon, 19 Aug 2024 12:18:50 +0300]

SANA'A August 18. 2024 (Saba) — Recent confessions from members of an American-Israeli spy network have unveiled significant details about U.S. efforts to control Yemen following the September 21, 2014 revolution. The revelations indicate a calculated strategy to maintain Yemen in a state of no war and no peace, a tactic aimed at prolonging instability in the region.

Spy Shaif Al-Hamdani disclosed that the U.S. realized it was losing control after the revolution, prompting the closure of its embassy in Sana'a in late 2014. Before the closure, U.S. officials destroyed all sensitive documents and informed employees that operations would continue remotely. Weekly meetings were held to assess various aspects of Yemeni society, linking them to the on-ground situation during the war.

The confessions further reveal that the U.S. intensified its intelligence activities through local collaborators after the embassy's closure. Spy Abdul Qader Al-Saqqaf remarked on the eventual failure of U.S. efforts, describing their departure from Yemen as a "result of arrogance and injustice."

Spy Hisham al-Wazir highlighted that the U.S. had been preparing for military aggression against Yemen long before the conflict escalated, with American soldiers frequenting the embassy in the years leading up to the war. These preparations included using the southern region as a military base to counter Ansarullah, with the expectation that the conflict would force them to negotiate within a few months. The spies were also tasked with uploading coordinates of key buildings in Sana'a, underscoring the premeditated nature of the aggression.

Spy al-Wazir pointed out that "this was one of the most important indicators of the military preparations to ignite the war in the country. However, the size of the coalition or the number of participating countries was not disclosed to us. It was mentioned, though, that the starting point would be from Saudi Arabia, with Saudi Arabia representing the spearhead.

Targeting the Political Reality During the Aggression:

In this context, spy Hisham al-Wazir explained that with the start of the Kuwait negotiations, he began working under the supervision of Chris Jenens to provide political, economic, and military information and conduct analyses. He was also tasked with preparing to support the political process expected to emerge from Kuwait negotiations, aligning the agency's projects with the goals of the U.S. government.

He stated, "I worked with Chris Jenens at that time to re-equip the agency's projects to resume their roles and be ready so that if an agreement was reached on the political process, these projects could start immediately, including the RGP Response Project and the NDI. These documents and projects were prepared, and we were just waiting for the signal from Washington to proceed, an issue that was overseen at the highest level by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who personally followed up on it."

He added, "However, as is known, the negotiations collapsed at the last minute. Several months later, I was contacted again through Julie Pekoski and later Klester Land. My role at that time was to provide updates and analyses of the situation in the country. Among the tasks I was assigned was providing an oral analysis to Britney Zelker regarding the December sedition and the reasons behind Ali Abdullah Saleh's defeat."

The State of No War, No Peace:

As for the strategy of the state of no war, no peace, spy Hisham al-Wazir confirmed that it began to take shape during the 2016 Kuwait negotiations and was set to be implemented at that time. However, the loss of the Democrats delayed its execution.

He pointed out that he began preparing directly for this scenario again as the U.S. elections approached, and in 2020, the agency re-evaluated and studied this issue in coordination with the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Department of Defense. He was summoned to online meetings regarding this matter with Chris Jenens and Wilson Miner, the official in charge of the Yemen office at the U.S. Agency for Development, as well as the official in charge of the Yemen office at the U.S. State Department, Laura McAdams, and representatives from the U.S. Department of Defense.

Spy al-Wazir confirmed that this strategy was adopted and approved with the arrival of U.S. President Joe Biden to power. He indicated that the appointment of U.S. envoy Tim Lender King was one of the most significant aspects of this project from a technical perspective related to the U.S. government. Lender King was to supervise the so-called political process and coordinate efforts among the U.S. Agency for Development, the U.S. State Department, and the U.S. embassies in Sana'a, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, and Amman. All of these were working under his management and direct coordination since he was the U.S. President's envoy, and he had the authority to communicate directly with the White House through Jaco Slevin, the official in charge of national security affairs, as well as with the CIA station responsible for this issue.

He stated, "At that time, this project was approved, and the approach was initiated with donors led by the United States, starting with Britain through its embassy, ambassador, and the official responsible for the British Development Agency, as well as the European Union. Their ambassador was appointed as a UN envoy on this basis, participating in this process through his role as the official responsible for the European Union embassy for Yemen located in Amman, in addition to the traditional subordinate and complementary role in terms of distributing roles among the Dutch and German embassies and their development agencies, and partially France."

Spy al-Wazir added, "The goal of all this is to continue pressuring Ansarullah, given that they are the main political component that refuses to submit to all American and Western demands, while the rest of the political components are ready to engage in the political process based on what was proposed by the Americans and Westerners."

He stated that "there is no military pressure on Ansarullah now, so it is being replaced by popular pressure through methods such as spreading rumors, creating and magnifying problems, and pushing the public through social media, as well as influencing discussions in local gatherings."

He emphasized that influencing discussions in local gatherings is one of the most critical tasks that the NDI Institute worked on through Rabab Al-Madwahi and Murad Dhafer, involving small and medium-sized social figures who are still present in the country and who attended training courses affiliated with the institute. These figures belong to parties, most notably the General People's Congress, Islah, and Nasserite.

**Spy al-Wazir explained that these figures, through social media, are working to incite unrest and turn public opinion against Ansarullah. They claim that Ansarullah is attempting to restart the war by rejecting the conditions proposed by the U.S. and Western countries, that they are plundering and draining the country's resources under the pretext of war, and that they do not want any political process. These messages are being spread on social media to exert maximum pressure on Ansar Allah among the people, forcing them to continue the political process, regardless of how unfair it may be from the Americans.**

He said, "The most important objective is to continuously and permanently incite anger in the streets by focusing on real and fundamental grievances and linking them to Ansarullah, such as the issue of salaries. The rumor being spread is that Ansarullah is responsible for not agreeing to pay salaries because they want to add their recruits from after 2014, which is contrary to the political agreement that stipulates paying state employees according to the 2014 lists." He noted that this rumor is being widely circulated as the reason for the non-payment of salaries.

He pointed out that women are being targeted to incite societal unrest since they are the largest segment affected by the war. This is done through social gatherings and the spread of malicious news and rumors, methods that are relied upon in the state of no war, no peace.

He mentioned that there are technical roles played by a department affiliated with the embassy, such as the media department, through individuals like Ibrahim Al-Khidr and Hisham Al-Amisi. They help finance people who spread this news on social media by training them in these techniques and teaching them how to use them.

Spy al-Wazir said, "Even Rabab Al-Madwahi, who is in Egypt, plays a role in this by fostering relationships with people associated with the NDI Institute, training personalities, providing them with modest funding, and taking them to training courses outside the country for this purpose."

He emphasized that United Nations programs have a role in this matter, specifically the Development Program and the German Development Agency through their projects to support local authorities, as well as the European Union through its support for community organizations and local council projects.

He highlighted the attention international organizations give to community leaders who play similar roles, such as meetings with officials from the Renin and RDD organizations and young leaders. The Young Leaders Organization, for example, is involved through its work with young men and women in teaching "life skills," an ongoing process that is one of the most prominent features of the state of no war, no peace.

Spy al-Wazir acknowledged that the Americans told him this is the strategy they have adopted and that they are convinced war will not achieve the desired results and goals. On the contrary, it has strengthened Ansarullah, which is unacceptable to the Americans.

He also stressed that the goal of prolonging the state of no war, no peace is to pressure Ansarullah to achieve two basic objectives. The first is to push them to accept a political process as proposed, regardless of how unfair it is. The second is to continue mobilizing public opinion and stirring up anger against Ansarullah, so the streets can erupt whenever the opportunity arises.

Spy al-Wazir added, "I was aware of this strategy through my direct connection with the U.S. Agency for Development under the supervision of Jennifer Link, Sibbels Ziegler, and later Sophia Kasada, as well as my direct connection with Chris Jennings, who is one of the key individuals fundamentally responsible for this issue."

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Thu, 12 Sep 2024 18:46:22 +0300