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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Encouraging community initiatives one of priorities of government of change & Construction
Encouraging community initiatives one of priorities of government of change & Construction
Encouraging community initiatives one of priorities of government of change & Construction
[Tue, 27 Aug 2024 10:47:30 +0300]

SANA'A August 27. 2024 (Saba) - Supporting and encouraging community initiatives in various aspects of construction and production in all governorates is one of the priorities that the Government of Change and Construction will focus on within the framework of its general program based on the directives of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council.

The importance of community initiatives lies in the fact that they represented a pioneering and successful experience in completing many service and development projects in recent years, which had a major impact in alleviating the suffering of citizens resulting from the repercussions of the aggression on the service reality in the country.

The initiatives represent the fruit of integration and cooperation between the government and its various institutions with the members of society in order to build the nation and for everyone to participate in achieving this strategic goal, which is heavily relied upon in enhancing steadfastness and economic and social cohesion as a necessity to confront the serious effects and repercussions of the aggression and siege.

From this standpoint, the government of change and construction is heavily relied upon to play an important role within its basic responsibilities in encouraging, mobilizing and supporting initiatives, mobilizing community efforts, and activating the private sector so that everyone can play their real role in construction and development.

The government, through its relevant authorities, is set to play a pivotal role in achieving the desired local and rural development, by enhancing coordination and cooperation between the central side, the local authority and the community in order to gain local development in all governorates and directorates, including rural areas.

Local development is a comprehensive process whose primary goal is to advance the local community in all fields, by adopting a set of plans and strategies that are implemented with the participation of all components of society, and by taking advantage of all available resources and capabilities, leading to the provision of all services.

Rural development means developing rural areas and improving the living and economic life of their residents by supporting them and directing them towards optimal exploitation of agricultural components and developing natural resources in a way that helps them provide basic needs and services.

From this standpoint, the leadership realizes that interest in developing agricultural production will undoubtedly lead to raising the share of rural areas in the gross domestic product, which will positively reflect on the population and increase the general income of rural areas.

The Prime Minister of the Government of Change and Construction, Ahmed Al-Rahwi, confirmed in a meeting with the Speaker of the House of Representatives that the new government will focus on caring for and supporting community initiatives, especially in the agricultural sector with its various components, in an effort to achieve a comprehensive renaissance that serves this sector and serves the country's general direction in achieving self-sufficiency.

In view of the success achieved in completing community initiative projects during the past years, which covered all governorates of the Republic, this represents an important incentive to continue work, intensify efforts and move in the field to expand the implementation of initiative projects to achieve the best results.

According to previous reports by the Ministry of Administration and Local Development, more than (1600) community initiatives were implemented during the year 2021 AD, where road-related initiatives received the largest share of those initiatives, followed by agricultural projects, then water, education and other fields.

The Ministry had previously listed more than 1,500 model initiatives implemented during the year 2020, and more in the year 2022, in addition to what was implemented during the year 2023, and the period that has passed this year.

To ensure the success of these projects, the state has worked in recent years to allocate a lot of support to contribute to financing and implementing initiative projects by providing cement and diesel through the Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit.

It also provided the necessary equipment and mechanisms to implement the work required by the initiative projects, which represented an incentive for society to adopt more projects.

Since its establishment two years ago, the Central Interventions Unit has provided support to three thousand and 470 community initiative projects in all governorates.

According to statistics issued by the unit, the number of road projects within the Community Initiatives Support Program reached two thousand and 964 projects, in addition to 214 projects in the field of water, 126 projects in the field of barriers and dams, in addition to the projects implemented and under implementation in the fields of education, health and the service aspect, amounting to 166 projects.

Community initiatives over the past years have been a testament to the steadfastness and determination of the Yemeni people and their ability to overcome difficulties and challenges after the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition destroyed all the country's capabilities, infrastructure and vital sectors, which resulted in a significant decline in the level of service provision.

Despite the destruction and suffering that befell the country, the will of the Yemeni people was stronger in confronting the aggression in various fields, as the confrontation was not limited to the military aspect only, but included various agricultural, industrial, social and other fronts, so the Yemenis achieved leadership in all fields and were able, with their strength and great courage, to overcome all difficulties and challenges.

Sana'a - Saba: Report: Yahya Jarallah



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UPDATED ON :Sat, 14 Sep 2024 11:25:00 +0300