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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Zionist enemy seeks to displace Palestinian Palestinians in occupied West Bank... Similar to what happens in Gaza
Zionist enemy seeks to displace Palestinian Palestinians in occupied West Bank... Similar to what happens in Gaza
Zionist enemy seeks to displace Palestinian Palestinians in occupied West Bank... Similar to what happens in Gaza
[Wed, 04 Sep 2024 12:35:20 +0300]

SANA'A September 04. 2024 (Saba)- Similar to what happened and is happening in Gaza Strip, the Zionist enemy forces continue their aggression on the West Bank for the third consecutive day in a military operation described as the largest in years in Tulkarem and Jenin governorates, amid international and UN warnings of the danger of escalating the situation in the occupied West Bank.

At dawn on Wednesday, the Zionist enemy army, under heavy air force cover, began an operation in the Tulkarem and Jenin governorates (north) and the Faraa camp near Tubas (north), before withdrawing from the camp.

Political analysts believe that the aim of escalating the Zionist aggression in the occupied West Bank is to replicate the experience of evacuating Gaza, and to create a demographic change that creates a suitable environment for settlement.

The readings of political analysts from the Palestinian 48 and researchers in Zionist affairs are unanimous that the military operation launched by the Zionist enemy army on the cities and camps in the northern occupied West Bank is consistent with the war on Gaza Strip, and comes in the context of a war of extermination aimed at eliminating the population presence of Palestinians in historic Palestine.

Analysts estimate that this military operation, which may extend to all areas of the West Bank and is considered the largest since Operation Defensive Wall in 2002, is in line with the policies of the far-right government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, which threatened to expel the Palestinians, under the pretext that they pose an existential threat to the continuation of the Zionist project, when "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle began on October 7.

Readings agree that the Zionist military operation is another facet of the "decisive" plan that aims to consolidate the settlement project, impose facts on the ground that prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, create a repulsive environment for Palestinians to push them to emigrate forcibly, persist in annexing the West Bank and Jordan Valley to Zionist sovereignty.

The Zionist enemy has renewed raids and arrests in the West Bank areas and camps since Wednesday, as the number of victims of the Zionist military operation in the occupied West Bank rose to 19 martyrs and dozens of wounded, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The West Bank, which Israel has occupied since 1967, has been witnessing an escalation of violence for more than a year, but the situation has deteriorated since war broke out in Gaza Strip on October 7 following an unprecedented Hamas attack on the occupying entity.

Since October 7, at least 640 Palestinians have been martyred in the occupied West Bank by settlers and Zionist forces, according to official Palestinian data, while at least 19 Zionists, including soldiers, were killed in Palestinian attacks in the West Bank during the same period, according to official Zionist figures.

The enemy forces continue to push military reinforcements towards the city of Jenin and its camp, while they continue to blockade the city and close all its entrances, as they are present in 15 areas in the city and the camp, while they continue their operations in Nour Shams camp, and enemy bulldozers continue to destroy streets and infrastructure in the eastern neighborhood of Jenin, which witnessed great destruction over the course of two days since the start of the aggression on the city.

In parallel, the Zionist enemy continues its intensive and unprecedented aggression on Gaza Strip by air, land and sea, leaving thousands of martyrs and wounded, most of them children and women, while thousands of martyrs and wounded are still not recovered from under the rubble due to the continued bombardment and the dangerous field conditions, in light of the suffocating blockade of the Strip and severe restrictions on the fuel entry and urgent vital aid to alleviate the catastrophic humanitarian conditions.

Amnesty International described the escalation of fighting in the occupied West Bank as alarming, and said in a statement: As an occupying power, Israel has an obligation to protect health facilities and protect Palestinians, their houses and infrastructure.

The observers emphasize that there is "a new dimension related to deportation, and that the Zionist enemy wants to bring about a demographic change and create an environment that supports the settlement and expels Palestinians." They warn that if the experience of evacuating the camps in Gaza and burning houses is successful, it will be copied in the northern West Bank and in the West Bank as a whole, so this is a real danger.

According to observers, the scenes that accompanied the Zionist aggression on Tulkarm, Jenin and Tubas are not much different from what is happening in Gaza Strip in terms of methods and long-term goals, as the similarities between the aggression on Gaza and the West Bank are many.

Palestinian journalist Adel al-Zaanoun said, "The Zionist escalation in the West Bank is an extension of what is happening in Gaza Strip." He said: "Israel's plan was ready and waiting for the moment of implementation," he said, describing the situation as "as if this moment had arrived!!!".

In another indication that eviction or displacement policies are currently focused on camps in the occupied West Bank, Tubas Governor Ahmad Asaad told Arabic television: "Work is underway to counter the Zionist enemy's policies aimed at emptying the Palestinian camps of their residents.

The so-called Zionist Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz sparked a major controversy in the international arena after he threatened to carry out "temporary evacuations" of Palestinians from Jenin and Tulkarem cities, as happened in Gaza Strip.

Based on the above, analysts say: What is currently taking place in the northern West Bank could expand and spread to all parts of the West Bank, and that all of this is an extension of the genocidal war taking place in Gaza Strip, not a consequence or outcome of it.

They pointed out that Zionist agendas to displace the residents of the West Bank are not new and have been talked about over the past decades by Zionist politicians, although they differ in some details, but they agree to consider the occupied West Bank "Judea and Samaria".

As for the public calls of some Zionist politicians for displacement, they were preceded over the past decades by practices on the ground that all contribute to this goal, especially settlement expansion, land confiscation, dismemberment of the occupied West Bank, preventing the establishment of a Palestinian state, and restricting the livelihoods of Palestinian citizens in various ways and means.

Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, told Arab TV from Ramallah in the center of the West Bank last night that the extreme Zionist right has never hidden its ambitions to displace the Palestinians of the West Bank. He pointed out that this is the basis of all the Zionist movement in all its directions.

Barghouti added: The extreme right wing thinks it wants to transfer the war of extermination and ethnic cleansing from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank. He pointed out that the practices carried out by the enemy in the West Bank camps such as Nour Shams and Fargha testify to this.

He also considered that what he described as brutal fascist practices indicate a state of exploitation of the Palestinians, and that these practices were not limited to one place. He explained that the strategy that Palestinians can adopt to confront the enemy's plans must consist of three elements, the first of which is the popular strategy that Palestinians will not accept any Zionist attempts to displace them from their homes.

While noting that popular steadfastness is the foundation, Barghouti stressed that forces and civil society organizations must extend a helping hand to all besieged areas in order to help them survive.

The second strategy, according to Barghouti, is to immediately form a unified Palestinian national leadership, set aside all differences and unify the Palestinian national ranks as soon as possible in a unified national leadership. He added: The third strategy is to move now at the global popular level to impose sanctions and boycotts on Israel, stressing that the enemy government will only be deterred by sanctions.

On the other hand, the Zionist aggression on the occupied West Bank since last Wednesday has revived Jordan's fears of displacing some of the residents of the West Bank towards the Kingdom, in addition to the political risks that threaten the legal status of occupied Al-Quds and the security risks that could threaten the country's stability if the situation in the West Bank deteriorates.

In this regard, Ayman al-Huneiti, an expert in Zionist affairs, told Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed: "The situation is very dangerous, and it is clear that the displacement plan has become a reality." He pointed out that "the timing is of great importance."

Al-Huneiti warned of "Zionist attempts to create discord between Jordanians and Palestinians." "The arrogance of Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing government and the unparalleled American support reveal that Israel is trying to implement its plans and ambitions on the ground, and now any condemnation or denunciation is worthless," he said.

Al-Huneiti stressed "the importance of Jordan not only condemning and denouncing, but taking steps on the ground, including maintaining and strengthening the cohesion of the internal front, and dealing with the Zionists as they deal with them," in addition to "arming Jordanians in a systematic manner by relying on military retirees, to send a message to the Zionists that: We are ready for the next step to confront the move by the extremist Zionist National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to arm thousands of settlers."

The occupied West Bank, located west of the Jordan River and east of Al-Quds, is home to more than three million people, mostly Palestinians, and is home to several settlements that are illegal under international law, as the United Nations and the Security Council do not recognize their legitimacy.


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UPDATED ON :Mon, 16 Sep 2024 10:24:34 +0300