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Sana'a prepares for Prophet Muhammad’s birthday celebrations: Report
Sana'a prepares for Prophet Muhammad’s birthday celebrations: Report
Sana'a prepares for Prophet Muhammad’s birthday celebrations: Report
[Thu, 05 Sep 2024 19:34:31 +0300]

SANA'A September 05. 2024 (Saba) - Preparations in Sana'a province are underway to celebrate the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The local population is actively engaged in decorating buildings, homes, and streets, and organizing chants, songs, and poems to honor this significant occasion.

Efforts are being made at a rapid pace to ensure that the celebration reflects the grandeur of the Prophet’s birth, which brought joy to the world. Citizens are eager to participate in various events and activities, demonstrating their deep connection to the Prophet Muhammad, the exemplary figure of mercy and guidance. Sana'a province, along with other regions, is marking the Prophet’s birthday with a range of activities.

These include meetings with executive leaders, social figures, and community members to discuss preparations for the occasion. The events are designed to highlight the Yemeni people’s commitment to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and to draw lessons from his esteemed life.

The visible signs of celebration include extensive decorations and banners on buildings and hills, welcoming the Prophet’s birth. Officially, local authorities and executive bodies are coordinating efforts to organize various events.

Citizens are actively participating and engaging with the festivities across the province's districts, and villages.

Governor Abdul Basit Al-Hadi emphasized that celebrating the Prophet’s birth is a sacred religious duty that demonstrates the strong faith connection with the Prophet and loyalty to God.

He noted that this tradition has been upheld since the early days of Islam, reflecting the historical celebration by the Ansar upon the Prophet’s arrival in Medina. Al-Hadi remarked that the celebration is not just about joy but also serves as an educational opportunity to embrace the values taught by the Prophet Muhammad.

He urged organizers to highlight the Yemenis’ long-standing connection to the Prophet and his teachings, stressing that true dignity and pride come from following the Prophet’s divine guidance.

He also noted that this year's celebrations coincide with the formation of the new government and Yemen’s support for the Palestinian people. Secretary-General of the Local Council, Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani, expressed his satisfaction with the widespread expressions of love for the Prophet, which he believes come from sincere and devoted hearts.

Province undersecretary Hamid Asim highlighted that the grand celebrations are a testament to the Yemeni people's faith and their commitment to supporting the Muhammadan message.

He described the occasion as a catalyst for national unity and resistance against forces of oppression. Asim called on the people to participate actively in the celebrations, which serve as a valuable opportunity to learn from the Prophet’s life and teachings.

Head of the Social Construction Committee, Hadi Ammar, noted that extensive preparations and awareness campaigns have been underway to ensure that the celebrations reflect the Prophet's esteemed status in the hearts of Yemenis. The Yemeni people, deeply rooted in Quranic culture and authentic faith, are embracing the Quranic march's renewal and revival of their religious identity.

This occasion serves as an opportunity for them to express their love and connection to the Great Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and to embody his teachings and values in their daily lives. As the twelfth day of Rabi' al-Awwal approaches, the province is intensifying its preparations for the celebrations.

Streets, minarets, schools, historical sites, mountaintops, government and private buildings, shops, and neighborhoods are being adorned in green, with banners celebrating the occasion prominently displayed.

Executive offices across the province are coordinating various activities to mark the event. In Sana'a Governorate, the celebrations are imbued with a spiritual atmosphere, characterized by community gatherings, visits to martyrs' shrines, the preparation of large supply convoys, religious councils, and social solidarity activities that reflect the Prophet's values and noble morals.

Over the past two weeks, the province has seen a flurry of official, public, and popular events in neighborhoods and public squares, showcasing the community's joy and devotion to the Noble Messenger.

The celebrations continue to gain momentum, culminating in a grand event on the twelfth of Rabi' al-Awwal.


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 15 Sep 2024 23:20:18 +0300