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Mahweet hosts Grand Women's Festival for Prophet's birth anniversary
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Unprecedented crowds gather in Ibb to celebrate Prophet's birth anniversary
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Goalball Championship for blind to begin tomorrow in Sana'a
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Women's Committee in Hajjah holds cultural events to celebrate Prophet's birth anniversary
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Women's celebrations in Hodeida to celebrate
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Jawf gears up for grand celebrations of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday
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Birth of Guidance & Beginning of Age of Light
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  US-Saudi Aggression
Abdul Salam: Targeting civilians, educational facilities by US-British aggression is dangerous escalation
[10 September 2024]
Number of female students in Al-Jand School in Taiz martyred & injured by US-British aggression warplanes raid
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Aggression aircraft launches three raids on Ibb
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Citizen martyred in explosion of aggression remnants in Sarwah, Marib
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US-British aggression aircraft launch raid on Kamaran Island
[12 August 2024]
Hamas negotiator outlines conditions for serious swap deal
Hamas negotiator outlines conditions for serious swap deal
Hamas negotiator outlines conditions for serious swap deal
[Thu, 05 Sep 2024 22:18:39 +0300]

GAZA September 05. 2024 (Saba)- The head of the negotiations file in the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas", Dr. Khalil al-Haya, renewed on Thursday, the movement's assertion that any agreement to hold a serious exchange deal must include a complete ceasefire in Gaza, withdrawal from the Salah al-Din axis, including the Philadelphia axis and the Rafah crossing, as well as the return of the displaced to their houses freely and without any inspection, relief and reconstruction to reach the deal.

The Hamas leader, Al-Haya, explained that his movement showed full seriousness and the required flexibility to complete the ceasefire agreement, but the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu evaded it.

He stressed that Hamas adheres to what was agreed upon after the announcement of US President Joe Biden and the Security Council resolution on the ceasefire.

Al-Haya said: "We do not need any new papers or proposals from any party whatsoever, and we refuse to return to the zero point or go around in a vicious circle, in order to achieve Netanyahu's goals."

He added, "The US administration and Biden must abandon its blind bias towards the occupation and its unlimited support for this fascist government, and bind them to what was agreed upon and approved by the movement, based on the Badin project."

Al-Haya pointed out that the Hamas leadership and the factions behind it started communicating with mediators and the countries of the world to clarify the state of the negotiations , the obstruction and prevarication carried out by Netanyahu.

He emphasized that Hamas "will not allow any agreement that detracts from its right to stop the aggression, relief, reconstruction and the withdrawal of the enemy."


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 15 Sep 2024 23:20:18 +0300