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Mahweet hosts Grand Women's Festival for Prophet's birth anniversary
[15 September 2024]
Unprecedented crowds gather in Ibb to celebrate Prophet's birth anniversary
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Goalball Championship for blind to begin tomorrow in Sana'a
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Women's Committee in Hajjah holds cultural events to celebrate Prophet's birth anniversary
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Women's celebrations in Hodeida to celebrate
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Zionist government discusses comparisons that liken Netanyahu, his ministers to senior Nazi officials
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Iraqi Resistance Strikes Vital Target in Occupied Haifa with Drones
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Lebanese military general: Yemeni missile carries message of fire to "Israel" regarding Lebanon
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Palestinian injured by Israeli enemy bullets west of Hebron
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Yemen joins Islamic nations in celebrating birth of master of humanity, upon whom and his family be best prayers and peace​
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Israeli ship "Galaxy Leader" glowed with green lights in Hodeida coast to celebrate Prophet Mohammad birth
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Jawf gears up for grand celebrations of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday
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Birth of Guidance & Beginning of Age of Light
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Tomorrow... Yemeni people celebrate Prophet's birthday
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  US-Saudi Aggression
Abdul Salam: Targeting civilians, educational facilities by US-British aggression is dangerous escalation
[10 September 2024]
Number of female students in Al-Jand School in Taiz martyred & injured by US-British aggression warplanes raid
[10 September 2024]
Aggression aircraft launches three raids on Ibb
[08 September 2024]
Citizen martyred in explosion of aggression remnants in Sarwah, Marib
[04 September 2024]
US-British aggression aircraft launch raid on Kamaran Island
[12 August 2024]
Taiz discussing ways to protect maize crops from plant pests
Taiz discussing ways to protect maize crops from plant pests
Taiz discussing ways to protect maize crops from plant pests
[Thu, 05 Sep 2024 23:46:48 +0300]

TAIZ September 05. 2024 (Saba) - A meeting in Taiz Governorate, chaired by the Governorate's Undersecretary for Development and Services Affairs, Abdul Wasa Al-Shamsi, discussed the protection of maize crops, and the activation of veterinary services in the governorate's directorates.

The meeting, which included members of the development team in Taiz, stressed the importance of protecting agricultural crops from pests and diseases, controlling the fall armyworm, which threatens maize crops, and ways to increase production in the Warzan nursery.

The meeting with a number of farmers reviewed the effects and results of the armyworm control campaigns implemented in some areas for a number of districts, including Mawiya, Khadir, and Al-Taiziya, where quantities of pesticides were disbursed, and the campaigns were implemented by the competent authorities and cooperative societies in the districts.

The solar agent stressed the importance of intensifying efforts and implementing more campaigns to combat plant pests in order to protect agricultural crops such as grains, fruits, and other crops grown in various directorates of the governorate.

He pointed to the importance of benefiting from the operational mechanism in which the Ibb Agricultural Nursery operates.


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 15 Sep 2024 23:20:18 +0300