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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Yemeni community in Germany, Lebanese Association celebrate Prophet Muhammad's Birthday with solidarity march for Gaza
Yemeni community in Germany, Lebanese Association celebrate Prophet Muhammad's Birthday with solidarity march for Gaza
Yemeni community in Germany, Lebanese Association celebrate Prophet Muhammad's Birthday with solidarity march for Gaza
[Mon, 23 Sep 2024 15:52:30 +0300]

Yemeni community in Germany, Lebanese Association celebrate Prophet Muhammad's birth
HAMBURG - SABA: The Yemeni community in Germany, in collaboration with the Lebanese Association in Hamburg, held a celebration to honor the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family.

On this significant night, community members joined forces with the Palestinian community for a large march in Hamburg, expressing solidarity with the people of Gaza.

Participants denounced the ongoing siege and the atrocities faced by the population, highlighting the urgent need for justice and humanitarian support.

The march wound through the streets of Hamburg, where participants urged the international community to fulfill its moral, humanitarian, and legal responsibilities.

They called for pressure on the Israeli authorities to halt their aggressive actions and for an end to arms deals by complicit regimes. Attendees also criticized the United Nations for its perceived inaction regarding the ongoing genocide, emphasizing that its responses since the occupation of Palestine have been limited to mere expressions of concern.

In his speech, Mahmoud Al-Sagheer, head of the Yemeni community, emphasized that the Prophet's birthday is a chance to unite the Islamic nation and combat division.

He urged attendees to hold tightly to their faith and strengthen their connection with the Messenger of Allah, advocating for collective action against tyranny.

Al-Sagheer highlighted the importance of each believer taking responsibility, starting with their families, to deepen their ties with the Prophet and embody this unity in their lives.

He emphasized that when nations distance themselves from their Messenger, they risk losing their way and neglecting their responsibilities.

He pointed to the current situation in Gaza as a poignant example of this betrayal, highlighting the bloodshed, killings, genocide, and the displacement of millions of innocent people as a grave consequence of such separation.

Sheikh Diaa Al-Din Al-Hasani began his speech on behalf of the Lebanese Association by expressing admiration and gratitude for Yemen, which he described as a miracle and a significant force.

He asserted that God has positioned Yemen to play a crucial role during this critical time, endowing it with strength and power capable of transforming the region and the world.

Sheikh Al-Hasani stated that God has bestowed His strength upon the people of Yemen, highlighting this as a key reason for the special love the Messenger of God has for them, and their profound love for him. He referenced the Prophet's words, affirming that this connection is an integral part of every believer's identity: "Faith is Yemeni, and wisdom is Yemeni."

He stressed that the destruction of Gaza, compounded by betrayal from Arab leaders, stems from a lack of compassion within the hearts of the Israeli authorities and their allies. He declared that a heart devoid of mercy is akin to evil, regardless of any outward declarations of faith. Quoting the divine message that "We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds," he underscored that true religion embodies mercy. He warned that those lacking compassion and morals are akin to oppressive regimes and likened them to figures like Mohammed bin Salman.

The young participant, Zainab Muhammad Aqabat, recited a poem that highlighted Yemen’s steadfastness in supporting God, His Messenger, and their guardians. She conveyed that this commitment has rendered the forces of evil, arrogance, and their destructive agendas powerless, effectively crippling the oppressors and their instruments of tyranny.

The ceremony featured educational segments for children, focusing on reading the Quran and understanding the key principles of the Prophet Muhammad's message. Participants learned that the Prophet's mission is to guide people from darkness to light, correct misconceptions, and promote righteousness. It emphasized the Prophet's role in purifying souls and imparting wisdom and noble morals, encapsulated in his teaching: "I was sent only to perfect noble morals."

The celebration concluded with a procession honoring the Messenger of God, reflecting a rich Yemeni Ansar Khazraj cultural legacy. This vibrant display was shared with guests from diverse backgrounds and faiths. Each year, as Yemen commemorates the Prophet's birth, it creates a distinctive expression of devotion that stands unmatched in its depth of affection and praise for the Prophet and his family.

All attendees fervently prayed for victory for Gaza and for the oppressed everywhere, seeking mercy and eternal peace for the martyrs in Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq. They called for healing for the wounded and freedom for the prisoners, asking God to fulfill His promise of victory and to bring justice against their oppressors through Yemen and its leadership. They also hoped that this occasion would inspire renewed loyalty and unity within the entire Islamic nation, reinforcing their shared identity and commitment to the teachings of the Prophet.


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UPDATED ON :Mon, 23 Sep 2024 18:31:01 +0300