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Parliament condemns ongoing Israeli aggression on Lebanon, criticizes Arab silence
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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Yemen & Palestinian cause... fixed principled position
Yemen & Palestinian cause... fixed principled position
Yemen & Palestinian cause... fixed principled position
[Tue, 24 Sep 2024 14:56:11 +0300]

SANA'A - (Saba): The Government of Change and Construction reiterated the Republic of Yemen's full solidarity with the Lebanese government, people and resistance in the face of the barbaric attacks of the Zionist gangs, stressing that the Zionist aggression and dangerous escalation put the region on the brink of a wide war that threatens security and peace in the region and the world.

The facts and events have confirmed that there is no alternative to resistance as an unavoidable option to continue the battle for dignity regardless of the dangers and sacrifices, and this is the path currently being followed by the people of occupied Palestine and the resistance in southern Lebanon in their legendary confrontation with an occupying and usurping enemy armed with the latest American and Western weapons.

The Republic of Yemen has a long history of supporting the Palestinian armed struggle with fighters who have sacrificed their lives in the march of the Palestinian armed struggle since the spark of the Palestinian revolution until today, in a principled and consistent position with a cause that deserves to be supported not with money and weapons, but with men.

The Arab political system is now in its worst state, as evidenced by the collapse of values, morals and principles in the Arab political system and the demise of what was called Joint Arab Action, due to a number of reasons, most of which were carried out by foreign intelligence services that planned well for this and succeeded in destroying the Arab political system and emptying the Arab regimes of their content.

The issue of Palestine as a priority left the agenda of Arab political regimes, especially those that normalised with the occupation entity, as their concepts and priorities and what should or should not be changed, until we reached what we are in, which is a clear conspiracy against the Palestinian cause and Arab principles and values after lying in the arms of America and the West.

Now, after decades of the Arab-Palestinian conflict, the Palestinian cause is entering an important and dangerous juncture, which was written by the sons of Palestine in blessed military operations that threw the Zionist enemy and its allies off their political and military balance, which indicates the writing of a new chapter in the history of the conflict with the occupation entity, but this time it is written from the barrel of the gun that Hamas fighters directed towards its real destination in a surprise military operation that the Western world and America could not absorb from the severity of its impact on their spoilt entity in the land of Palestine.

The cause of Palestine has been and will continue to be the common denominator of collective Arab action, which must return at the hands of men who believe in the justice of the Palestinian cause and the injustice suffered by its people.


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UPDATED ON :Tue, 24 Sep 2024 17:09:23 +0300