Hodeida - Saba:
The Youth and Sports Office in Hodeidah Governorate held a workshop today for its branches in the directorates, on activating creative activities and preparing for summer activities and courses and the Al-Aqsa Flood courses.
The workshop aimed to familiarize the directors of the Youth Office branches with the mechanisms for preparing for summer courses and aspects of mobilizing youth for rehabilitation and jihadist mobilization training within the Al-Aqsa Flood open courses program.
During the workshop, the paths of achievement were reviewed, ways to address problems and obstacles, and enhancing mobilization efforts to provide youth with knowledge and skills on implementing creative activities in schools, Quranic culture, readiness and preparation to confront enemies.
The Director of the Youth Office in the Governorate, Imad Al-Barai, urged concerted efforts to care for the youth and fortify them with Quranic culture, discover their talents, develop their abilities and build them in various fields.
He stressed the keenness to invest the energies of the youth and develop their abilities culturally, educationally, scientifically and athletically, in a way that benefits them and helps them contribute to building the nation.

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