Sana'a - Saba:
The activities of the training program on the basics of food manufacturing concluded in Sana'a today, organized by the Yemeni Authority for Specifications, Metrology and Quality Control in cooperation and coordination with the General Authority for Small Enterprise Development.
The program aimed over three days to provide 42 male and female participants from productive families with skills and knowledge about food manufacturing, its importance and methods of preserving food.
At the conclusion, the Deputy Director General of the Authority for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Dr. Kamal Margham, pointed out the importance of training productive families and building their capacities in the field of food manufacturing and introducing them to manufacturing skills and general guidelines for the success of the food manufacturing process, packaging, and the statement card and the importance of placing it on the product.
He pointed out that this program is the launch of the activities of the training center of the authority, which targets the cadres of the authority and relevant parties, including productive families.
At the conclusion, in the presence of the Director of the Authority's branch in the Secretariat and Sana'a Governorate, Eng. Ibrahim Al-Dawla, the Deputy Director of the Training and Rehabilitation Center, Eng. Ahmed Al-Kastban, indicated that the center has been equipped and provided with the capabilities and cadres to provide an advanced educational environment equipped with the latest technologies and devices.
He pointed out that the center's plans include training and qualifying the cadres of the authority and its branches or the commercial and industrial sector in general, in addition to those interested, researchers, relevant parties, owners of small projects and productive families.
While the program trainer, Eng. Marwan Al-Kharasani, explained that the program aims to enable trainees to learn about the basics of food manufacturing in the food industries.
He pointed out that the program included lectures on the requirements and requirements for the production or manufacturing site and its tools, the health requirements for workers in the field of food manufacturing, and the types of potential or expected contamination during manufacturing and how to avoid them.

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