Jenin - Saba:
The Jenin Battalion and the Palestinian Authority reached an agreement on Friday evening to end the siege of Jenin camp, release detainees, and stop pursuing resistance weapons, while allowing police forces to work in the camp square.
In a statement, the Battalion said it had reached an understanding with the Palestinian Authority, after it responded to the battalion's demand.. indicating that a lengthy session was held with the reform and security men, during which ways to resolve the problem were discussed.
"We learned from them that there is approval of the battalion's demands from the authority and we reached an understanding with them on the part of the police entering the camp square area starting tonight, and tomorrow morning the Reform Committee and the figures in charge of the initiative will be present in the camp square in order to complete the rest of the arrangements," it added.
The Battalion said if things go as agreed upon, "we are committed to everything we pledged in the event that there is a commitment from the security services of the authority and Allah is the Grantor of success."
A force from the police and civil defense arrived at the Jenin camp square, while dozens of citizens gathered and chanted slogans in support of the resistance.
Local sources reported that the understanding includes the authority stopping the pursuit of the resistance fighters and not touching their weapons, and releasing the detainees, in addition to stopping the militarization demonstration and allowing the police forces to work in the camp, and rebuilding the homes that were burned and destroyed by the authority's forces during the siege that lasted 44 days.

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