I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.
O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.
Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
Allah (Glory be to Him) says in the Holy Quran, {'As for those who firmly abide by the Scripture and establish prayer, surely We never discount the reward of those acting righteously'}[Al-A'raf 7:170]. This is the word of truth from Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.
On the annual anniversary of the Martyr of the Quran, Al-Sayyid Hussein bin Badruddin Al-Houthi (May Allah be pleased with him), we once again pray to Allah that He may amplify our reward and yours.
We reflect on his martyrdom as a representation of the cause and the injustice faced. That is because what the authorities did back in 2004 against the Martyr of the Quran, the founder of our Quranic march, and our great martyr leader, Al-Sayyid Hussein bin Badruddin Al-Houthi (May Allah be pleased with him), was a ruthless aggression with no justification, lacking any legal or legitimate basis. The Martyr of the Quran and those who joined him in the Quranic project did not engage in any acts of aggression against the authorities at that time; they did not commit any action that would justify the aggression and targeting of those who moved within the framework of the Quranic project.
What the Martyr of the Quran stood for was:
- raising Quranic awareness;
- screaming in the face of the arrogant with the slogan of disavowal from America and Israel:
- ; and calling to boycott American and Israeli goods.
Allah is Greater
Death to America
Death to Israel
Curse upon the Jews
Victory to Islam
The movement was characterised by three elements: raising Quranic awareness, screaming in the face of the arrogant, and calling to boycott American and Israeli goods. This was in response to the unprecedented American, Israeli, and Western onslaught on our Islamic Ummah in the Arab region and beyond, following the events of September 11, which were orchestrated by Zionism to serve as a pretext for a comprehensive aggressive campaign aimed at:
- tightening American, Israeli, and Western control over our Ummah;
- invading its homelands;
- erasing its identity; and
- gaining control over its resources.
The situation among the grassroots in our country mirrored that of most peoples, influenced and constrained by the official stance. The elites and political parties were mostly in a weak position while acknowledging the dire situation and the risks of the official policy that opened the field for the Americans to act as they wished. This did not represent a solution in the interest of our people, nor was it a saving option to protect our people from American threats. In fact, it contributed to enabling the Americans to have complete control without any cost or burden, serving as a means of American and Israeli empowerment.
The Martyr of the Quran moved forward with the Quranic project out of a sense of religious responsibility and a conscious awareness of the seriousness of the situation and its dire consequences, even in terms of divine punishment. The Ummah would not be saved from the evil targeting of the Americans by accepting their dominance and allowing them to erase its identity, suppress its freedom and independence, and further fragment it. Rather, it would bring more harm; divine punishment would follow for negligence, as this Ummah has a responsibility to defend itself, its identity, its homeland, and its dignity against the injustices targeting it. This is a religious responsibility. He also moved forward, fully aware of the importance and value of taking conscious and correct action. He believed this to be the true solution for the Ummah, instead of submission, in the face of the total onslaught targeting the Ummah in every aspect. He did not believe that inertia and shirking responsibility could drive away evil or provide a reliable solution for the Ummah.
The practical efforts within the Quranic project focused on raising Quranic awareness:
- To raise awareness among the Ummah, as it was in dire need of awareness—the first thing the Ummah needs is awareness.
- To provide Quranic solutions, since the Ummah faced significant problems that posed a serious threat and required the Ummah to have a clear vision of what could represent a solution.
- To fortify the Ummah against the extensive infiltration of the Western American, Israeli campaign that targeted its peoples culturally and intellectually. That campaign aimed at changing school curricula by dedicating what should be omitted or added to school curricula. American and Israeli interference also targeted various educational and intellectual activities, aiming to influence the identity, thought, and culture of this Ummah, even extending to the media level. The enemies made considerable efforts to alter the thoughts of this Ummah and influence public opinion, attitudes, loyalties, and stances. They aim to mislead the Ummah, to lead it astray, and to corrupt it.
- It expresses a state of outrage, which is very important. The Ummah's anger towards the onslaught of its enemies—which is characterised by criminality and tyranny and pursues very dangerous objectives—must be translated into a stance. At the very least, it should initially express its outrage and rejection of American and Israeli hegemony. There must be a stance that expresses this rejection.
- It also fortifies the internal situation of the Ummah against the enemies' attempts to turn it into a nation loyal to them. The enemies work extensively to recruit and infiltrate the people of this Ummah, seeking to redirect the state of outrage away from America and Israel and towards those who oppose them and steer loyalties towards the Americans and Israelis, which can enable them to exert control with ease.
- Moreover, it aims to counter efforts to silence dissenting voices, as this is one of the objectives of the slogan. The Americans encourage regimes to suppress dissent and silence any voices opposing American and Israeli hegemony and control.
Jewish, American, and Israeli efforts focus heavily on misleading people, targeting them at intellectual and cultural levels—including their vision, perception, thought, stance, loyalty, and orientation. Their efforts are also focused on corruption: corrupting souls, opposing virtues and values, including great divine values, and seeking to corrupt societies and lead them into vices of all kinds, including moral vices. Their actions are guided by a destructive project, which is the Zionist project, rather than being a mere limited reaction to a temporary event.
This is an extremely important fact because many members of the Ummah still view the actions of the Americans and Israelis, and those who are aligned with them, as merely temporary positions or limited reactions. In reality, they are operating within a project known as the Zionist project, which is destructive to this Ummah. Indeed, the Zionist project poses a serious threat to the Ummah.
In addition to raising Quranic awareness, the Quranic project focused on raising the slogan as a means of declaring a stance:
This was also accompanied by the boycott of American and Israeli goods as an important weapon. That is because the enemies benefit significantly from plundering our countries' resources and exploiting our nations and their large populations as markets for their products, which generates substantial financial income for them.
In both cases, they benefit: They benefit from plundering, as vast amounts of money and resources flow into their hands, and they benefit from the markets that provide income for them, which they then use to wage war against this Ummah. At the same time, the boycott effort serves as a weapon. They themselves utilise this weapon in economic sanctions against this country or that from time to time. Furthermore, the boycott effort is also an important incentive for economic development, local production, and striving towards self-sufficiency.
The three steps taken by the martyr of the Quran were wise and legitimate, as there was no justification for targeting those who engaged in such steps. These steps were rooted in the Holy Quran, and they should have been welcomed in a country with a faith-based identity, where the constitution acknowledges Islamic law as a fundamental source of legislation, and where the ruling regime at the time used to boast about democracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression—at the time when the Americans were waving banners of freedom and democracy. However, the Americans soon became upset and angry. They viewed this wise project as an obstacle, for it followed practical, purposeful, beneficial, and impactful steps that could lead the Ummah out of silence, stagnation, and submission into a state of active engagement that could increase when necessitated by emergent circumstances. Consequently, the Americans resorted to their usual tactics of embroiling the authorities, pressuring them to combat the Quranic project under American supervision.The campaigns of arrests and imprisonment coincided with punitive measures such as dismissals from civil jobs, including in education and other sectors. That was also accompanied by propaganda campaigns aimed at defaming and opposing the Quranic project, as well as campaigns of fear, intimidation, and exaggeration.
This misguided approach by the authorities to combat the Quranic project, under American supervision, coincided with everything America was doing across the region in general. America was going ahead with its onslaught, moving to occupy Iraq after its occupation of Afghanistan. The Israeli enemy was committing the most heinous crimes against the Palestinian people, while the Americans were exerting pressure on various countries, aiming to impose agendas and policies on them and seeking to infiltrate them. Despite that, they were aligning themselves with the Americans! This is not to mention the abusive and provocative campaigns that targeted this Ummah in a way that expressed the utmost hostility towards it, including campaigns against the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) and against the Holy Quran, which are Zionist campaigns in every sense of the word.
As the Americans and the Israelis, along with those aligned with them, were pursuing their agenda, the authorities, however, remained preoccupied, deeply immersed, and fully engaged in those repressive campaigns against the Quranic project. Moreover, this coincided with what was the Americans doing to the country after all doors were open to them. They proceeded with plans, programmes, and activities to infiltrate all state institutions, including the military, economic, educational, cultural, judicial, and security sectors. Furthermore, they were also making efforts to target the public arena for recruitment and infiltration. They persisted in this, while the only concern of the authorities was combating the Quranic project!
The operations carried out by the authorities continued in a repressive manner until the prisons of the Political SecurityOffice were filled with the Mukabirin. This is the name the Yemeni people knew them with and gave them. Why did they give them this name? It is because the people knew that those individuals were innocent of any wrongdoing and arrested by the authorities simply for chanting 'Allah is Greater', voicing their slogan of disavowal from the enemies of Allah that starts with 'Allah is Greater' and concludes with 'Victory to Islam'. Hence, they became known as the Mukabirin.
The Americans were disturbed by the failure of the oppressive efforts and the unjust practices and harassments, as they were unable to halt the Quranic project. This led them to push the authorities into a military aggression in 2004, with the aim of militarily eliminating the Quranic project The authorities acted recklessly, without hesitation, and with astonishing hostility and malevolence. We were astonished by the extent of the malice displayed by the authorities, their apparatuses, and their leaders at the time. They opened the door for hostility by launching the first war, which marked the beginning of wars in this country.The first war primarily targeted the Martyr of the Quran (our leader and the founder of our Quranic march), along with his companions in the rural area of Marran, in the Haydan District of Sa`dah Governorate, as well as the surrounding areas. It also militarily targeted the popular support bases of the Quranic project in other regions of Sa`dah, such as the Al-Saify and Hamdan. They also carried out campaigns in various areas in Sa`dah Governorate and elsewhere to pursue those known as the Mukabirin, even in their villages and their homes.
The first war was a aggressive and unjust war, carried out with extreme ferocity and tyranny in accordance with the American approach, utilising all means of killing, destruction, blockade, and starvation from the very first day. The authorities at the time mobilised all their military capabilities: aircraft (warplanes and helicopters), ground forces equipment (including tanks, tracked vehicles, and various military machinery), and thousands of soldiers. They were not satisfied with that; they also enlisted a large number of mercenaries to join their ranks. And they primarily targeted Marran through total destruction and insane bombardment that continued day and night, attacking people in their homes without any justification. Additionally, they also used siege and starvation: They prevented the entry of food and medicine, resulting in one of the most severe sieges—an extremely severe siege. Marran was devastated, as a significant military force was gathered for that purpose.
The Martyr of the Quran, Al-Sayyid Hussein bin Badruddin Al-Houthi (May Allah be pleased with him), our leader and the founder of our Quranic march, did not have an army, militias, or any organised or trained military formation to confront that aggression. The ones who faced that aggression were the local people and those who stood with them. It was the community there who mobilised to defend itself against this completely unjustified aggression. They fought in the cause of Allah with unmatched bravery and commitment. Thus, the battle continued for nearly three months, despite the fact that they had no military equipment except for ordinary personal weapons that any Yemeni citizen could possess. Furthermore, there was a significant shortage of ammunition and necessary supplies, and they had no military training or anything of that sort.The battle lasted for about three months in Marran (an area covering approximately five square kilometres), until the authorities announced the killing of the Martyr of the Quran and those locals who confronted their aggression and the arrest of many citizens and wounded individuals. They did that as an offering to the Americans, feeling pleased with what they considered an achievement to present to the Americans in their attempts to appease them and win their favour. At that time, the authorities, along with the Americans, believed they had eradicated the Quranic project.
The war witnessed criminal practices in every sense of the word:
Afterwards, the authorities, along with the Americans, were surprised by, first and foremost, the steadfastness of the prisoners in jails. Those who had been arrested for chanting the slogan in the face of the arrogant and those arrested during the aggressive campaigns, remained resolute. They did not retreat from this path, this project, and this position. They held firm even while imprisoned and never accepted to retreat from their position or from this great project. Moreover, the authorities, along with the Americans, were surprised by the determination of those outside the prisons who rallied around the esteemed Quranic scholar Al-Sayyid Badruddin Al-Houthi (May Allah be pleased with him), who was at that time residing in the Nishour area of Hamdan, Sa`dah Governorate, hosted by our dear mujahid brother Abdullah Aida Al-Rizami and the locals there.
As a result, after several months, the authorities launched a second war targeting the esteemed Quranic scholar Al-Sayyid Badruddin Al-Houthi (May Allah be pleased with him), but they failed again. The series of failures and disappointments persisted, accompanied by relentless insistence on repeating acts of aggression, each time with greater brutality and savagery. There were significant crimes during those phases: murders, mutilations, and attacks on both the young and old, as well as on citizens' homes, among other crimes. In fact, they failed to learn from past lessons. Consequently, the series of wars launched by the authorities under American supervision, instigation, and political cover reached six comprehensive wars and more than twenty partial wars.
During the sixth war, the Saudi regime—undoubtedly under American pressure—became involved in the aggression alongside the authorities at that time. However, it failed too. Despite their joint failure, the Saudi regime did not take heed at that time so as to act with caution in the future.
Then, major changes took place in the country due to that steadfastness and those sacrifices, resulting in heightened awareness among the people. This culminated in the 21 September revolution, which was followed by the escape of the Americans and Marines from Sana'a. The Americans and Israelis were worried because that signified the end of their control over the country and the failure and collapse of the American project in this country. It was not only that, but they recognised the significance of this project and its substantial impact in presenting a good model for the rest of the Ummah and its contribution to its overall reality. This is because it is a project not confined to this country alone. Israeli reactions clearly reflected significant concern, as the criminal Netanyahu and others expressed that concern. The same was true of American reactions.
However, the Americans—as is their usual approach of seeking to entangle others—sought to involve the Saudis and their coalition allies in a comprehensive aggression against our country under direct American supervision. This is how the Saudi-American aggression began and enjoyed the participation of other countries. It has continued for all these years, with severe brutality and criminality, but it failed, too.This was about the oppression faced, summarising the course of events. There are many details, and Allah willing, books will be published about this, along with media products documenting those phases and what occurred in them.
In this Quranic march, throughout all these phases, we (all those who joined this Quranic project) were subjected to significant injustices and were not the oppressors; we were the victims, not the aggressors. Our efforts to repel the aggression and confront the attacks against us were aligned with Allah's teachings and in accordance with Islamic and Quranic values and morals. In contrast, the enemies and aggressors were committing the most heinous crimes against us. There are numerous proofs, documents, and facts that attest to this. This is in regard to the oppression faced.
There is also the cause, which is the Quranic project and the Quranic position against the enemies of Muslims and even humanity: the Zionist Jews and those who are aligned with them (America and Israel). The enemies, as we have mentioned, operate according to the Zionist project whose concept is falsely and slanderously attributed to religion. The Zionist project is portrayed as a religious project, which is why its proponents are driven by great enthusiasm and passion. It possesses specific goals that are destructive to our Ummah. The Zionist project means the occupation of our Islamic and Arab homelands, starting with Palestine. It means the destruction of our Ummah, control over it, and its fragmentation, and it seeks to eliminate its independent and civilisational existence. They employ means and methods that are also destructive. Their methods and means to achieve their project are all aggressive:
In the face of all this, what project should we, as Muslims and a targeted ummah, undertake? Which course of action should we choose in response? Is surrender the solution? It offers no salvation. Is collaboration with the enemies the solution? It only empowers them, exploits us, and leads to loss in both this worldly life and the Hereafter. Or should we pursue any project without much thinking about how it should be?
There is no doubt, and it is self-evident, that the most successful and powerful option is to pursue a project that aligns, first and foremost, with our Islamic and faith-based identity. This must be the primary foundation in any project we undertake to confront our enemies, especially since they operate within the framework of what they perceive to be a religious project.
The greatest incentive and motivation arise when we move forward with a project that aligns with our Islamic and faith-based identity. Projects that do not align with the identity of the Ummah will fail to inspire it to make significant sacrifices or endure all burdens, regardless of their magnitude. Such projects will lack the necessary incentives and motivations for true dedication. Additionally, there is a divine guarantee that when we act according to Allah's guidance, we will receive His help (the Almighty) and His truthful promise. This is an essential requirement for the Ummah during its phase of awakening, awareness, and mobilisation.
When there is a project rooted in the identity of this Ummah—its religion, its creed, and beliefs—it can truly serve as a significant and impactful factor in revitalising the Ummah, raising its awareness, and mobilising it. This is especially important as the Ummah stands in urgent need of revival.
The Ummah has suffered from a problematic state of inaction in the face of dangers, passivity in the face of disasters, and neglect of responsibility since the inception of the Zionist project in our region. From the time the Zionists began flowing into Palestine under British protection, the Ummah's primary problems have been inaction and a lack of awareness. It was in need of greater awareness and a greater sense of responsibility. This problem has remained prominent and persistent throughout all stages, revealing a lack of awareness, a weakened sense of responsibility, and a lack of religious drive.
The same state prevailed after the American-Israeli onslaught in 2001: a state of inaction, confusion, and heedlessness towards the magnitude of the danger and the responsibility to take action about it. The problem also lies in the fact that this state of inaction, surrender, and heedlessness kept growing and expanding, eventually leading to the open normalisation by some regimes. These regimes have reached this level of open normalisation because they recognise that the current situation of the Ummah allows for that.
Therefore, the Ummah is, indeed, in dire need of a Quranic awakening—one that stirs the conscience, revives the sense of responsibility, raises awareness, and instils the religious drive and influence that motivates it. This is the most effective means by which the Ummah can be awakened. In other words, there is no equivalent to the Holy Quran in its content, spirit, and impact when it comes to motivating and reviving the Ummah. Furthermore, the Ummah, by virtue of its faith, belonging, and identity, believes in it as the book and message of Allah, His call, and His teachings. It also believes that the promises in the Holy Quran are divine promises from Allah. The Holy Quran connects the Ummah to Allah and strengthens its trust in Him. This is because the Ummah has lost this trust, which has led to great weakness.
On the one hand, the Quranic project possesses unique features that cannot be found in any other project. On the other hand, the Ummah urgently needs to realign its positions, orientations, loyalties, and enmities according to the principles, instructions, and divine morals brought by Islam in the Holy Quran and conveyed by the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F). This is a critical matter because the Ummah is currently in a state of disorder and chaos, evident in its positions, loyalties, and enmities. Many members of the Ummah adopt any position without considering the divine principles, instructions, or other guiding factors. As a result, betrayal within the reality of the Ummah, amidst this chaos and disorder, is reduced to merely a point of view! Servitude to enemies and fighting alongside them against the people of this Ummah is perceived as a point of view! Crimes and acts of tyranny are normalised as standard practices, justified under the guise of military tactics that mirror those of the Americans and Israelis. Similarly, loyalties are bought with money, false and limited political gains, or fleeting material benefits. This is how the general state devolves into a chaotic state, entirely contrary to principles, values, and morals.
The matter is not a simple one that can be left to opinions detached from principles, values, and morals, or based solely on political and false interest calculations. So what does this matter involve? It involves Palestine, the sacred sites, and Al-Aqsa Mosque—the site of the Prophet's night journey. It involves the Palestinian people, who are an integral part of this Ummah, whose freedom, independence, and dignity are at risk of being confiscated. They continue to endure oppression, persecution, massacres, subjugation, and the plundering of their properties. It involves Palestine, which is part of this Ummah— both in its land and in every respect. The matter involves posing a danger to the sacred sites of the Ummah as a whole, including Mecca and Medina, both of which fall within the scope of the Zionist project. The Ummah in general is targeted: A large part of the Ummah faces the threat of direct occupation, while the rest is at risk of complete control and domination. This matter embodies immense injustice and the erasure of the Ummah's identity, and it involves crimes, strife, and significant challenges. Therefore, there is no room for taking things lightly.
The Ummah needs to realign its positions to stay consistent with its faith, morals, principles, and values. These positions must be grounded in the identity of this Ummah, its principles, its values, and the divine instructions given to it. This is a very serious matter, as it involves gaining control over the Ummah, destroying it, distorting its identity, and influencing its loyalties and enmities.
Notice that the situation has reached a point where the Americans and Israelis determine for you whom you should oppose. The Israelis, who are your enemy—the Jews whom Allah described in His words, {'You will surely find the most bitter towards the believers to be the Jews'}[Al-Ma'idah 5:82]—decide for you who your enemies should be, even though you identify as a Muslim! You then direct your enmity towards this group or that one based on that, opposing them in every way: through the media, militarily, in terms of security, and through every other means. The Americans, similarly, decide whom you should regard as enemies, whom you should ally with, whom you should make peace with, and whom you should fight!
This is one of the worst forms of misguidance: Through the misguidance of the Americans, Israelis, and Jews, the Ummah reaches the point where its loyalties and enmities are directed by them. The Ummah is led to the point where they decide whom it should be allied with, whom it should regard as enemies, whom it should fight, and whom it should make peace with—ultimately leading to a situation where it no longer knows who its true enemy is! This is one of the worst forms of misguidance, even worse than the condition of other animals. Animals can recognise their enemies among other animals, and they would never fall into the embrace of their enemies. With their instincts, which Allah has granted them with and the comprehension and awareness they possess, they avoid such confusion. Therefore, when the reality of many in the Ummah reaches the point of being confused and unable to distinguish between enemy and friend, whom to ally with and whom to regard as an enemy, whom to fight or make peace with, it reflects a grave level of misguidance—worse than that of animals.
This is why the Ummah needs the Holy Quran as a source of guidance to refine its position. As we mentioned, this is not an ordinary matter—there is terrible oppression, appalling wrongdoing, criminality, corruption on the earth, tyranny, and evil. All American and Israeli actions fall into these categories of evil, criminality, tyranny, oppression, wrongdoing, and corruption. Therefore, when the Ummah takes a reckless position that aligns with their interests, it becomes complicit in all of this. One's position on them is not merely a matter of political opinions, relations, material interests, or fleeting gains. Rather, it has to do with principles, ethics, human values, and religion. This is because the Islamic religion takes a clear and unwavering position—it stands against oppression as the religion of justice. It opposes injustice, crime, tyranny, corruption, and wrongdoing. The aggressive activities of the Zionists, Jews, Americans, and Israelis are summarised as misguidance, corruption, and injustice, all of which Islam categorically rejects.
The Quranic project brings us back to the Holy Quran to help us attain the highest levels of awareness, insight, enlightenment, wisdom, prudence, and guidance. These are qualities that most members of this Ummah have lost—they have lost awareness, insight, enlightenment, wisdom, prudence, and guidance. We urgently need to move forward with heightened awareness: awareness of the enemy, our duties and responsibilities, the reality we live in, the conditions around us, and the threats and dangers we face in every aspect of life. Additionally, to purify our souls in confronting the pervasive corruption of Jews and intensely destructive attacks aimed at corrupting people, we need to fortify ourselves with the Holy Quran—so that we may purify our souls and uphold our human dignity. Moreover, it encourages us to feel a sense of responsibility and to take a position against the evil, aggression, and criminality of the enemies and reminds us of our religious duty.
Furthermore, by returning to our Islamic and faith-based identity and the Holy Quran, we realise that we, as a Muslim Ummah, bear a great responsibility and have a specific role to fulfil. Otherwise, the consequences will be severe in this life and the Hereafter. This is a very important matter and a major concern.
As Muslims, we belong to Islam, the divine message that we believe in, and we believe in the Holy Quran as the book of Allah, His revelation, and His teachings. We believe in the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH&F) as the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of His Prophets, and we also believe in the messengers of Allah and His scriptures. Thus, we carry the legacy of the divine message, the legacy of the messengers and prophets, as we are indeed the last of the nations. By virtue of this belonging and responsibility, we are obligated to be a nation that acts upon the divine message, calls for goodness, confronts evil, enjoins what is right, and forbids what is wrong. We must follow the guidance of the Book of Allah (the Almighty) and the example of His Messenger (PBUH&F). This role is a global one, for the divine message is for all of humanity and a mercy to the whole world, as Allah said to His Messenger (PBUH&F), {'We have sent you [O Prophet] only as a mercy for the whole world'}[Al-Anbya 21:107].
This role comes with support from Allah. It is not a burden that Allah has placed upon us, only to then abandon us when we strive to fulfil it, watching us struggle and leaving us in a difficult position; rather, it is accompanied by the help, support, and care of Allah, Glory be to Him.
This role, which is assigned to this Ummah within the framework of the divine project and the divine message, receives great attention in the Holy Quran. For example, Allah (the Almighty) says, {'You are the best nation ever raised for mankind'}[Ali 'Imran 3:110]. {'Raised for mankind'} signifies that this Ummah has a global role and should strive to become the best nation. This quality of being the best nation is tied to how closely the Ummah adheres to this responsibility, carries this divine message, and remains committed to it.
{'You are the best nation ever raised for mankind: you enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and believe in Allah. If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient'}[Ali 'Imran 3:110]. This role has been assigned to our Ummah instead of the People of the Scripture. In other words, before the emergence of our Islamic Ummah, this role was assigned to the People of the Scripture (the people of the Torah and the Gospel). They were the ones entrusted with the responsibility of being an exemplary nation, striving within human societies to spread goodness, truth, justice, values, and virtues, building a distinctive civilisation based on these principles, and working to spread goodness and the divine message to the whole world. However, this role was taken away from them. Why?
That is because they, in their deviation from the divine message and their distortion and effort to obstruct it, reached a point where they ultimately lost their qualifications for this role and played an opposite role to the one they were supposed to fulfil. They turned into a leading force of evil, striving to lead people astray and corrupt people and the earth. As a result, they lost the ability to fulfil this role: to play a leading role in human society and move with the great innate values that Allah instilled in people to establish justice and seek goodness for nations and peoples. They completely lost this role and their qualification for it, moving in the opposite direction.
They are filled with hatred because of what has happened: the loss of that honour and the significant role that has been assigned to the Islamic Ummah. On the one hand, they realise that this role comes with responsibility and is a great honour and virtue bestowed by Allah, and they realise that this role, at the same time, comes with assistance, support, and blessings from Allah to empower those who take it on to lead nations according to this distinctive role—that is, not to lead others through oppression, tyranny, crime, exploitation of peoples, injustice, persecution, or subjugation, but through striving to bring goodness and spread truth, justice, and great values. They are resentful because they understand that this role is tied to responsibility and divine empowerment, as seen during the early period of Islam. This is not mere talk that is lovely but has no existence in reality.
This took place in the early days of Islam when the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH&F) acted and started the journey from scratch, built the Islamic Ummah, and elevated it to the forefront of nations, carrying the banner of Islam, virtues, truth, and justice, distinguished by its embrace of this divine light and this sacred and great message. During that period, the People of the Scripture, supported by the pagan and polytheists among the Arabs, sought to hinder the Islamic Ummah from attaining that status, using various kinds of conspiracies, schemes, and wars, but they ultimately failed.
At that time, the Ummah, led by the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH&F), held a leading position among nations, with all enemy formations collapsing before it:
The Islamic message and the Ummah triumphed in the arena through that project, those values, and that role. This role is a great one, different from the dominance and haughtiness of the arrogant, oppressors and the greedy. The Ummah only fell into decline when it neglected its sacred responsibility, leading to a significant decline that those historical enemies exploited once again.
Allah has clarified in the Holy Quran their hatred and envy and how they realise that this role given to this Islamic Ummah is a great virtue and an immense honour. This is mentioned in numerous verses throughout the Quran—in Surah Al-Baqarah, Ali 'Imran, An-Nisa, Al-Ma'idah, At-Tawbah, As-Saff, and Al-Jumu'ah, among many other surahs of the Quran. Among these verses is Allah's saying, {'Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed}—but why?—{out of envy from themselves [even] after the truth has become clear to them'}[Al-Baqarah 2:109]. Also, Allah says about them, {'How wretched is that for which they sold themselves, that they would disbelieve in what Allah has revealed through [their] outrage that Allah would send down His favour upon whom He wills from among His servants. So they returned having [earned] wrath upon wrath'}[Al-Baqarah 2:90], and He says, {'A faction of the People of the Scripture wish they could mislead you'}[Ali 'Imran 3:69]. Moreover, Allah says about them, {'Neither those who disbelieve from the People of the Scripture nor the polytheists wish that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord'}[Al-Baqarah 2:105].
This responsibility is not confined to the early days of Islam; it is an ongoing obligation, and the Ummah of two billion Muslims has what it takes to fulfil this responsibility and assume this role:
The Ummah's failure to fulfil its responsibility has led to immense consequences: This has led to a significant void on the global stage, as this role has disappeared—the role of spreading goodness among humanity, upholding human dignity, and restoring its value by supporting truth and justice and by confronting oppression, tyranny, corruption, and crime. These are fundamental needs for human society, not matters that people can simply do without. Can people live without justice? Can oppression serve as a comfortable substitute for their benefit in life? Can wrongdoing, corruption, and crime be viable alternatives for their well-being? The percentage of those suffering within human society across various parts of the world is remarkably high.
This void left by the Ummah is a dangerous one. The forces of evil and darkness have exploited it, spreading their tyranny, corruption, oppression, darkness, and crimes on a global scale. America, Israel, and the global Zionist movement operate within a worldwide agenda, serving as a source of evil that impacts people across nations. America has caused significant suffering to many peoples and countries including those outside the Islamic world.
What did America do to Japan? What did it do to Germany, Vietnam, and many other countries? What did it do to the peoples of Latin America? Even starting within America itself, against the Red Indians—how much injustice, how many crimes! How much wealth has it plundered from nations, depriving them and leaving them in suffering and misery, only to offer them crumbs of aid to deceive them, while it has stolen so much of their resources?! Can you imagine how far they have gone in promoting falsehood, superstition, and misleading ideas to mislead humanity, diverting people from the right path and leading them into blindness and intellectual confusion?! Very grave atrocities were committed! It is a source of evil, crime, tyranny, corruption, oppression, and killing. How many lives across human society has it taken in various stages and events?
America has killed millions. According to the latest statistics, which are American statistics, over the past twenty years alone—during a period that is assumed to be less destructive compared to earlier times when America was killing people with nuclear and atomic bombs—America has killed over four million people, predominantly from the Islamic world. Many of those killed were women and children, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, if not in the millions.
America is a major source of crime and aggression, and its hostility is evident: It threatens countries, applies military pressure, manufactures the most lethal weapons, and uses them to target children, women, refugee tents, and cities. America produces bombs specifically designed to destroy cities, fully aware that the inhabitants of cities are civilians. This reflects a blatant disregard for human life, making it a significant source of evil that afflicts human societies.
It is also a source of corruption and immorality: It spreads vice and moral corruption, disintegrates communities, tears apart the social fabric, and seeks to undermine virtues and values, corrupt human society, and destroy the family structure within human communities. It is a leading force in plundering wealth. This is supported by numerous facts, countless figures, and abundant evidence. It serves as a means of plundering wealth and depriving nations of it, using deception—as we mentioned—to offer a meager fraction for deception. It is a source of all forms of injustice and opposes justice. Indeed, it opposes establishing justice. Any efforts to establish justice are opposed by America and Israel.
This void that America, with its evil, exploited was created by the Islamic Ummah's abandonment of its role—the Ummah that should have been the leading force of goodness for humanity, the leading force in spreading justice, promoting virtues within human society. It should have guided humanity to safety within the framework of the divine message. Instead, it left the field open for the Jews and criminals.The other powers in the world lack the moral and intellectual foundations to stand against American evil and move to confront the Jewish threat and stand up to the misleading and corrupting efforts made by the Jews, the Israelis, the Americans, and the Zionists—an empty hand has nothing to give. That is to say, there are powers on the global stage that oppose America and compete with it, but their competition is limited to economic and political arenas. They do not have what it takes to perform this role: They lack the divine project, divine values, and the very high and noble divine teachings. They do not have the guidance that purifies souls and plays a major role in reforming human society.
There are also entities that have been established such as the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the Security Council, and the United Nations; however, their fundamental role is against the oppressed. If, at certain stages—out of absolute necessity and due to being thoroughly exposed—such entities had no choice but to adopt some positions against one of the arrogant powers, they would inevitably face sanctions as a consequence. This is similar to what happened with the International Criminal Court when America imposed sanctions on it. America no longer respects judicial institutions, contrary to how it presents itself. At the same time, many countries mock these institutions, and their decisions are largely disregarded and hold no weight with most nations.
Therefore, responsibility lies with the Muslim Ummah to fulfil this role: calling for goodness in human society, confronting evil and evildoers, striving to enjoin what is right, which aligns with human nature and is embedded in the divine religion and teachings, and to forbid what is wrong, which is rejected by sound human nature. It should stand against injustice, strive for justice, and, first and foremost, present a model through its own reality.
This role is meant for the Islamic Ummah: {'O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah'}[An-Nisa 4:135]; {'O you who have believed, stand firm for Allah and bear true testimony'}[Al-Ma'idah 5:8]. These two Quranic verses highlight an important role that the Ummah has neglected, and its abandonment of this role has contributed to supporting the corruptors on the earth, particularly the dark forces led by Zionism and the Jews. Such forces have sought to fill the world with their evil, corruption, tyranny, injustice, and darkness. Consequently, the Ummah has become a victim of this, as they direct their evil towards it. They aim to fully corrupt the Ummah with evil and lead many of its people to support evil and stand with it, pushing them to spread immorality in all its forms (injustice, corruption, crime, falsehood, and more) and to fight against what is right to propagate injustice and seize wealth. This is what has happened; therefore, we now see clearly that the global arena is in dire need of restoring human dignity, ethics, justice, and equity.As for Zionism and its arms (America, Israel, and Britain, as well as their supporters and the Western system), they pose a significant threat to other nations through their greed, ambition, tyranny, criminality, corruption, and deception. They are all built on deceit; all their methods are deceptive, and they represent a major source of concern—great concern indeed.
One now can clearly see how far the Americans have gone in their greed, ambition, aggression, injustice, and total disregard for justice. Trump has decided to rename the Gulf of Mexico to 'the Gulf of America', stripping Mexico of its rights. He seeks to gain control over countries there, even outside the Islamic world, where his agenda is much worse and far more dangerous. The current situation and what America has done to many countries is incredibly painful.
Therefore, we say to our Ummah: O Arabs, O Muslims, what Allah wants for you is far greater and noble than the subservience you seek to your enemies, who wish you no good whatsoever and only want to exploit you and take advantage of your resources. Allah wants you to be the masters of nations and leaders of humanity, and He wants to empower you to achieve this, but not to oppress or corrupt, as the Jews, America, and Israel do. Instead, it is for you to play a noble role and build an exemplary Islamic civilisation so that there remain in human society those who spread goodness and justice and uphold human dignity.
In contrast, aligning yourselves with America and Israel will turn you into nothing but slaves submissive to them. It will turn you into evildoers, corrupters, and supporters of falsehood, stripping you of your human and moral integrity. They are not a source of goodness for humanity. Otherwise, what would they lack? They achieved dominance and have immense capabilities. Is there any injustice that can surpass the injustice they commit? What actions are more egregious than theirs? The suffering humanity endures from the spread of corruption and the loss of virtues and values is driven by their efforts.
We have seen and continue to see—as well as others—the decline and degradation of human and moral values in the reality of our Ummah, in light of its response to what is happening within it and to its people, let alone to the rest of the world! This has been particularly evident in the horrific crimes and genocide perpetrated by the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people. Despite the fact that the Ummah has a clear responsibility to support the Palestinian people and to stop the genocide committed by the Israeli enemy against the people of Gaza, it did not fulfil its responsibility. But why?!
This indicates that there is a continuous effort to bring the Ummah to this level of decline and regression, affecting its conscience, sense of responsibility, and ability to rise to the role it must play, as well as its awareness of the real dangers it faces.
This clearly shows the utmost necessity for a Quranic revival; the Ummah is in a state of significant regression and needs to be reawakened on a general level. It needs to be revitalised through the Quran and spiritually mobilised. The Holy Quran is a source of guidance and spiritual purification, elevating people to the required, even ideal, level in humanity, awareness, and spiritual transcendence.
There is an important matter that should considered along with the capabilities the Ummah has and its responsibility and role: The relationship between the Ummah and Allah, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer is linked to how well the Ummah fulfils its role and rises to its responsibilities. Otherwise, there will be consequences and punishments: punishments in this world and in the Hereafter. If the Ummah responds to Allah, it will receive assistance and victory, as Allah has promised it true promises that do not fail or change, and has provided ample guarantees. However, if the Ummah fails to rise to its responsibilities, it will suffer loss, but even those who follow the path of evil will also ultimately be losers as well. In other words, even the forces of darkness will end up losers. They lead humanity towards loss, including those who obey and support them among the people of our Ummah, so their path does not lead to success or triumph. Rather, it is a phat of collapse and downfall, a path with a clear inevitable consequence that Allah has warned about in the Holy Quran, supported by significant historical evidence.
Despite all of this, the truth and light will continue to endure forever, no matter the extent of the retreat from the principles of faith, the denial, the ignorance, or even the evasion of this great and honourable role: the role of moving forward with the divine message—with its light, goodness, justice, virtues, elevated values, and instructions. Regardless of those who turn their backs to this responsibility and significant role, regardless of those who have broken away from their commitment and aligned themselves with the enemies, this role will endure forever. The path of truth and light will continue to unfold, and the journey goes on.
Many, even within the Ummah, may go astray; the state of apostasy and regression could be widespread. However, Allah says, {'O believers! Whoever among you abandons their religion, Allah will replace them with others who are loved by Him and love Him. They will be humble with the believers but firm towards the disbelievers, and they fight in the cause of Allah, fearing no blame from anyone. This is the favour of Allah. He grants it to whoever He wills. And Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing'}[Al-Ma'idah 5:54]. There may be difficulties and many sacrifices, often stemming from issues, obstacles, flaws, or a lack of engagement and commitment. Yet, the future, hope, and inevitable victory belong to those who respond to Allah, the Almighty.
The divine project and message, with its Quran, light, justice, principles, and values, have come to endure forever, not to fall, fade away, or end, leaving the earth under the control of tyrants and criminals until the Day of Resurrection. Allah says, {'It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, even to the dismay of those who associate others with Allah'}[At-Tawbah 9:33]. It is Allah Who says, {'They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, even to the dismay of the disbelievers'}[As-Saf 61:8]. In another verse, He says, {'But Allah will only allow His light to be perfected, even to the dismay of the disbelievers'}[At-Tawbah 9:32].
This religion, this truth, this light, will endure forever; it will prevail, and the future belongs to it: {'And the [best] outcome is for the the pious,'} as Allah (the Almighty) has promised. There is an inevitable divine promise: {'And We have already written in the Psalms after the mention that the land shall be inherited by My righteous servants'}[Al-Anbya 21:105]. This is a definitive divine promise regarding the downfall of the criminal Zionist entity, the usurper, the oppressor, and the corrupter on the earth: {'Then when the final [second] promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the masjid [the temple in Al-Quds], as they entered it the first time'}[Al-Isra 17:7]. There is another divine promise in His saying, {'But if you do the same again, so shall We'}[Al-Isra 17:8]. Thus, these are divine promises that will be fulfilled despite the opposition of the enemies—the forces of evil and darkness who deviate from the message of Allah and distort it, from the People of the Scripture. They are destined for failure, and the Israeli entity is also heading towards its demise, Allah willing.
As for the lost among the Ummah—those who do not trust in the promises of Allah, who do not see through His light, and who do not gain insight from the Holy Quran—their state in relation to these truths and the changes that Allah will bring about at the hands of those who have remained steadfast in His path and responded to Him will be like that of the disobedient son of Noah, who isolated himself from the right path of Allah during the flood. When his father called out to him, {'O my son, come aboard with us and be not with the disbelievers. [But] he said, "I will take refuge on a mountain to protect me from the water"'}[Hud 11:42-43]. They think of America and Israel as such a mountain that can protect them from the impending flood of Allah, but they will perish; they will drown and be lost when they align themselves with the disbelievers, the oppressors, and the forces of evil, tyranny, injustice, and misguidance.
Anyone who believes that by aligning themselves with America and Israel and supporting them—at the cost of unjust stances and a retreat from the principles and values of Islam and divine teachings, while programming all affairs according to their misleading and corrupt dedications—can secure their future is mistaken. They are bound for failure, and their ultimate fate is loss, as Allah made an inevitable promise in Surah Al-Ma'idah, {'So you see those in whose hearts is a sickness hastening into [association with] them, saying, "We are afraid a misfortune may strike us." But perhaps Allah will bring conquest or a decision from Him, and they will become, over what they have been concealing within themselves, regretful'}[Al-Maidah 5:52]. The outcome is regret and ultimate loss.
In contrast, with the grace and guidance of Allah, we firmly believe that securing the future in both this world and the Hereafter—since a Muslim takes the Hereafter into account and recognises that it is far more significant, lasting, and rewarding—and attaining honour and goodness lies in turning to Allah, holding fast to His Book and guidance, standing for what is right, and engaging in the sacred and blessed responsibilities of carrying the banner of jihad in the way of Allah and striving to promote good and forbid evil. This is why we stand against the wrongdoing of America and Israel, against Zionism, its falsehood, evil, darkness, and tyranny. We oppose the Israeli enemy and the Jewish Zionist project. Thanks to Allah (the Almighty) and through this Quranic and faith-driven approach, we are free in every sense of the word; we have not submitted ourselves to tyranny. We seek freedom for our Ummah and for all humanity, and we desire goodness for our people and for everyone. As for the sacrifices we make in this great project and on this blessed path, they are considered as sacrifices in the way of Allah, an offering to Him, and they will yield positive results. Meanwhile, others are losing out—not only in this world but ultimately in the Hereafter (May Allah protect us from that).
America is the leading sponsor of evil, wrongdoing, and crime, and it promotes misguidance and falsehood. It fights against what is right and opposes the truth, constantly striving to seize the rights of others and to enslave people and subject them to its oppressive policies and unjust agendas. Therefore, it is for the good and success of people to stand against its dark agendas, tyranny, and crimes. The unjust and hostile actions it takes are not surprising, and those who support its actions become complicit in a terrible sin.
Our calculations, the calculations that every member of our Ummah should make, must be based on the principles of our faith, its values, and the teachings of Allah, so we take significant matters seriously. Thus, America and Israel represent the front of evil and injustice, embodying the highest levels of wrongdoing, crime, and tyranny. They are sources of corruption, spreading the worst forms of immorality and vice. Real commitment to faith requires standing against them, opposing the greatest injustices, the most significant wrongdoings, and the Great Satan. This makes it unacceptable to support them or to become involved in their tyranny and oppression while reducing Islam to mere rituals that become superficial and strip away their true essence. Historically, the front of disbelief prior to Islam would perform pilgrimage and maintain the Sacred Mosque, only to turn against the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) and Islam. America and Israel are a continuous source of evil for humanity, and it is essential to take a stand against them, rather than forcing the Ummah to submit to their will and opposing those who refuse to submit to them.
The Palestinian cause persists, and our fellow mujahidin in Palestine represent a steadfast front. They have proven their resilience, steadfastness, cohesion, and worthiness of this role. Indeed, they demonstrated their worthiness to truly be at the forefront of the Ummah in confronting the Israeli enemy. Therefore, all forms of support should be provided to our fellow mujahidin, not for some to turn towards supporting America, which backs the Israeli enemy has devoted all its capabilities to support it and exterminate the Palestinian people. All the destruction in the Gaza Strip has been caused by its bombs and shells, under its supervision, support, and complicity. Yet some are still offering rewards—but to whom? They do not offer rewards to the oppressed, suffering, and devastated Palestinian people, nor to their steadfast and noble mujahidin. Instead, they give a trillion dollars to America, which has demonstrated all that evil and criminality and has been the greatest supporter of oppression and tyranny against the Palestinian people. This is the reality, despite all that has occurred with American bombs.
In our Quranic march, we and our dear Yemeni people with our faith-based identity remain steadfast in our position, path, and orientation. We rely on Allah and place our trust in Him, and this is the foundation of our sincere and genuine support for the Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin. This is the Yemen of faith and support, and it will continue in its role as a helper, supporter, and active participant engaging comprehensively in all fields including the military field, just as we did during the fifteen-month period with the grace of Allah: We undertook effective and strong military actions against the Israeli enemy:
We also effectively confronted American aggression with high morale and strong faith:
This is not to mention the million-strong demonstrations, which presented a powerful and magnificent image of the brave and noble position of our people. They continued for fifteen months under various conditions—heat, cold, rain, during fasting, and amidst bombardments—and they remained unaffected by hostile propaganda campaigns and showed no signs of fatigue, weariness, or boredom.
Significant and intensive efforts were also made, and continue to be made, on the educational and awareness front, led by our heroic scholars, preachers, and those mujahideen who are active in the field of cultural guidance, presenting a contrasting image to that of the complacent and subdued.Efforts were also made on the media front, as the media champions made tremendous jihadist efforts and moved with great effectiveness and impact, to the extent that even the Americans expressed their concern due to the strength of their performance and influence.
From its very beginning, our Quranic project has been targeted under continuous American supervision, and by the grace of Allah, we have navigated through very difficult stages, always as the oppressed, not the oppressors, the victim, not the perpetrator. With Allah's support, we have achieved major victories and significant progress, and we are now at an advanced level in fulfilling our role in confronting the American and Israeli evil and criminality.
At this stage, we are closely monitoring the implementation of the agreement in Gaza and the developments in Jenin and the West Bank. We remain steadfast in our clear and declared position, always ready and prepared to support our brothers in Palestine. Therefore, if the Israeli enemy violates the agreement and resorts to escalation and genocide, we will respond with escalation.
We are committed to the equation previously announced by the martyr of Islam and humanity, Al-Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (May Allah be pleased with him), regarding the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will maintain continuous coordination with our fellow mujahidin in Palestine and those in the axis of jihad and Al-Quds regarding any new developments. Also, we are always ready to counter any American aggression against our country.
Our advice to those who are aligned with America and seek its approval is to be cautious of getting involved: O foolish ones, try to be wise even for once, for one situation and one decision; do not get yourselves involved in support of America and Israel. You can incite them as you like and as you usually do, but stay away and let them act as they wish against us; let them use their labels against us and fight us—let them do what they want. We will confront them with the help of Allah and confront any aggression from them, no matter its level. But do not get yourselves involved. This is our advice to you: Keep watching and wait, as is your habit. You have kept watching with evil intentions for fifteen months and ended up with disappointment, leaving clear signs of regret upon you.
{'And say to those who do not believe, "Work according to your position; indeed, we are working. And wait; indeed, we are waiting." And to Allah belong the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth and to Him will be returned the matter, all of it, so worship Him and rely upon Him. And your Lord is not unaware of that which you do'}[Hud 11:121]
We ask Allah (Glory be to Him) to grant us all success in seeking what pleases Him, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives, for He is the All-Hearer of prayer.
Peace be upon the Martyr of the Quran, and May Allah grant him the best reward.
Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

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