Sana'a - Saba:
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.
O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.
Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
{'Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Jannah. They fight in the cause of Allah and kill or are killed. This is a true promise binding on Him in the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran. And whose promise is truer than Allah's? So, rejoice in the exchange you have made with Him. That is [truly] the ultimate triumph'}[At-Tawbah 9:111]. This is the word of truth from Allah, the Almighty.
On the annual anniversary of the martyrdom of our dear brother, the mujahid President Saleh Ali Al-Sammad (May Allah's mercy be upon him), we honour his memory as a dear brother, a mujahid, and one of the martyr leaders. We remember him for his great contribution, effort, and struggle and his dedication and sacrifice in supporting the truth and the oppressed and in defending the vulnerable, as well as for the great role he played in his jihad journey, including the significant role he took on as a president, which was part of his great jihad journey that Allah crowned with the ultimate victory of martyrdom.
Before we delve into the details regarding our dear martyr, we would like to extend our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to our fellow mujahidin in the Al-Qassam Brigades, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and the Palestinian people in all their factions and components on the martyrdom of the great, mujahid commander Muhammad Al-Deif (Abu Khaled), along with his fellow commanders who were martyred during the operation of Al-Aqsa Flood. They crowned their jihad journey characterised by sacrifice with martyrdom. We ask Allah (the Almighty) to grant them His vast mercy, elevate their ranks, and reward their families and all the mujahidin and believers abundantly.The great martyr, Commander of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Muhammad Al-Deif, Abu Khaled (May Allah have mercy on him), was an exemplary commander due to his values of faith, strong will, determination, high spirit of jihad, wisdom, and insight. All that was reflected in his significant role and immense contributions to the robust and resilient jihadist structure of the Al-Qassam Brigades. He made substantial strides in enhancing their jihadist effectiveness, culminating in the Al-Aqsa Flood operation and the extraordinary resilience in facing the Israeli enemy during this battle—one of the fiercest confrontations since the beginning of the conflict.
The significance of this role becomes clear when we reflect on the challenging circumstances in which this great martyr and commander operated under the occupation of the Israeli enemy with its vast capabilities and complete control over Palestine. In stark contrast, the mujahidin were facing extremely difficult circumstances, starting from scratch with limited capabilities. Despite all this, the jihadist path of commander Muhammad Al-Deif was one of continuous progress, building the Al-Qassam Brigades into an effective jihadist force that took the lead in the Palestinian arena in terms of effectiveness, presence, achievements, and successful operational performance, which inflicted significant suffering on the Israeli enemy, dealt it defeats, established new equations, and brought about great changes:
- broke the backbone of the enemy's structure—an irreparable fracture by Allah's will; and
As we return to the annual anniversary of our dear martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad (May Allah have mercy on him), it is one of our significant occasions for inspiration and reflection. We benefit from it the lessons regarding faith values, the spirit of jihad, giving for the sake of Allah, and steadfastness in the face of challenges, along with great respect and appreciation for the sacrifices of the martyrs, which are sacred sacrifices. Therefore, no matter what we say or do, we can never reward them the way they deserve. In fact, their great reward is the immense recompense and honour that Allah has guaranteed them in terms of the happy life and great triumph He has granted them, as He said, {'Never think of those killed in the cause of Allah as dead. In fact, they are alive with their Lord, well provided for, rejoicing in Allah's bounties and being delighted for those yet to join them: That there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. They are joyful for receiving Allah's grace and bounty, and that Allah does not deny the reward of the believers'}[Ali 'Imran 3:169-171]; in terms of Jannah in the Hereafter, as He said, {'Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Jannah'}[At-Tawbah 9:111]; and also in terms of how Allah has blessed their efforts, jihad, sacrifices, and contributions in serving their cause and what is achieved through that in this worldly life.
Therefore, our speech about the martyrs and martyrdom is a speech about the sanctity of their contributions and their elevated status with Allah. This serves as a significant motivation to follow in their footsteps and continue the journey on their path, given the sanctity and the lofty, great rank associated with that. This is not to mention the important outcome for the happiness of the individual himself and his unparalleled triumph surpassing any worldly gains attained by any human beings. For this reason, Allah referred to it as 'the great triumph' in both Surah At-Tawbah and Surah As-Saff.
In such occasions, we also remember our own responsibility to remain faithful to the martyrs by holding fast to the principles and values for which they sacrificed their lives in the cause of Allah. They are the bearers of a sacred cause, and our responsibility is to preserve it, which is a faith-based responsibility.
When we remember the martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad (May Allah have mercy on him), we recall important and inspiring qualities in his remarkable character:
In contrast, some people have personal motives. Even when engaged in jihadist and faith-related activities, they seek specific actions that reflect a certain social status, a lofty rank, political considerations, and so on.
However, what matters to those who set forth with a sincere motivation of faith is what kind of actions that earn them Allah's pleasure and lead them to His approval. This is what truly matters. Thus, they are ready to engage in any available work, taking on any responsibility dictated by circumstances and practical reality. They are prepared to operate in any field with conviction, open-heartedness, and great dedication. In fact, there is no room for personal motives when working for the sake of Allah and within the framework of faith-based and jihadist responsibilities.
When he assumed his responsibility as president during a very critical phase (at the peak of the American-Saudi aggression against our country), he did not view his position as a means of authority but as a responsibility. Therefore, he continued his jihadist movement, driven by a spirit of jihad and faith values, and intensified his efforts and attention while being fully aware of the magnitude of his responsibility. His top priority, as well as that of all our dear nation and free people, was to confront the aggression. For this reason, he focused on this priority through the significant attention he devoted to the mujahidin and the battlefields; through his strong commitment to maintaining the internal front and its cohesion during one of the most dangerous phases of targeting the internal front, even in the face the greatest threat against it—the December strife; and through his deep concern for serving the people and drawing close to them, which was evident to the public.
The American aggression, carried out by the Saudi regime along with regional forces, was driven by two reasons. The first reason was the liberation-oriented path of faith and jihad followed by our Yemeni people in the 21 September revolution. The enemies neither accept nor tolerate the idea of our people attaining freedom, dignity, and independence based on their religious affiliation and faith-based identity. For them, this would mean losing control over Yemen—its strategic geographic location, its oil and gas resources, and other resources they seek to exploit.
The second reason was the position our people took in harmony with their faith-based identity regarding the major causes of their Ummah, especially the Palestinian cause, as well as their Quranic position opposing the Israeli enemy and rejecting American hegemony. Therefore, the aggression was incited by Israel, and this was evident even before it began, as seen in statements from the criminal Netanyahu and other high-ranking Zionist criminals, as well as in Zionist media. The aggression was fueled by Israeli incitement, Israeli and Zionist pressure, direct Israeli involvement, and under full American supervision. This is an undeniable fact, openly acknowledged by the Americans.
The Saudi regime took on the role of carrying out and funding the aggression. It, along with its regional allies, provided funds, pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into the U.S. Treasury and enriching American banks, as well as the pockets of Americans and Zionists. As for the country's traitors, their role was to fight against their own people to enable the enemy to occupy and dominate Yemen and to subjugate the Yemeni people to the Americans and their regional proxies.
The Americans fully supervised the aggression; therefore, they bear the primary responsibility for the war, including the crimes of killing, genocide, and the total destruction of our country. However, this does not absolve its proxies of responsibility; they remain fully accountable alongside the Americans.
In this context, we consider the primary responsibility for the targeted assassination of martyr President Saleh Ali Al-Sammad (May Allah have mercy on him) lies with the Americans, although their regional proxies are responsible for that as well. This is because the Americans cannot bear seeing individuals like him holding positions of power.
In reality, the Americans neither accept nor tolerate the presence of a president or leader in any of our Arab and Islamic countries who is free, refuses to submit to the Americans, and does not surrender to their will. The Americans have a specific mould and standard that they expect all leaders in the Arab and Islamic world to conform to: They want them to be submissive, obedient, loyal, and fully compliant—accepting their dictates, handing over their nations' wealth, and at the same time, granting them unrestricted access to violate everything, including sovereignty, to occupy their lands, and to establish bases wherever they desire. They want such leaders who allow them to infiltrate every sector of their countries, imposing their directives across all fields: in the political sphere, the educational and cultural field, and religious discourse, as well as in the economic sector—interfering in everything without resistance or objection.
They want this type of presidents, leaders, princes, kings, and commanders—those who essentially act as merely police chiefs who work for the Americans and seek to execute their military and security objectives, fully dedicated to implementing any agenda the Americans seek to impose in the region. This includes provoking wars, fueling crises, stirring up strife, and working on scattering the members of the Ummah. It also involves carrying out any hostile agenda aimed at destroying the Ummah, prioritising American interests over those of their own people and countries, and placing them above all else. This is the type of leader the Americans prefer; they want them to be like this. When they see a different position in this or that country, they cannot accept it, so they make it part of their agenda and plans to eliminate any leader, commander, president, king—any figure in power—who is free and independent. They don't want free individuals; they want submissive ones. This is precisely why the Americans sought to target the martyr Saleh Al-Sammad.
The Americans also wanted to eliminate the influential role of the martyr Saleh Al-Sammad (May Allah have mercy on him): As president, he played an active role, due to his spirit, values, principles, and qualifications. He dedicated all his energies to confront the aggression, mobilise the people, and direct both official and popular resources to resist the aggression.
The Americans also wanted to break the will and morale of our dear Yemeni people. These three reasons were among the primary motives that made the Americans, along with their regional proxies, determined to target the martyr Saleh Al-Sammad. However, they failed. The enemy did not achieve its objectives, and the martyrdom of Saleh Al-Sammad (May Allah have mercy on him) became one of the greatest incentives for our dear people to sacrifice and remain steadfast. Rather than weakening them, it only strengthened their resolve, courage, and resilience.
The same applies to the martyrdom of all martyrs from our dear people, including the prominent figures from various groups within our country. This is because our people have sacrificed tens of thousands of martyrs from different segments of society: religious scholars, military and security leaders, academic and social figures, young and old people. This includes all the free and heroic individuals from our country who were martyred while fulfilling their religious and jihadist duty in confronting the enemy and resisting its aggression. Among them were those who sacrificed themselves for the sake of Allah and made tremendous efforts to confront the aggression at earlier stages. There were also martyrs who were targeted by the enemy prior to its official declaration of aggression against our country, through operations such as assassinations and bombings, signalling the impending aggression on our country.
Allah (Glory be to Him) granted us victory through the contributions and blessings of sacrifices made by caravans of martyrs from our dear people, the efforts, suffering, and patience of the wounded and captives, the tireless work of the sincere defenders, and the support provided by our people. In fact, our people dedicated all their efforts to resist the aggression and work towards achieving the ultimate goal of freedom, independence, and sovereignty for our country.
Additionally, this victory was also made possible by drawing inspiration from the jihad, morals, and sacrifices of the martyrs. They serve as a bountiful wellspring from which we draw determination and insight, reviving within us the spirit of jihad with bravery and dedication.
Our dear people are now enjoying real freedom thanks to the sacrifices of their martyrs. In comparison with what others lost, we find that while others have lost tens of thousands of people as an offering to the Americans and Israelis and for their sake, our dear people sacrificed tens of thousands of martyrs but for the sake of Allah, as a sacrifice to Allah, the Almighty. Thus, our people are enjoying real freedom based on their faith-based identity. This is an immense and significant blessing. Among the greatest blessings of Allah (Glory be to Him) is to be free, submitting only to Allah (the Almighty) and refusing to enslave ourselves to taghut. Therefore, this real freedom allowed our dear people to actively support the Palestinian people and their mujahidin in 'the Battle of the Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad', during the operation of Al-Aqsa Flood. Our country stood out among all other countries due to this support, as both its government and people mobilised with remarkable effectiveness, boldness, great momentum, persistence, and steadfastness despite all the pressures, campaigns, aggression, and siege.
In fact, our Ummah needs freedom and liberation from the dominance of its enemies, considering the level of challenges and threats posed by them. This is because submitting to them does not offer a solution for our Ummah, nor does it mitigate the dangers our Ummah faces; rather, it enables the enemies to succeed more and more in their plots, schemes, projects, and destructive, aggressive agendas against us. So our Ummah needs to be liberated, recognise its responsibilities, and break out of the state of inaction.
They committed all kinds of crimes, and the world has heard, over the past 15 months, of many types of the most heinous, atrocious, harsh, and worst crimes. They are criminals for sure!
Thus, the only thing they may refrain from in their conspiracies against our Ummah and in their hatred for it is only what they are incapable of doing; but what they are capable of doing, they will not hesitate to carry out. There is no humanitarian, moral, value-based, or legal aspect—or any consideration for organisations or otherwise—that can prevent them from doing something they are capable of executing in their conspiracies against our Ummah. When an obstacle arises, when something incapacitates them from carrying it out, they simply leave it undone simply because they cannot do it.
Though their brutal and criminal aggression against Gaza, both the Israelis and the Americans aimed to eliminate the Resistance and the mujahidin there and displace the people of Gaza. This agenda was clear and at the forefront of their longstanding project, which is not new but operates in phases. This is why Trump continues to speak about displacing the people of Gaza to Jordan and Egypt; that is their goal—complete extermination, total control, and the full displacement of the Palestinian people from Gaza. However, this has been, and continues to be, hindered by the extraordinary and legendary resilience of the Palestinian people, their mujahidin, and their martyrs.If they had been able to achieve this goal and faced no such great resilience by the Palestinian people, they would have done so and moved on to the next steps. They have clear objectives as enemies, and they are diligently working to implement them throughout Palestine. Their intentions in Palestine are well known:
There are also objectives they pursue within the framework of the Zionist project, which bears the title of 'Greater Israel'. The enemy keeps stalling on implementing the agreement in Lebanon while persisting in its aggressive actions there: the non-stop destruction and demolishment of homes, razing agricultural lands, uprooting ancient olive trees, targeting residents, and conducting aggressive raids. Furthermore, the enemy confirms that it will continue its occupation of the areas it has seized in Syria and is constantly working to entrench its presence there.The enemy's ambitions are clear; whenever conditions allow or it sees an opportunity, it will not hesitate to take any aggressive step, whether that involves occupation, seizing lands and homelands, killing the sons of this Ummah, committing heinous crimes, or executing various conspiracies aimed at our Ummah. Therefore, what can represent a real obstacle to the enemy and its numerous conspiracies and diverse aggressive paths is to stand up to it through jihad in the cause of Allah and through resistance.
When it comes the Palestinian Resistance, with all its factions, foremost among them the Al-Qassam Brigades, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), the Al-Quds Brigades, and Islamic Jihad, along with other factions and their military and political wings, they stand on the first line of defence against the enemy, protecting this Ummah. So their battle is the battle of the entire Ummah.
If the Israeli enemy had succeeded during the Al-Aqsa Flood battle in eliminating the Palestinian Resistance, as it had attempted in previous stages, it would have moved on to the neighbouring countries without hesitation. Would it have respected previous agreements with Jordan, Egypt, or Lebanon? Absolutely not. We clearly see what it is doing in Syria. It does not honour any agreements; it seeks to create opportunities and exploits them whenever they arise to achieve its goals, which, as we have mentioned, are aggressive aims aimed at executing its Zionist project. The Palestinian Resistance and the brave mujahidin in Palestine play the primary role in this struggle, as does Hezbollah in Lebanon. Their role is crucial in protecting the entire Ummah from the threats it faces, including direct occupation of vast geographical areas as part of the Zionist project of 'Greater Israel', and the subjugation and control of the remaining territories. The enemy is pursuing an aggressive project against this Ummah, and the Resistance is the main obstacle for it.
The Resistance is not only an obstacle for the Israeli enemy and a crucial factor in preventing it from spreading its evil across the region—it has been preoccupied with this Resistance and the mujahidin—but has also proven through its steadfastness and the victory and support granted by Allah that it is capable of inflicting defeat on the enemy and achieving victory for the entire Ummah. That would be the case if the Ummah were to take on its responsibility before Allah (Glory be to Him) by standing with this Resistance, supporting it, and embracing it.
This is true of the Resistance, despite the difficult circumstances and the lack of support from most regimes. One can hardly see any official serious support for the Resistance provided by Arab and Islamic regimes. The Islamic Republic of Iran has a prominent and clear role, acknowledged by both enemies and allies, in supporting the mujahidin in Palestine and Lebanon, providing them with all forms of assistance. In contrast, other regimes show only rare instances of support. Our country has stood out in its official and non-official support, doing all that within its power.
The popular sympathy for the Resistance is well known throughout the Arab and Islamic world, but this sympathy is not enough on its own. It must be translated into practical actions, real support, and genuine backing. This is the missing element in the reality of the Ummah: Many official regimes have not acted seriously to provide genuine support, whether on a political, material, or military level—or at any level! Most positions are merely formal and limited to summits that issue statements without any practical effort or real support.
The Resistance and the mujahidin in Palestine and Lebanon can achieve a complete and historic victory for the entire Ummah over the Israeli enemy, provided that this Ummah stands by them with genuine, practical, and serious support. They need assistance equivalent to what America and the West provide to the Israeli enemy: support in terms of weapons, financial aid, political backing, and economic support—all forms of support. Therefore, there is a real responsibility on this Ummah, and this responsibility persists. The ruling regimes' evasion of this responsibility places a heavy burden of sin before Allah (Glory be to Him), let alone those colluding with the Israeli enemy and supporting it, along with their support for America. It should be noted that supporting America is a form of support for Israel through the back door. Any support for America ultimately benefits Israel. When hundreds of billions of the wealth of these peoples are given to the Americans, they provide hundreds of billions to the Israelis, which includes weapons and bombs that kill the Palestinian people. They use this funding to target both the Palestinian and Lebanese people, as well as the mujahidin in Palestine and Lebanon. Thus, the responsibility on this Ummah is immense.
The success achieved by our fellow mujahidin in Palestine stands in stark contrast to the absolute failure of the Israelis, who themselves admit that they have failed significantly in the Gaza Strip. This success has come despite the overwhelming passivity shown by most of the Ummah and the collusion of some regimes and forces. The current scene we see today as part of the ongoing efforts to implement the agreement, the emergence of the mujahidin, and the management of prisoner exchanges, where Palestinian prisoners are released with honour and dignity, holding their heads high—all that serves as a clear testament to the complete failure of the Israeli enemy, alongside the Americans. This is a shared failure; both have collaborated in their aggression against Gaza. This also highlights the fact that the Resistance deserves our support, endorsement, and backing. They are truly worthy of achieving a great victory for the Ummah through divine assistance. However, the shortcoming lies with the Ummah, with most regimes and peoples, in not standing firmly with the Resistance.
The situation in the Gaza Strip is clearly distressing for the Israeli enemy. In fact, every time the criminal Netanyahu appears in public statements or at events, his dissatisfaction is evident on his face. Israeli media criticise him, politicians rebuke him, and everyone in Israel acknowledges his failure. This failure is a collective one, impacting their entire criminal entity, and it is glaringly obvious. They now refer to it as absolute failure, in stark contrast to what the criminal Netanyahu had claimed to be absolute victory. He repeatedly boasted about changing the face of the Middle East, and indeed, he aspired to that. But what was the primary barrier, the first line of defence for the entire Islamic Ummah? It was the mujahidin in the Gaza Strip, alongside the mujahidin in Lebanon.
If the Israeli enemy were to eliminate the mujahidin in the Gaza Strip and succeed in achieving its goal of displacing the Palestinian people from Gaza, it would have moved towards major changes. However, in contrast to what the criminal Netanyahu used to claim about his plan to reshape the Middle East, what he actually sees unfolding in Gaza, within Palestine, reveals a starkly different reality—he sees scenes of victory for the Palestinian people and their mujahidin, and scenes of absolute failure for him. These scenes bring him nothing but disgrace and prove that he has gained nothing from all the horrific crimes he committed—crimes for which the U.S. Congress gave him dozens of standing ovations. Yet, none of that benefited him in any way, nor did those horrific crimes achieve what hoped for. That is why he is now trying to compensate by escalating his assaults and crimes in the West Bank. In fact, there is a responsibility upon our Ummah to stand in support of the Palestinian people against the Israeli enemy's assaults in the West Bank. Additionally, the Palestinian Authority also bears responsibility, as it was the one that initiated these actions in the West Bank—particularly in the Jenin refugee camp and the city of Jenin—paving the way for many of the Israeli enemy's crimes.
On our part, we hope that the agreement will be fully implemented in both Gaza and Lebanon. However, the Israeli enemy is attempting to stall in Lebanon. In this regard, we highly commend with deep respect and admiration the resistance and the remarkable efforts made by the Lebanese people in southern Lebanon to reclaim their villages. They have successfully regained a significant number of villages and towns, making great sacrifices. Men and women, young and old, have risen with a spirit of unwavering dedication and struggle against the Israeli enemy, making great sacrifices, including their lives as they expelled the enemy from those villages and towns, while steadfastly upholding their evident right and their just and rightful cause. Therefore, the Ummah must also stand with them. We are fully prepared and ready, should the enemy renege on the agreement and resume escalation, whether in Gaza or Lebanon. We are also prepared to escalate against the Israeli enemy once again and take immediate action through operations, by Allah's will.
While closely monitoring the implementation of the agreement, we are focused on development and preparedness, as Allah (the Almighty) says: {'And prepare against them whatever you are able of power'}[Al-Anfal 8:60]. Our path is one of relentless effort and continuous development, for this is what is necessary to elevate the Ummah to the level required to confront its enemies and face challenges and threats. Beyond that, it elevates the Ummah to a higher level of effective resistance against its enemies, enabling it to achieve victories by Allah's will. However, passivity and negligence towards the responsibility of preparation and readiness will only bring about negative consequences.
We have witnessed the fruits of continuous development and relentless effort in Gaza and Lebanon through the resistance and its self-sacrificing popular base. Therefore, we recognise the importance of this matter for us and for our entire Ummah.
At the end, we ask Allah (Glory be to Him) to grant us all success in seeking what pleases Him, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives, for He is the All-Hearer of prayer.
Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

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