New York - Saba:
Today, Wednesday, the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, with the participation of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, holds its meetings.
The committee has elected its office, which is: Ambassador Coly Seck, Permanent Representative of Senegal, as Chairman, Ambassador Neville Melvin Gertz, Permanent Representative of Namibia, as Vice-Chairman, and Ambassador Jaime Hermida Castillo, Permanent Representative of Nicaragua, as Vice-Chairman.
Ambassador Harry Prabowo, Deputy Permanent Representative of Indonesia, was elected Vice-Chair, Ambassador Ernesto Soberon Guzman, Permanent Representative of Cuba, was elected Vice-Chair, Ambassador Ahmad Faisal Mohamad, Permanent Representative of Malaysia, was appointed Rapporteur, and Ambassador Riyad Mansour, Representative of the State of Palestine, was appointed Observer.
The United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People was established in 1975 by General Assembly resolution 3376, which entrusted it to advise the General Assembly on programmes aimed at enabling the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination without external interference, the right to independence and national sovereignty, and the right to }}مreturn to their homes and property from which they have been displaced. The Committee’s mandate is renewed periodically.

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