Marib - Saba:
The prisons of the Brotherhood militia loyal to the aggression coalition in the city of Marib are witnessing a noticeable increase in the deaths of detainees and abductees as a result of the violations, torture, suffering and deprivation they are exposed to. These are crimes that may not exist in the worst prisons in the world.
During the past two days, the death of two detainees was announced in two separate incidents within less than 24 hours. They are the poet Rashid Al-Hatam, from Qifa in Al-Bayda Governorate, and the young man Majid Mubarak Al-Amri Al-Jahmi from the Jahm tribe in the Sarwah District. Both incidents were met with widespread condemnation and popular and human rights denunciations, and shed light on the torture that prisoners are subjected to, leading to the death of many of them.
Local statistics indicate that deaths in these prisons due to torture are estimated in the dozens, in addition to the permanent disabilities it causes, explaining that the bodies of some victims are still being held in the refrigerators of the hospitals in the city of Marib.
According to the testimonies of survivors of the hell of the Brotherhood prisons in Marib, the prison guards practice types of torture that are difficult to describe and that one cannot even imagine being committed by human beings, from depriving them of food and drink to torture, hanging by the hands and feet, and sometimes amputating limbs against prisoners who refuse to have their dignity and humanity violated, many of whom end up dead.
After the number of prisons in the city of Marib did not exceed two prisons before the aggression, leaders in the security apparatus of the Islah Party supervise more than 20 prisons inside the city and the Wadi Directorate and manage them with unparalleled brutality to terrorize prisoners and practice the harshest types of torture against them after issuing fatwas declaring them infidels.
Among the crimes of torturing and killing prisoners inside the prison is the case of the prisoner Hassan Abdullah Zayed Al-Sharif from Marib city who was detained for months and his death was announced, as well as Lieutenant Dhaif Allah Hershal Al-Muradi from the Murad tribe, the child Tariq Saad Al-Mahourn who was displaced from Madghal district to Al-Wadi, Naif Al-Hussaini Al-Muradi from the Al-Sa’atara Murad tribe, the young man Bashir Hussein Ailuq from Al-Jawba district, and Brigadier General Khaled Mohammed Al-Amir Al-Hawshbi and his daughter Safaa from Lahj governorate, all of which are living evidence of the extent of the crimes against detainees in Marib prisons.
According to testimonies of former detainees who were released from the notorious Political Security prison in Marib, those who supervise the prisons and investigate the prisoners are elements affiliated with the Islah Party and loyal to the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.
The Al-Arada authority and the security file officials in Marib refuse to allow human rights and humanitarian organizations to visit the prisons and see the conditions and suffering of the prisoners. Their fate is also hidden from their families and their families are not allowed to visit them and see their conditions, which is a procedure that violates all human rights charters and international and humanitarian laws.
While international and human rights organizations turn a blind eye to the practices and violations of the aggression mercenaries against prisoners and detainees, which indicates Saudi-American support for the crimes of kidnapping, arrests and torture of prisoners in an attempt to terrorize citizens and legitimize the occupation’s practices against civilians.
In addition to torturing prisoners, kidnapping citizens from checkpoints, roads, places and markets in Ma'rib Governorate is a primary mission of the Brotherhood's security apparatus, where they are gathered to these prisons designated for torture and forced to confess to fabricated charges.
In most cases, arrests are made because of their surname or region, and sometimes just on suspicion. The kidnapped spend years behind bars and under torture without any trial. They are also kept away from their families and prevented from communicating with anyone.
There have also been many cases of kidnapping of women, whether from the occupied areas or travelers, where they are subjected to various forms of torture and deprivation, and their families are prevented from visiting them or communicating with them, in a flagrant violation of all authentic Yemeni values, customs and traditions that elevate the status of women.
In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), Marib Governor Ali Taiman condemned the crimes of the Saudi aggression mercenaries against prisoners and abductees and the violations committed against them in prisons, which amount to crimes against humanity, the latest of which was the killing of the poet Rashid Al-Hatam and the young man Majed Al-Amiri inside prisons.
He stressed that the practices of the aggression mercenaries against prisoners and abductees do not represent the tribes of Marib and its free people. He pointed out that the leaders of the Islah Party bear legal and moral responsibility for any previous or subsequent crime against prisoners and abductees.
Governor Taiman called on human rights and humanitarian organizations to move to visit the detainees and pressure the forces of aggression to allow their families to visit them, check on them, and improve their living conditions. He also called on the tribes of Marib and all Yemeni tribes to condemn the crimes of killing the kidnapped inside prisons, considering it a dangerous precedent that contradicts the customs and traditions of Yemeni society.
The crimes and violations committed against prisoners and abductees in the prisons of the aggression mercenaries in Marib reveal the criminal and aggressive tendencies of the Takfiri groups financed and sponsored by the aggression coalition to desecrate human dignity, which the free Yemeni people will not accept.

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