Baghdad - Saba:
Iraqi security forces arrested on Friday ten suspects from the extremist group Al-Qurban in Maysan province.
"In a pre-emptive operation, National Security Agency (NSA) detachments in Maysan province managed to foil a suicide plot and arrest ten people belonging to the extremist al-Qurban group, which practices dangerous rituals that include choosing one of its members by lot to end his life by hanging as a kind of alleged sacrifice," the Iraqi news agency Wa'a quoted the NSA as saying in a statement.
The statement added: "The operation came after receiving accurate intelligence information about the group's intention to carry out its extremist rituals, as the lot fell on a person named "A.S." who was scheduled to hang himself within the next three days."
He continued: "After obtaining judicial approvals, our detachments moved and managed to arrest the target in a café in the province center, and during interrogations, the accused confessed to belonging to Al-Qurban group and revealed details of its activities and the names of those involved in them, which enabled our detachments to expand their operations and arrest nine other accused members of the extremist group."
"All the accused were referred to the competent judicial authorities to take the necessary measures against them in accordance with the law," he said.

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