Sana'a - Saba:
A meeting in Sana'a , chaired by Deputy Minister of Information Dr. Omar Al-Bukhaiti, discussed on Monday the final preparations for the media coverage of the third conference "Palestine, nation Central Cause " and its promotion before and during its holding.
The meeting, which included the Deputy Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the conference, Dr. Ahmed Al-Arami, the Chairman of the International Relations Committee, Abdullah Abu Al-Rajal, and committees members, reviewed the media preparations to cover the work and sessions of the conference, reviewed the work that has been carried out, especially the media flashes , short documentary films, made observations and suggestions about what has been achieved.
The Information Deputy Minister stressed the importance of absorbing the observations , proposals and including them in the framework of the media plan for the conference in a way that contributes to its success in the media and sheds light on all its themes.
For his part, Dr. Al-Arami, Vice Chairman of the Preparatory Committee, stressed the importance of concerted efforts of the committees to carry out the tasks assigned to them to the fullest and complete the final touches of the conference, whose importance lies in strengthening the role of the Palestinian cause and confronting the plots to liquidate the cause and displace the Palestinians.

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