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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Funeral Procession for Group of Martyrs of Nation & Armed Forces in Sana'a
Funeral Procession for Group of Martyrs of Nation & Armed Forces in Sana'a
Funeral Procession for Group of Martyrs of Nation & Armed Forces in Sana'a
[Tue, 18 Mar 2025 21:17:50 +0300]

Sana'a - Saba:

Today, a solemn funeral procession was held in Sana'a for the bodies of a group of martyrs of the nation and the armed forces who were martyred in the battle of "The Clear Conquest and Sacred Jihad."

The bodies of the following martyrs were mourned:
- Major Ali Mohammed Miad
- Major Saif Mohammed Majli
- Major Younis Zaid Al-Shami
- First Lieutenant Ali Muqbil Jaradah
- Second Lieutenant Mohammed Khaled Al-Hamdani
- Second Lieutenant Yahya Ahmed Naeem
- Second Lieutenant Hamza Mohammed Al-Mutawakil
- Second Lieutenant Youssef Abdulwahab Mutahar
- Second Lieutenant Zakaria Yahya Al-Sabri
- Assistant Suhail Sanan Saadan

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, attended by the Minister of Oil and Minerals, Abdullah Al-Amir, the Head of Operations for the Sixth Military Region, Brigadier General Ali Al-Aqil, the Directors of the Human Resources Evaluation Department, Brigadier General Abdulaziz Salah, and the Legal Affairs Department, Brigadier General Mohammed Al-Adheemah, the Deputy Director of the Retirement Department, Brigadier General Ahmed Al-Husseini, as well as social figures, colleagues, and relatives of the martyrs.

The funeral ceremonies took place after prayers for the martyrs at the People's Mosque in the Capital Secretariat, after which they were laid to rest in their respective hometowns.


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UPDATED ON :Wed, 19 Mar 2025 21:57:15 +0300