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  US-Saudi Aggression
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US Aggression on Yemen..., Resounding Fall of Aggression's Mercenaries
US Aggression on Yemen..., Resounding Fall of Aggression's Mercenaries
US Aggression on Yemen..., Resounding Fall of Aggression's Mercenaries
[Tue, 18 Mar 2025 21:48:43 +0300]

Sana'a - Saba:
In light of the direct US aggression on Yemen, and the exposure of the truth about the war waged by Washington, the aggression's mercenaries are falling resoundingly, surpassing even the level of treason to the point of explicit support and promotion of this aggression.

The misinformation and distortion campaigns launched by the mercenaries' mouthpieces come after years of attempts to conceal their subservience and dependence under false slogans. Today, they reveal their true selves: cheap tools used by Washington in its war on Yemen.

In a desperate attempt to distort the facts, these followers are trying to portray the US aggression as an internal conflict, ignoring the facts that confirm that the aggression on Yemen comes within the context of a colonial plan and project, and that they are nothing more than tools in the project of US hegemony.

The mercenaries ignore the fact that the Yemeni people, in all their components, have become more aware and stronger than to be deceived by their attempts to change the facts or manipulate public opinion.

This people is not only confronting the forces of aggression, but is also confronting attempts at distortion and media misinformation led by these mercenaries.

The American aggression today is not separate from the project of hegemony in the region; rather, it is an extension of a comprehensive war targeting all those who refuse to submit to American and Zionist policies.

The mercenaries' justification of this aggression is nothing more than a continuation of their role in serving this project.

On the other hand, while the mercenaries compete to promote lies, the Yemenis continue to write history with their steadfastness and struggle, affirming their firm positions in confronting the aggression and supporting the nation's causes, foremost among them the Palestinian cause.

The millions who took to the streets in the capital and the governorates confirm that this people have never been, and will never be, subservient to American hegemony; rather, they are at the forefront of resisting all its projects in the region.

These mass marches are not just demonstrations; they are living proof that the Yemeni people, despite the challenges, remain steadfast in their position as the primary defenders of just causes.

They raise the banners of Palestine and affirm that their battle today is not merely a battle to defend sovereignty, but a battle to defend the entire nation, at a time when traitors are rushing into the arms of Washington and Tel Aviv.

Palestine has always been Yemen's primary issue, and the unlimited support provided by Yemenis for Gaza was not merely a superficial position; rather, it is part of their deeply held belief that resistance is the only option to confront the occupation.

While mercenaries promote the American aggression against Yemen, the Yemeni people are sending a clear message that they will stand in the front lines with Palestine, and that, despite the aggression, they remain the people most committed to the causes of the nation.

Today's battle is not just a military one, but a battle of awareness and understanding. It is clear that the mercenaries have lost this battle before it even began.

The Yemeni people have become more aware than ever, and they are no longer fooled by media distortions or attempts to fabricate fictitious battles to distract from the reality of the American aggression.

Over the years of aggression, the mercenaries have tried to portray themselves as a legitimate party, but the truth that has become clear to all is that they were merely tools implementing the American agenda.

Today, after the American aggression has removed all their masks, they no longer even have the ability to claim independence or patriotism.

Evidence has proven that those who bet on American protection are betting on a mirage. America, which has used agents everywhere, has never been loyal to anyone. Whenever its tools have served their purpose, it consigns them to the dustbin of history.

The mercenaries who promote American aggression will be no exception to this rule; their fate will be like that of all the traitors who preceded them.

The Yemeni people, who have faced an international coalition that has tried to break them by all means, have not and will not be an easy target for the invaders' delusions. The million-strong marches that took place in Yemeni cities yesterday are the strongest response to all attempts at deception and the clearest message that Yemen will not be defeated or subjugated, no matter how intense the aggression.

In this context, it becomes clear that the American aggression against Yemen was not merely a military action, but rather part of a comprehensive strategy aimed at destabilizing the region and attempting to dissuade Yemen from supporting Palestine. However, experience has shown that Yemen stands firm in the face of these attempts.

The role of Yemenis is not limited to resisting direct aggression alone; it extends to confronting the media war aimed at weakening the morale of the people. In every popular march and in every situation, Yemenis demonstrate their determination not to succumb to any external pressure.

On the contrary, they set an example of steadfastness and sacrifice, turning every battle into an opportunity to prove their strength and their right to live with dignity.

Today, as the voices of mercenaries in the service of colonial projects grow louder, the Yemeni people continue to raise the banners of dignity and resistance, affirming that the war is not merely a confrontation with foreign forces, but a battle to liberate the nation from colonialism that continues to threaten its national security.

These marches, which raise the flags of Yemen and Palestine together, confirm that the battle no longer concerns Yemen alone, but rather the nation's battle against American and Zionist colonial projects. Yemen, which has endured all challenges, is proving stronger, more resilient, and more determined to confront the aggression to the end.

The mercenaries are now at their weakest, having lost all justification for their existence. Their only option is to please their masters in Washington by promoting American aggression. This will not change the reality of the situation.

The Yemeni people know them well and know that their fate will be nothing but shame and disgrace, while Yemen remains steadfast and proud, uncompromising on its issues and unbending before any invading force.


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UPDATED ON :Wed, 19 Mar 2025 05:21:05 +0300