Gaza - Saba:
Lebanese political analyst Dr. Othman Othman said that the Yemeni position is historic, and that "Ansar Allah" is the most credible in supporting Gaza, based on a deep belief in the importance of support in light of the great support the entity receives from Western powers.
Othman, a presenter on Al Jazeera, told Palestine newspaper that the Yemeni position will interact and escalate their supportive role for Palestine, until they achieve their goal of stopping the US-backed Israeli aggression on Gaza.
"The brutal American force on Yemen will not domesticate Ansar Allah, nor will it make them lose their patriotism and their sincere nationalism in solidarity with Palestine and its people," he said.
Othman explained that America, which has become a pariah due to its participation in the aggression against Gaza alongside the Israeli occupation, will be forced to retreat in the face of the Yemeni naval attacks.
He noted that the Yemeni support will lead to pressure from regional and international parties on the Israeli occupation to force it to stop its aggression on Gaza and respond to the conditions of the Palestinian resistance, in order to avoid commercial losses resulting from the naval confrontation.
Said Ziad, a Palestinian political analyst, said, "The US administration will soon realize that its slide into Yemen will put it in front of two bitter options: Either a long war of attrition with heavy losses beyond what Trump, who does not want war, envisions, or retreat and pressure to stop the Gaza war, which is the least costly and safest option."

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