SANA'A, Oct. 27 (Saba) -Saudi Arabia and UAE revealed their ugly faces in occupation and sharing of Yemen to areas, plundering its natural resources and exploiting its geo-strategic location.
As the United Arab Emirates attempt to secure the Yemeni island of Socotra are evidence it is seeking to reinforce its political clout in Yemen and ultimately further afield.
The world sees the destruction of Saudi Arabia and UAE of the charming and rare environment in Socotra Island and creating uncensored camps amid dubious international silence.
Saudi Arabia and the UAE entered Israel to Socotra, with the aim of separating the island from Yemeni map.
A Yemeni tribal leader has accused the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia of letting Israel onto its island of Socotra.
The accusation came in a statement by Issa Salem bin Yaqut, the chief of tribes in Socotra, who warned against undermining Yemeni sovereignty on the island and called for expelling Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Bin Yaqut also accused Riyadh and Abu Dhabi of "destroying the charming and rare environmental landmarks on Socotra Island and establishing camps amid terrible international silence."
Here we wonder.. Why this suspicious silence about what happen in Socotra and what UAE occupation state do in aden, its port and port of Al-Mekha?
The UAE is seeking greater influence in Socotra, having built a military base there, installing communications networks, and carrying out other development projects - similar to its policies elsewhere in Yemen such as Aden and Mukalla.
The Socotra Island has an ecological nature that is uncommon and the strangest in the world. Two thirds of creatures and trees on the island are not found anywhere else on the planet. They were added to the World Heritage List in 2008. The island enjoys a strategic location that tempts the colonial military forces.
The island is located near the strategic strait (Bab al-Mandab), which makes the military concentration on the island greatly affect the Arabian Peninsula and Horn of Africa, and threatening the global trade.
Currently, 25 million Yemenis have no choice but to mobilize publicly and call for resistance to Saudi-Emirati colonialism and restoring of national sovereignty and liberating of the country's occupied territories.