Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemns settler attacks in occupied territories

Yemen News Agency SABA
Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemns settler attacks in occupied territories
[17/ November/2022]

RAMALLAH November 17. 2022 (Saba)- The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned today, Thursday, attacks of settlers and their escalating terrorist orgies against citizens in the occupied territories.

The (Ma'an) news agency quoted the ministry in a statement as saying: "These continuous attacks are carried out with the protection of the enemy's army and its hearing and sight, in a clear distribution of roles to achieve settler colonial goals and suppress Palestinian citizens."

The ministry held the Zionist enemy and its various arms fully and directly responsible for these attacks, which rise to the crimes' level that threaten citizens' lives.

The ministry called on the enemy to stop providing protection to elements of Jewish terrorism, to curb them, to dismantle their operating bases in the occupied West Bank, to dry up their sources of funding, to deprive them of any legitimacy, and to lift the cover for them.


resource : SABA