Islamic Jihad to (Saba): International injustice to Palestinian people stands behind large number of Jabalia fire's victims

Yemen News Agency SABA
Islamic Jihad to (Saba): International injustice to Palestinian people stands behind large number of Jabalia fire's victims
[19/ November/2022]
GAZA November 19. 2022 (Saba)- The leader of the Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine, D. Jamil Elyan that the international and global injustice to the Palestinian people stands behind the large number of victims of the fire that occurred the day before yesterday in the Jabalia camp for Palestinian refugees in the northern Gaza Strip.

D. Alyan said in a special statement to the Yemeni news agency (Saba), that "this unjust world, which forced the burnt (Abu Raya) family to flee from its original village inside the occupied territories in 1948 to the Gaza Strip and the camps of misery and diaspora, is responsible for this calamity."

He added, "We offer our condolences to our people, our nation, and the (Abu Raya) family for this great loss, as we miss 21 Palestinian citizens who died in a huge fire caused by the international blockade that uprooted the Palestinian people from their land."

He continued, saying: "Palestinian grievance is the responsibility of the international community to protect the Palestinians and return them to their occupied lands until this problem ends, and we hold the Zionist enemy besieging the Gaza Strip responsible for this heinous crime."

The leader of the Islamic Jihad movement pointed out that as long as there is an occupation and as long as there is a siege that has been going on for more than 15 years of the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian people will continue to pay the bill for injustice.

Yesterday, the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip mourned the bodies of the martyrs of the "Abu Raya" family who died in the fire, in a new tragedy added to the tragedies of the Palestinian people who suffer from killing, oppression and almost daily abuse at the hands of the Zionist enemy and its settlers.


resource : SABA