Hamas: Zionist Nationality Law is violation of our people's rights


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas: Zionist Nationality Law is violation of our people's rights
[12/ January/2023]
GAZA January 12. 2023 (Saba)- The Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" affirmed today, Thursday, that the enemy's "Knesset" endorsed an occupation bill that provides for the deportation of prisoners of Al-Quds and occupied Palestine in 48 AD, as an intensifying violation of the people's rights to their land and their historical homeland.
The website (Palestine Online) quoted the movement in a press statement as saying: "The law is an open Judaizing occupation policy to forcibly deport our people."
The movement added: "Our people will not be intimidated by arbitrary racist laws, from continuing their struggle against the enemy and its fascist policies, and will remain a protective shield for this blessed land and for our Islamic and Christian sanctities."
The movement noted that the matter requires an Arab, Islamic and international position that rejects and pressures the enemy, by taking decisions and punitive measures to stop this crime that contradicts the natural rights of the Palestinian people.
Hamas stressed that our people in Al-Quds and our lands occupied in 1948 will remain attached to their land and homeland, and an integral component of the Palestinian people, their identity and their civilization that extends throughout history.

resource : SABA