Hamas: Rallies thwart enemy's plans in the gate of Mercy


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas: Rallies thwart enemy's plans in the gate of Mercy
[30/ April/2023]
GAZA April 30. 2023 (Saba) - The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) confirmed on Sunday that the gathering and rallies in the courtyards of al-Aqsa Mosque thwarted the plans of the Zionist enemy in the gate of mercy.

The Palestine Online website quoted movement's spokesman for the city of Jerusalem Mohammed Hamadeh in a statement as saying "The enemy is seeking to have a foothold in al-Aqsa Mosque through the aggression against in the gate of Mercy."

Hamadeh added "The enemy's targeting the gate of Mercy aims to establish the alleged temple, demolish the mosque, and convert the the gate into a Jewish synagogue."

Hamadeh continued "The Arab and Islamic peoples must support our people in Jerusalem and sever ties with the Zionist entity."

He indicated that the enemy is trying to establish new facts in al-Aqsa Mosque and legitimize its presence there, by attacking the gate.

Hamadeh called for the need to escalate the confrontation at points of contact with the occupation to protect the gate from settler attacks.

resource : Saba