Oil Deputy Minister briefs on supply situation in Bayda


Yemen News Agency SABA
Oil Deputy Minister briefs on supply situation in Bayda
[28/ May/2023]
BAYDA May 28. 2023 (Saba) - Deputy Minister of Oil and Acting Executive Director of the Yemen Oil and Gas Company Yasser al-Wahidi in Bayda province on Sunday briefed on the supply situation at the gas stations.

Al-Wahidi inspected the gas stations in the city of Rada'a, al-Malajem, and al-Kour station in Bayda district and listened to an explanation from Director of the Office of Industry and Trade Ahmed al-Tahri about the difficulties facing the gas stations, and the shortage of quantities due to the population density.

The Deputy Minister of Oil confirmed that the company will work to overcome difficulties and solve problems that impede the progress of work.

He stressed the need to work in a team spirit to serve the citizens and cover their gas needs within the geographical scope of each facility and station.

resource : Saba