Blockade on Yemen... Crime against humanity

Yemen News Agency SABA
Blockade on Yemen... Crime against humanity
[16/ July/2023]
SANA'A July 16. 2023 (Saba) - The unjust blockade on Yemen, by air, land and sea, left a severe impact on the joints of daily life in Yemen and threatened the commercial and industrial movement to stop and caused great damage to the health and agricultural sectors as well as touched even the small details of the daily life of the Yemeni citizen.

The blockade imposed by the countries of aggression is part of the war crimes against humanity against the Yemeni people because of its devastating effects and left an entire people suffering bitter repercussions, in full view of the international community, which stands by and claims to glorify human rights.

The social and economic conditions in Yemen have deteriorated very quickly due to the disruption of trade and the closure of ports and airports by the countries of aggression, which left a severe shortage in the entire commercial process and a decline in humanitarian operations.

Because of the continued blockade and the ban imposed on Sana’a International Airport and the rest of the airports, travel abroad has been restricted, especially for patients, who are tens of thousands who must travel for treatment, especially those with incurable diseases, which led to many deaths, the latest of which was the death of a female Yemeni citizen last Friday while boarding a plane of the Yemen Airways at Sana'a International Airport heading to the Kingdom of Jordan, affected by the complications of the disease she has been suffering from for a long time, and the aggravation of her health condition due to the imposed blockade that prevented her from traveling early for treatment. The condition of this Yemeni patient applies to thousands of similar disease cases.

The continuation of the blockade exacerbates the suffering of a large segment of the Yemeni poeple, especially those who suffer from the disease, especially after the reduction of flights through Sana'a International Airport from six flights per week to only three flights to one destination, Jordan, in addition to the difficulty of obtaining reservations.

In light of the absolute silence of the United states and its allies in Western Europe regarding the issue of the blockade in Yemen, it is raised many questions and proved the falsehood of the claims of those countries that claim to work for human rights and principles related to human dignity.

The United Nations was supposed to assume its responsibilities in this regard, as it is the international body concerned with facilitating the entry of food and health commodity imports through Yemeni ports and airports, but it remained in place and siding with the countries of aggression despite its recognition of the growing humanitarian crisis in Yemen.


resource : Saba