SANA'A November 21. 2023 (Saba) - The Ministry of Human Rights condemned in the strongest terms the Zionist enemy’s targeting of the Al-Mayadeen TV team in southern Lebanon, which led to the martyrdom of its correspondents Farah Omar and Rabie Al-Maamari.
In a statement, a copy of which was received by Saba, the Ministry of Human Rights considered the Zionist enemy’s targeting of Al-Mayadeen TV correspondents a heinous crime that falls within the framework of the policy of terrorization and intimidation pursued by the usurping entity against media professionals and journalists.
It indicated that this crime will not affect Al-Mayadeen Channel, but it will remain committed to its free humanitarian media mission, placing itself and its capabilities in serving the causes of truth, most notably Palestine. It expressed its admiration for the enthusiasm and courage of the Al-Mayadeen Channel team in conveying the brutal picture of the American-Zionist aggression against civilians, women and children in Palestine and southern Lebanon.
The statement stressed that this heinous Zionist crime, an attempt to overthrow the free media voice and a deepening of the crimes committed against the nation, comes in the context of the Israeli violations directed against freedom of opinion and expression, and is conclusive evidence that a free word is no less effective than a bullet.
The Ministry of Human Rights statement stated that the voice of truth and defense of human rights will remain loud and prominent in pursuing the occupation and its murderous leaders, indicating that Al-Mayadeen Channel is today paying the price for its effort in shedding light on what the Israeli enemy is committing.
The statement said, “We are reminded of the targeting of media professionals by the Zionist enemy entity, which has reached more than 63 journalists who have been martyred so far in a month and a half, in addition to the injury of dozens. This represents a bloody toll of journalist victims during modern wars and conflicts and the largest massacre of journalists in modern history, with premeditation with premeditation and premeditation by the usurping entity.”
The statement pointed out that the Zionist enemy’s targeting of media outlets and free media is targeting the truth and evidence that proves its heinous crimes, obliterating its truth, and the brutality of its crimes of murder, abuse, and displacement, which have no parallel in the world.
The statement added, "The occupation is working to promote lies and fallacies in order to distort the Palestinian resistance in world public opinion, and to attract sympathy even though the Palestinian people are defending their land and honor and are subjected to a genocidal war."
The statement considered this crime a blatant challenge to the rules of international and humanitarian law and the Fourth Geneva Convention, which stipulates the protection of journalists, and a clear violation of the text of Security Council Resolution No. 2222, which stresses the need to protect journalism professionals and individuals associated with them as civilians.
The Ministry of Human Rights denounced the humiliating silence of the countries of the so-called free world in perpetuating the right to media, calling on all international organizations and UN bodies to condemn this criminal act.
resource : Saba